(Thank you so much @SusanChul for an awesome translation!)
这是一种叫做T 喉塞音(
t在鼻音前。(fountain → foun'ain, button → but'en)
t在辅音前。 (department → depar'ment, just beat it → jus' beat it)
当t作为单词中的最后一个字母时。 (what → whu', but → bu')
t在元音字母前。 (get it out → ge' it ou')
American English Pronunciation Podcasts - When Americans omit the t sound.
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This is a pronunciation habit called
T-glottalization[1]. The t sound is replaced by a
glottal stop, which sounds like pause or a gap in speaking.
There are four common cases where it occurs.
Here's a pronunciation lesson that talks specifically about t-dropping
American English Pronunciation Podcasts - When Americans omit the t sound.
http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T _glottalization