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你知道哪些令人拍案叫绝的英语成语翻译? 第1页


user avatar   liu-jing-26-9 网友的相关建议: 

1. white night 不眠之夜

2. spare no effort不遗余力

3. Money talks.有钱能使鬼推磨

4. Achilles' heel 致命要害

5. Love me, love my dog爱屋及乌

6. a drop in the bucket 沧海一粟

7. speak of the devil 说曹操,曹操到

8. play it by ear 见机行事

9. Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待

10. Let nature take its course.顺其自然

11. bite off more than one can chew不自量力

12. self-created suspicion杯弓蛇影

13. Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见(眼见为实)

14. let bygones be bygones既往不咎

15. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。

16.Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。

17. There are no waves without wind. There's no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪

18. worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst. 比上不足比下有余

19. going too far is as bad as not going far enough过犹不及

20. Everything comes to him who waits.功夫不负有心人

21. It is a sin to steal a pin.勿以恶小而为之

22. Revenge is a dish that could be eaten cold.君子报仇,十年不晚。

23. Every dog has its day. 风水轮流转

24. It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog.欲加之罪,何患无辞?

25. find quarrel in a straw 鸡蛋里挑骨头

26. A stitch in time saves nine.小洞不补,大洞吃苦。

27. once in a blue moon 千载难逢

28. like a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳

29. to fish in the troubled water 浑水摸鱼

30. as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛

31. castle in the air 空中楼阁

32. to burn the boat 破釜沉舟

33. to be on the thin ice 如履薄冰

34. as dumb as an oyster; as silent as the graves; as close as wax 守口如瓶

35. as poor as a Church mouse 一贫如洗

36. as strong as a horse 健壮如牛

37. to bleed like a pig/to wake a sleeping dog 血流如注

38. to cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴

39. to paint the lily 画蛇添足

40. to help a lame dog over a stile 雪中送炭

41. as easy as falling off a log 易如反掌

42. Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见

43. A slow sparrow should make an early start. 笨鸟先飞

44. Gold can’t be pure and man can’t be perfect. 金无足赤,人无完人

45. Treasures fill the home 金玉满堂

46. be down-to-earth 脚踏实地

user avatar   literatus-oasis 网友的相关建议: 

