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虐待动物的人会虐待人吗? 第1页


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原文作者:NYSHA Board Member, Harold Hovel, Ph.D.


Home Page | NYSHA Â Â New York State Humane Association





The Connection Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence




Animal cruelty is linked directly or indirectly with every type of violent crime and even with most non-violent crime.


Human beings would benefit enormously if fighting animal cruelty (investigating, prosecuting) were taken seriously. Many human lives would be saved and much human suffering would be prevented.


Violent individuals are “made” and not born. Children are born with a love of animals, but the home environment plays a major role in determining a child’s prosocial or antisocial personality and behavior. Child abuse, neglect, abandonment, and witnessing domestic violence are major factors in creating violent individuals.


Enuresis, arson, and animal cruelty in children are early identifying factors related to future violence. Early intervention may be effective in changing the pathological path a child is taking.


The majority of juvenile crime offenders and school shooters were involved in animal cruelty. Most violent crimes are committed by young people under the age of 30. A majority of prison inmates were involved in animal cruelty at some time in their early lives.

大多数青少年犯罪和校园枪手都涉嫌动物虐待。 大多数暴力犯罪都是30以下的年轻人。大多数囚犯都有早年虐待动物的经历。

Dog fighting involves crimes such as drugs, guns, illegal gambling, pet theft, murder, and gang violence. 30 – 35 fatal dog attacks take place annually by dogs trained for fighting.


Serial killers are closely linked to animal cruelty, so much so that it is exceedingly rare to find one who did not begin his or her career with animal abuse.


Domestic violence (child abuse, spouse battering, and elder abuse) is closely associated with animal cruelty. Perpetrators use animal cruelty to control women and children in abusive situations. Battered women often remain in abusive situations out of fear for their pet. Animal cruelty is 11x more likely in domestic violence households than in non d.v. households.


Stopping domestic violence is a key to reducing our violent culture. Nearly all violent criminals and violent psychiatric patients were abused as children, and nearly all started committing animal cruelty at an early age.


Reasons to Care About Animal Cruelty

For people who care about animals, the question never arises. Animals are living, breathing, sentient beings that cohabit the Earth, that feel joy, love, and happiness, but also suffer and feel pain just as human beings do. Cruelty is incompatible with a caring, moral society where empathy is a venerable quality.对关注动物的人来说,他们根本不会提出这样的问题。动物是鲜活的有呼吸有感情的生命,和我们在地球上一起生活,和我们人类一样,能感受快乐,爱与幸福,也能感受或遭遇痛苦。在这个充满关怀,崇尚道德的社会,同情是一个可贵的品质,残忍是与这个社会不相容的。

For those who don’t care about animals, there are still many reasons to be concerned, reasons in their own self-interest. There is a close connection between animal cruelty and most forms of violent and nonviolent crime. Those who are committing or have committed animal abuse are far more likely to be associated with assault, rape, murder and serial murder, arson, domestic violence, and pedophilia, than are nonanimal abusers. Children who begin their young years abusing other living beings are at higher risk of future criminal behavior.对那些对动物莫不关心的人来说,出自各自的兴趣,他们依然有一些理由关注这个问题。动物虐待和大多数形式的暴力非暴力犯罪紧密相联。那些正在虐待虐待动物的人,或者虐待过动物的人,比那些未虐待动物的人,更有可能会牵扯进殴打、强奸、谋杀、连环谋杀、纵火、家庭暴力、恋童癖这些行为中。幼年时有过虐待其他生命的少年,未来犯罪的几率更高。

None of this is conjecture; it is borne out by countless studies and statistics. So why should we care about cruelty?

Fighting animal cruelty would:

n save many human lives

n prevent much human suffering

n prevent much animal suffering

n help to protect children

n help to protect women, children, and elders from domestic violence

n lead to far less human violence overall

Studies done by the Department of Justice, the FBI, the Association of Chiefs of Police, and many commissioned university professors under contract to these organizations show that animal cruelty is: - a predictor of future human violence; - an identifier of likely suspects; - an
indicator of on-going child, spouse, or elder abuse; - and a felony for the most egregious cruelty incidences in all 50 states.


