1998年春季发生的那次捐金事件被称为金모으기 運動,是一个主权国家在遭遇空前危机时,人民选择了与国共患难,成为了现代社会史上国家与人民之间信任的典范。
youtube.com 的页面明尼苏达日报当年的报道:
South Korea's gold collection campaign draws public support纽约时报在2011年的报道上也有一段关于这个事件的记载:
nytimes.com 的页面The Asian currency crisis is known popularly here as the I.M.F. crisis because the danger of economic collapse forced South Korea to swallow a tough bailout package from the International Monetary Fund that closed big banks and industrial companies, led legions of workers to be laid off and prompted citizens to donate their gold to the national treasury. It was a collective trauma that is remembered here on the scale of the Great Depression in the United States.
BBC News | Analysis2010年欧债危机时,悉尼先驱早报援引韩国捐金运动来抨击希腊人:
South Korea can teach Greece some hard lessons on how to survive a crisis另外,1998年的捐金运动并不是韩国人民第一次选择与国家站在一起。