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Oxyrhynchus Papyri 有用碳14等纯物理化学的手段进行过年代测定吗? 第1页


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根据爱丁堡大学教授Larry Hurtado的博客文章转述一项他们的研究:

Another part of Dru’s presentation reported on C-14 tests for several manuscripts that had previously been dated palaeographically. These included three NT items, P.Oxyrhynchus 1780 (P39), P.Oxyrhynchus 1353 (Gregory-Aland 0206), the “Wyman fragment” (Gregory-Aland 0220), and a Septuagint manuscript, P.Bodmer XXIV (Rahlfs 2110). In all these cases, the C-14 tests produced most likely dates that were compatible with the palaeographically based dates. Dru estimates that C-14 results are compatible with palaeographical dates in roughly 80% of cases. This cuts both ways, affirming both palaeographical dates and C-14 testing in a high percentage of instances, but also indicating that there remain a smaller percentage of instances where the two approaches don’t agree. This could result from the method used in the palaeographical dating of those particular items, contamination of the sample used in C-14 testing, or other factors.
More on Carbon-14 Dating of Manuscripts

根据会议记录似乎是这个:Josephine K. Dru (Green Collection, USA; guest): “The Comparative Significance of Radiocarbon Results for Nine Internally Dated Documentary Papyri and P39.”但是论文我没找到,估计还没发表。




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