  • n 反对动物虐待,能拯救很多人的生命;
  • n 反对动物虐待,能阻止很多对人类的伤害;
  • n 反对动物虐待,能阻止很多对动物的伤害;
  • n 反对动物虐待,对儿童保护有益;
  • n 反对动物虐待,有益于保护家暴中的妇女,儿童和老人
  • n 反对动物虐待,能减少暴力犯罪数量


Violent Offenders Are Made, Not Born

暴力犯罪不是天生的 ,而是养成的

Some psychologists and geneticists might contend that there are “bad genes” that predispose a newborn to a life of violence. While genetics may certainly play some role, “nature versus nurture” is a far more powerful influence. A child’s parents are the biggest influences and role models in his or her life. Children brought up with love and understanding, respect, and pro-social values taught at home and elsewhere are on a path to becoming valued and responsible adults that will repeat such a positive upbringing with their own children.


In contrast, a child brought up in an abusive home, undergoing neglect, abandonment, sexual, or physical abuse, or witnessing abuse of his or her mother, learns that violence is a normal way of life, and will very likely repeat that cycle when (and if) they become an adult. Along the way, the child may take out his or her anger and frustration on others weaker than they are, likely starting with animals and often becoming a school bully and a future child or spouse abuser. They may also become involved in violent or non-violent crime.


As statistics from federal and state prisons and criminal psychiatric facilities show: Nearly all violent individuals were abused as children, and over 70% of them began their violent careers with animal cruelty.


If violent offenders are made and not born, why can’t we figure out what makes them and break the cycle?


Decades of study by learned institutions, journals, national science associations, psychology and psychiatric organizations, university professors, and other professional associations all lead to one conclusion:


Domestic violence is the single most important factor that creates violent individuals and perpetuates the cycle of violence.


Combatting domestic violence much more aggressively than society has done in the past would be of enormous benefit to society, and animal cruelty is the way most violent individuals begin.


The degree of violence each year is staggering. The Table below shows yearly averages for several types of violent crimes in the US, averaged over about a 20-year period. Fortunately, violent crime has decreased somewhat after the start of the new century, but remains hugely costly in both human terms and societal terms, representing lost lives, lost productivity, and an enormous drain on resources. The estimated cost of child abuse alone is $124 billion per year [1] while the cost of all violent crime exceeds $450 billion [2]. *


Definitions of Animal Cruelty


Legally, animal cruelty is defined as “Socially Unacceptable Behavior That Intentionally Causes Unnecessary Pain, Suffering, or Distress To and / or Death of an Animal.”

Most Common Forms of Abuse: Excessive punishment; Chaining; Abandonment; Failure to provide sustenance.

Pathological Cruelty To Animals: Beating; Torturing; Burning; Scalding; Freezing, Skinning; Bone Breaking; Whipping; Amputation; Electric Prodding; Mutilation; Freezing; Killing; Crushing; Fighting.

Some crimes: misdemeanor in 50 states, other crimes now a felony in all 50 states as of 2014.


病态的虐待动物方式:殴打,折磨,火烧; 水烫; 寒冻,剥皮,打至断骨,鞭笞,切去肢体,电击,伤害至残,杀戮; 踩踏; 让动物互相搏斗。

FBI: There is a very high correlation of violent children with 3 specific behaviors:



Cruelty to animals

FBI: 3中特定的行为和暴力儿童有非常高的相关性:





Violence in Schools

While school shootings grab the most attention, school violence is more widespread and encompasses more types of crimes. For instance, in 2012 there were over 749,000 non-fatal violent victimizations among students ages 12-18. At the same time, 9% of teachers reported being threatened by a student and 5% reported being physically attacked. An average of 25 student deaths take place in schools every year, as shown in the chart below. Teachers, principals, and other school staff are also victims. Most school homicides are carried out with guns, others with knives and clubs. In 2013, nearly 18% of high school students carried a weapon to school.

虽然校园枪击事件十分抢镜,其实校园暴力比枪击更加广泛,犯罪形式更多。例如,在2012年在12-18岁学龄段发生749,000多件非致命性暴力侵害。同时, 9%的教师报告受到学生威胁,5%的教师报告受到身体攻击。每年发生在学校的学生死亡案件平均25起。教师,校长和其他学校工作人员也成为受害者。大多数校园杀人案件使用手枪,其余用刀和棍棒。 2013年,近18%的高中生携带武器上学。

43 - 50% of school shooters started out by torturing animals.

  • Brenda Spencer (shot 12, killed 2). Set cats on fire.
  • Kip Kinkle (shot 24, killed 2). Tortured 3 animals per day.
  • Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold (shot 36, killed 13). Boasted of mutilating animals for fun.
  • Evan Ramsey (shot 4, killed 2). Stoned dogs.


