‘Verstehen’ (‘understand’) primes ‘stehen’ (‘stand’): Morphological structure overrides semantic compositionality in the lexical representation of German complex verbs
发表于2014年 Journal of Memory and Language , 期刊本身IF 3.059 引用评分7.7 。这篇文章引用数60+ 我觉得可以证明学术界也真的有人认真想过为什么,哈哈 但是我本人是学渣,看期刊太累了,如果我写的有什么不对的还请大神们指正吧
大致总结就是在德语和欧洲语系的漫长发展历程中,因为故意的区分,或者是传播上的便捷性,或者是教育的发展和受众对于音韵和语义的平衡中,understand/verstehen 这个单词,和很多类似的单词,在构义时以核心动词为主而弱化了语义透明度(semantic transparency),understand/verstehen 是形态学主导了语义,历史的发展中,单音节的词被选择。大白话就是,这类型的词强调了“stand”,其他前缀啥的不重要,人民的选择是哪个好发音哪个通顺哪个好记就选了那个,语义受stand影响。
当然论文给了很多很多的模型和例子,后来的引用文章也作了更多类似单词的探讨,比如英语单词repeat,典型的re前缀而德语用的 herhalen;德语对于carry这个词的deviations 也很有趣: hintragen(carry to), fortragen (carry away) 等等,但我就不细讲了(怕错也怕丢脸) 。
确实再翻查古德语,甚至和德语很相近的丹麦语,能找到 under+standana, understantan, understande 这些也在一段时间内表示过“理解”(understand)的词义。
根据我找到的资料,推荐联系明尼苏达大学的人文学院日耳曼语和斯拉夫语系(GNSD,Department of German, Nordic, Slavic & Dutch。 从《简明英语词源解析词典》作者Anatoly Liberman 搜索到的)。
under- 这个词缀,可能不是“在下面”,必须要查词源词典才能确定的。
Old English under (prep.) "beneath, among, before, in the presence of, in subjection to, under the rule of, by means of," also, as an adverb, "beneath, below, underneath," expressing position with reference to that which is above, from Proto-Germanic *under- (source also of Old Frisian under, Dutch onder, Old High German untar, German unter, Old Norse undir, Gothic undar), from PIE *ndher- "under" (source also of Sanskrit adhah "below;" Avestan athara- "lower;" Latin infernus "lower," infra "below").
Productive as a prefix in Old English, as in German and Scandinavian (often forming words modeled on Latin ones in sub-). Notion of "inferior in rank, position, etc." was present in Old English. With reference to standards, "less than in age, price, value," etc., late 14c. As an adjective, "lower in position; lower in rank or degree" from 13c. Also used in Old English as a preposition meaning "between, among," as still in under these circumstances, etc. (though this may be an entirely separate root; see understand).
可以看到很有可能在古英语 understand 里面的 under- 来源于其他地方,不是“在下面”的意思。
under- 确实是“在下面”的意思。
ver- 这个词缀,可能不是“倒着”的意思,必须要查词源词典才能确定的。
mittelhochdeutsch ver-, althochdeutsch fir-, far-, mittelniederdeutsch vör-, vor-; entstanden aus mehreren Präfixen mit etwa den Bedeutungen „heraus-“, „vor-, vorbei-“ und „weg-“ (zu einem Substantiv mit der Bedeutung „das Hinausführen über …“)
通过英文翻译(我看不懂德语),可知好几个词缀是同源的,ver- , fir- ,far 等等,表达的意思是指"out-", "before-, past-" 和 "away-" (在名词前面还有 "leading beyond..." 的意思)。
下面是etymology online 给出的解释:
understand (v.)
Old English understandan "to comprehend, grasp the idea of, receive from a word or words or from a sign the idea it is intended to convey; to view in a certain way," probably literally "stand in the midst of," from under + standan "to stand" (see stand (v.)).
If this is the meaning, the under is not the usual word meaning "beneath," but from Old English under, from PIE *nter- "between, among" (source also of Sanskrit antar "among, between," Latin inter "between, among," Greek entera "intestines;" see inter-).
verstehen Vb.
‘wahrnehmen, begreifen, geistig erfassen, etw. beherrschen, deutlich hören’, auch (reflexiv) ‘mit jmdm. auskommen, gleiche Interessen, Ansichten haben’,
ahd. firstantan, -stān, -stēn
‘wahrnehmen, geistig auffassen, erkennen’, aber auch ‘im Wege stehen, versperren, verwehren’ (8. Jh.),
mhd. verstān, verstēn
‘wahrnehmen, geistig auffassen’, auch ‘stehenbleiben, aufhören, jmdn. vertreten, verteidigen’, reflexiv ‘einsehen, verständig sein’,
asächs. farstandan ‘stehenbleiben, verhindern, verstehen’, forstān ‘verstehen’,
mnd. vorstān,
mnl. verstaen,
nl. verstaan,
aengl. forstandan ‘vor jmdm. schützend stehen, ihn verteidigen, Einhalt tun, einsehen, verstehen’ sind westgerm.