1. Up in the air: 悬而未决

2. Out of the woods: 摆脱困境/走出阴霾

3. Not all there: 智商掉线/呆头呆脑

4. Over the moon: 欣喜若狂/喜出望外

5. Whip into shape: 重新振作/重整旗鼓

6. Jump the gun: 操之过急 /行事鲁莽

7. Shop till you drop: 疯狂购物

8. Hit a brick wall: 一筹莫展/走投无路

9. Pinch me moment: 难以置信/不可思议

10. Eureka moment: 恍然大悟/醍醐灌顶

11. Pack a punch: 效果彰显/影响深远

12. Set apart: 特立独行/卓尔不群

13. Cut the mustard: 符合预期/达到目标

14. Back on track: 重回正轨/走出低迷

15. The cherry on top: 锦上添花/精益求精

16. Blow away the cobwebs: 振作精神

17. Bite the bullet: 勉为其难/咬牙坚持

18. Second to none: 登峰造极/无与伦比

19. Take the cake: 无出其右/无以复加

20. A feast for the eyes: 美轮美奂/美不胜收

21. Go off at/on: 大发雷霆/勃然大怒

22. Leave no stone unturned: 竭尽全力

23. Spare no efforts: 不遗余力

24. Tie the knot: 情定终身/永结同心

25. The meat of it: 关键环节/本质内容

26. Run of the mill: 庸庸碌碌/平淡无奇

27. Hot on the heels of: 紧随其后

28. Bend the knee: 甘拜下风/俯首称臣

29. Off the plan: 未来规划

30. At the mercy of: 受人摆布/任人宰割

31. Under the thumb of: 仰人鼻息/寄人篱下

32. A stab in the back: 背信弃义/背义负信

33. Making waves: 制造事端/惹是生非

34. Shoot oneself in the foot: 弄巧成拙

35. Flex one's muscles: 炫耀实力/展示力量

36. Judge a book by its cover: 以貌取人

37. Hold all the aces: 稳操胜券/万无一失

38. Out for blood: 怒不可遏/穷凶极恶

39. Born to the purple: 出身显赫/官宦世家

40. Shoot to fame: 一鸣惊人/一夕成名

41. dead heat :棋逢对手/伯仲之间/旗鼓相当

42. get blood from a stone:缘木求鱼/枉费心机

43. herding cats: 枉费心机/徒劳无功

44. Bob's your uncle: 十拿九稳/唾手可得

45. nickel-and-dime: 鸡毛蒜皮/斤斤计较

46. go through the roof: 价格飞涨/大发雷霆

47. fly off the handle: 勃然大怒/怒不可遏

48. take it on the chin: 坦然面对/默默承受

49. sitting duck: 坐以待毙/任人宰割

50. on your mettle: 竭尽全力/尽心竭力

51. six ways from Sunday: 想方设法/穷尽手段

52. on cloud nine: 欣喜若狂/喜出望外

53. hit the spot: 心满意足/正中下怀

54. let the cat out of the bag: 走漏风声

55. get it together: 改过自新/振作精神

56. smoking gun: 确凿证据/铁证如山

57. rose-tinted glasses: 盲目/过度乐观

58. grey eminence: 幕后操纵/幕后指使

59. leap in the dark: 铤而走险/孤注一掷

60. bend over backwards: 想方设法/费尽心力

61. be on last legs: 气数已尽/精疲力尽

62. smoke and mirrors: 云山雾罩/故弄玄虚

63. a red herring: 转移焦点/掩人耳目

64. showboating: 哗众取宠/炫耀技巧

65. tit for tat: 针锋相对/冤冤相报

66. saved by the bell: 死里逃生/九死一生

67. an uphill task: 艰巨任务/艰险历程

68. to face down: 坦然面对/沉着应战

69. stand/walk tall: 自信满满/踌躇满志

70. off the beaten track: 荒无人烟/不毛之地

71. jump through hoops: 绞尽脑汁/费尽心力

72. nutty as a fruitcake: 疯疯癫癫/怪里怪气

73. kiss someone's ring: 阿谀奉承/溜须拍马

74. stink to high heaven: 卑鄙下流/寡廉鲜耻

75. to go rogue: 为所欲为/肆意妄为/自行其是

76. chase the bottom line: 唯利是图/见钱眼开

77. drive away the blues: 消除烦恼/排解忧愁

78. take the heat off: 缓解压力/放松心情

79. take it all in: 充分了解/尽情欣赏

80. to grapple with: 面对困境/处境艰难

81. bread and water: 粗茶淡饭/维持温饱

82. put one's stamp on something: 影响深刻

83. take a heavy toll on: 严重损害/严重破坏

84. put one's mind to: 集中精力/认真应对

85. a tall order: 谈何容易/绝非易事

86. be set in one's ways: 一成不变/思想僵化

87. come to terms with: 认清形势/面对现实

88. from hero to zero: 身败名裂/信誉扫地

89. down and out: 穷困潦倒/朝不保夕

90. on the fence: 模棱两可/举棋不定

91. to stop at nothing: 不顾一切/不择手段

92. to feel the crunch: 囊中羞涩/捉襟见肘

93. to buckle under: 完全坍塌/彻底崩溃

94. to knuckle under: 俯首帖耳/唯唯诺诺

95. to defy belief: 难以置信/匪夷所思

96. by the book: 遵纪守法/循规蹈矩

97. to walk a fine line: 不偏不倚/谨小慎微

98. on the nose: 精确无误/恰到好处

99. out of touch: 脱离现实/不切实际

100. without a hitch: 一帆风顺/手到擒来

101. to ride out the storm: 逃出生天/全身而退

102. in the thick of it: 应接不暇/疲于奔命

103. to go belly up: 彻底破产/一败涂地

104. off to a running start: 拔得头筹/占得先机

105. off and running: 顺风顺水/风生水起

106. to throw a bone to: 笼络人心/小恩小惠

107. to miss the boat/bus: 追悔莫及/错失良机

108. to go to town on: 大张旗鼓/无所顾忌

user avatar   gua-niu-gua-niu-deng-deng-wo-20 网友的相关建议: 

1.一言为定.It's a deal.

2.吉人天相. (猫有九条命.)A cat has nine lives.

3.爱屋及乌.Love me,love my dog.

4.毛手毛脚.All hands.

5.洗耳恭听.All ears.

6.笨手笨脚.All thumbs.

7.说来话长.It's a long story.

8.善有善报.Kindness always begets Kindness.


What you do want done to yuorself,do not do to other.

10.智者寡言.No wisdom like silence.

11.借刀杀人.Killing someone with a borrowed knife.

12.万事开头难.It is the first step that costs trouble some.

13.以逸待劳Waiting at one's ease for the exhausted efbmy.

14.趁火打劫Plundering a burning house.

15.声东击西.Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west.

16.无中生有.Creating something out of nothing.

17.暗度陈仓.Advancing secretly by an unknown path.

18.隔岸观火.Watching a fire from the other side of the river.

19.笑里藏刀.Covering the dagger with a smile.

20.李代桃僵.palming off substitute for the real thing.

21.蓄势而发.accumulate strength for a take-off.

22.心想事成.May all your wish come true.

23.心照不宣.have a tacit understanding; give tacitconsent; tacit understanding.

24.先入为主.First impressions are firmly entrenched.

25.先下手为强.catch the ball before the bound.

26.现身说法.warn people by taking oneself as anexample .

27.息事宁人.pour oil on troubled waters.

28.喜忧参半.mingled hope and fear.

29.循序渐进.step by step.

30.有识之士.people of vision.

31.有勇无谋.use brawn rather than brain.

32.与时俱进.advance with times.

33.以人为本.people oriented; people foremost.

34.因材施教.teach students according to theiraptitude.

35.纸上谈兵.be an armchair strategist.


user avatar   dan-xiao-gui-84-79 网友的相关建议: 


一个up用古筝弹了Rolling in the deep……



user avatar   bo-feng-shui-men-2002 网友的相关建议: 

I’m waiting




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