Populated by over 8 million citizens, the New York City is the biggest city in New York State and the United States of America. With a GMP (gross metropolitan product) of over USD1.3 trillion, the NYC is hailed as a major economic powerhouse of the American East coast. The city's history can be traced back to early 17th century, when Dutch colonists founded the colony of New Amsterdam on the land they purchased from the natives. It was later captured by the British, who changed its name to New York. Some most famous landmarks of the NYC include the Empire State Building, the Headquarters of the United Nations, the World Trade Center, and the Statue of Liberty, a gift from France representing the friendship of the French and American peoples. On September 11, 2001, the WTC's two towers were destroyed with two commercial airliners hijacked by terrorists.
Befolked by over 8 twisand dwellers, the New York Stead is the biggest stead in New York Folkdom and the Oned Folkdoms of Americksland. With a GMY (gross mickleburgh yield) of over OFD1.3 foursand, the NYS is hailed as an overling wealthdomish draughtwain of the Americkish East shore. The stead's happenness stretches back to early 17th yearhundred, when Netherlandish settlers built the settlement of New Amsterdam on the land they bought from the inlanders. It was later taken over by the British, who shifted its name to New York. Some well-known landmarks of the NYS inhold the Rikeland Building, the Headseats of the Oned Theedships, the World Trade Midde, and the Standbild of Selfdom, a gift from Frankland betokening the friendship of the Frankish and Americkish folks. On Haligmonth 11, 2001, the WTM's two steeples were benoughted with two tradewise flycrafts latched by awewhelmers.