Präfixbildungen zu dem unter stehen (s. d.) behandelten Verb. Verstand m. ‘Fähigkeit zu denken, zu urteilen’, ahd. firstant ‘Weisheit’ (8. Jh.), danach frühnhd. verstant ‘Verständnis, Verständigung’ und in der heutigen Bedeutung (16. Jh.). verständig Adj. ‘einsichtig, besonnen, verständnisvoll’, mhd. verstendic ‘einsichtig, aufmerkend’; verständigen Vb. ‘jmdn. benachrichtigen, unterrichten’, reflexiv ‘sich verständlich machen, sich mit jmdm. einigen’ (16. Jh.).
verständlich Adj. ‘deutlich, leicht faßbar’;
vgl. ahd. firstantantlīh (9. Jh., unfirstantlīhho Adv. ‘gefühllos’),
mhd. verstentlich, vom Verb ahd. firstantan (s. oben) abgeleitet;
Verständlichkeit f. ‘akustische Hörbarkeit’ (15. Jh.), ‘geistige Klarheit, Faßlichkeit’ (18. Jh.), anfangs besonders ‘Verständigkeit, Verständnis, Verstand’ (15./16. Jh.), wofür mhd. verstentlīcheit. Verständnis n. ‘das Verstehen(können), Einfühlungsvermögen’, älter ‘Einvernehmen’,
ahd. firstantnissa, -nissi, -nessi (9. Jh.),
mhd. verstantnisse, verstentnisse ‘geistige Fassungskraft, Denkvermögen, Verständnis, Einsicht, Verstand’, gebildet zum Verb
ahd. firstantan (s. oben);
verständnisvoll Adj.
verständnislos Adj. (19. Jh.), zuvor verstand(es)voll, verstand(es)los (17. Jh.).
verstehen 听清,听懂,理解,谅解。
古高地德语 firstantan, -stān, -stēn,听懂,理解,也表示站在路中间(8世纪)。
中古德语 verstān, verstēn ,听懂,理解,也表示 “stop, stop, represent, defend”。
古萨克森语 farstandan,停止,阻止,理解。
古萨克森语 forstān ,理解。
中古低地德语 vorstān ,理解。
中古荷兰语 verstaen ,理解。
现代荷兰语 verstaan ,理解。
古英语 forstandan ,理解。
// 为了方便起见,这里中文 “理解” 表示现代英语 “understand” , 也表示现代德语 “verstehen” 。
pp 210-214, An Analytic Dictionary of English Etymology, An Introduction (2008):
OE. forstandan, OHG firstantan, firstan 'verstehen' may have meant primarily 'stand before,' and hence 'watch, observe, perceive'. And just as the "stand" component semantically relates to perception, standpoint rather than physical posture, the "under" component is actually more among, within rather than beneath, supporting.
Be warned that if you follow the above link, you're looking at six pages of densely-packed analysis of the etymology of understand; attempts to summarise it here are somewhat futile.
《简明英语词源解析词典》(An Analytic Dictionary of English Etymology, An Introduction (2008))里面所说,大概有6点:
1、古英语 understandan 只是印欧语言以 stand 为词根的一个变体,在西日耳曼语里,int-,fir-(古高地德语)、for-(古英语),ur-(古弗里斯兰语)与 under- 一起竞争同一词根借以组成单词。
2、其他口语来源可能于 under- 结合,就像是中古英语中的 understandan 和 undergi(e)tan 。
3、中古英语 under- 意思是 “under”(在下面)和 “between / among”(在之间),这把问题推到了“站在物体之间” 还是“站在物体之下”,取决于观察的角度来选取一个介词。
4、然而,under- 是 *und- 的扩展词,那么最初的想法可能是一种分隔,接近于“站在某物体旁边”。 understandan 中的 under- 的意思可能是 “among ”(在之间)。
5、古英语 forstandan 和 古高地德语 firstantan 的来源并不是特别清楚。有很多含义相似的动词都有“明白、理解”的意思,这也意味着理顺这个词的来龙去脉并不是必须的。
因为古英语 for- 和古高地德语 fir- 的起源是模糊的,最初这个词缀的含义是不清楚的。
forstandan 和 undirgi(e)tan ,都表达的是“理解”。在这样一个混合的过程中,弄清楚under- 的词源是没有意义的。 在总结中留下了开放式的问题:古英语 undirgi(e)tan 和 forstandan 以及相应的 under- 和 for- 这些词的最早引申义的起源是什么。
4. The picture that emerges from the foregoing discussion can be summarized as follows: 1) OE understandan is one of many verbs in the Indo-European languages with a verbal root for ‘stand’ and a prefix, the whole meaning ‘get to know, comprehend.’ In West Germanic, int-, fir- (OHG), for- (OE), and u¤r- (OFr) competed with under- and its cognates in the formation of such verbs. 2) Other verbal roots could be combined with under- and yield (almost) the same meaning, as in OE understandan and undergi(e)tan. OE understandan was first recorded in 888, but its actual age cannot be determined. 3) OE under- meant ‘under’ and ‘between, among,’ which poses the question of whether the reference was to standing under an object and exploring it from the bottom up or standing among several objects and being able to choose the right one. 4) If, however, under- is an extension of *und-, the initial idea might have been one of separation, approximately ‘stand against an object, in order to appropriate it.’ The same interpretation of understandan is possible even if under- meant ‘among.’ 5) The origin of OE forstandan ~ OHG firstantan is not clear in all details. With so many similar verbs meaning ‘understand,’ it is not necessary to reconstruct a concrete situation (a legal process, for example) that gave rise to that verb. Since the origin of OE for- ~ OHG fir- is ambiguous (several ancient prefixes may have had for- ~ fir- as their reflexes), the initial meaning of the prefixed verbs is often opaque. If for- ~ fir- in forstandan ~ firstantan designated hindering, impeding, OE forstandan might be synonymous with understandan ‘stand against, separate.’ 6) Given a variety of prefixed verbs of understanding and forgetting, new verbs employing the same model arose easily. It would be enough to have forstandan and undirgi(e)tan, both meaning ‘understand,’ for understandan to come into being. In such a process, reminiscent of blending, the Indo-European etymology of under- would be of no consequence. This summary leaves open the questions about the origin of the earliest metaphor in OE undergi(e)tan and forstandan (assuming that both are older than understandan) and about the equivalence of under- and for- in them. (Understand is not the only word whose prefix under- has piqued the curiosity of linguists, philosophers, and specialists in logic: cf L substantia and Gk ucp’stasij, both of which combine “under” and “stand.”)
简而言之,在早期语言中,构成一个新词是通过动词加一个介词,而这个介词的意思是“在之间”,那么就有了 fir- ,for- ,ver- , under- 等多个词缀构成了同一个意思的词。
而不同语言在长期的演变过程中,渐渐演化成了"ver-stehen" 和 “under-stand”。
古英语 fir- 变成了 for-,最后成了 under-。
而德语期初的 fir-,变成了 ver-,最后成了 verstehen。
“This summary leaves open the questions about the origin of the earliest metaphor in OE undergi(e)tan and forstandan (assuming that both are older than understandan) and about the equivalence of under- and for- in them. ”
粗略地说,查理曼大帝(742 to 814,Charlemagne / Charles I ),开始产生“历史记载”,大约在奥托大帝时期(912-973,Otto I, the Great)才算是“文化兴起”。
“黑暗时代”(Dark Age)指的是 400AD ~ 1000 AD 这段时间,为什么叫“黑暗”?不就是因为历史记载少嘛。
5、如果真的对这个方面感兴趣,可以找找中世纪英语文学和德语文学的手抄本、手稿的数字化的图片,统计在词源里面找到的古英语“forstandan” 、 古英语“undirgi(e)tan”和 古高地德语 “firstantan”,然后比较一下最先出现的年份。然后根据出现的演变过程,看看前人的论述,自己再总结一下就出来了。
再放一张中世纪的手抄本(codex),也是大约在8世纪左右,而且语言还是高地德语和拉丁语的混合(Latin, Alemannic, German)。
Palimpsest-manuscript of the oldest known texts of the Old Testament books of Ezekiel, Daniel and the Minor Prophets
对比一下,宋朝(960年—1279年),古高地德语(750 to 1050)
这里截图(St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek / Cod. Sang. 193)选择的是存世数量较早且较多的8世纪的文献中的随意一部著作。
诺特克 Notker Labeo (c. 950 – 1022) 是古高地德语的集大成者,他是第一位将拉丁文著作翻译成德语的人,他和他的学生系统地将拉丁文献翻译为德语。
如果想要继续深入探索,建议阅读《简明英语词源解析词典》understand 这个词条下的所有引用文献。