  • Brenda Spencer(向12人开枪,杀死2人)。将猫丢入火中。
  • Kip Kinkle(向24人开枪,杀死2人)。每天虐待3只动物。
  • Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold (向36人射击,打死13)。以虐待动物为乐,并作为吹嘘的谈资。
  • Evan Ramsey(射击4,杀死2)。用石头砸狗。

Bullying and Suicide

The tragedy of child suicide is very much connected with bullying.

  • 4400 suicides of young people take place per year. For every suicide that takes place, there are at least 100 suicide attempts.
  • Over 14% of high school students have considered suicide and nearly 7% have attempted it.
  • A European study found that at least half of child suicides are related to bullying.



  • 每年发生4400起少年自杀事件。每一期成功自杀事件背后,隐藏着至少100起未遂自杀事件。
  • 超过14%的高中生曾考虑自杀,近7%曾尝试它。
  • 欧洲的某个研究发现,儿童自杀至少有一半都与校园欺凌有关。

Beautiful People lost to Suicide due to Bullying


Bullying and Animal Cruelty


Cruelty to animals is often an indicator of either a bully or a victim displaying anger against the bullying. Bullies are often associated with animal cruelty.

75% of school shooters were either bullies (Kinkle, Johnson) or victims of bullies (Carneal, Woodham, Harris and Klebold). Half the school shooters were torturing animals and bragged about it.


75%的校园枪手要么是恶霸(Kinkle, Johnson)或欺凌的受害者(Carneal, Woodham, Harris and Klebold)。有一半的校园枪手虐待动物并引以为豪。


Child Abuse; Spouse Battering; Elder Abuse

家庭暴力 虐待儿童,虐待配偶,虐待老人

It is an astonishing fact that prior to 1962, there was no officially recognized notion of child abuse (or spouse or elder abuse either for that matter). The medical establishment refused to believe that parents would harm their children. Children entering clinics or hospitals with broken bones, black eyes, bruises covering their bodies were simply accident-prone. One doctor, C. Henry Kempe, refused to believe that all those injuries could be accidents and sent a questionnaire to hospitals around the country, summarizing the findings in the first-ever study of battered children. His work literally sparked a revolution, a long overdue awakening that child abuse was not only taking place but was widespread. Abuse took several forms: physical, sexual, psychological, abandonment, neglect. (Sexual abuse wasn’t “recognized” until the 1980’s.)

令人吃惊的是,直到1962年,虐待儿童(配偶,老人)都没有一个官方认可的概念。医疗机构拒绝相信父母会伤害孩子。因为打断骨头、打肿眼睛、全身瘀青创伤而就诊的儿童都只不过当成意外事件。一个叫C. Henry Kempe的医生拒绝承认这些伤害仅仅是意外,给全国的医院寄来一份调查问卷,总结了他对受虐儿童首次研究的发现。从某种意义上说,他的工作引发了一场革命。促使人们迟来的觉醒:儿童虐待不仅发生,而且范围甚广。虐待形式包括:身体虐待,性虐待,精神虐待,遗弃,漠视。(性虐待直到上世纪80年代才得以认可)

Home: A Criminal Training Ground. Exhaustive studies show the connection between child abuse and criminal behavior. “Parental conflict and harsh, erratic discipline have been shown to contribute to juvenile crime. Abused children are at high risk of becoming involved in crime. Households that provide safety, emotional warmth, and guidance foster the development of noncriminal young people even in neighborhoods at high risk for crime” [11].


There are over 2.7 million cases of child abuse per year with 160,000 serious injuries and 2000 deaths [12]. Many of the children killed in their homes are under the age of 3; 80% are under the age of 4. Every 5 hours a child is abused to death, and the number is growing.


Families involved in child abuse are generally involved in other types of domestic violence including spouse abuse and often in criminal activities including assaults as well [12].


Child Abuse and Animal Abuse. It doesn’t take much of a leap of imagination that parents brutalizing children wouldn’t hesitate to do the same to the household pets. In fact, abuse of the family pet is a major way that brutal parents control the child (or the spouse) to enact silence (about the abuse), create desired behavior, and create a household atmosphere of fear.

The connection between child abuse and animal abuse is 70-80%.


儿童虐待和动物虐待的关联度为 70-80%.

In one study, 23 families were studied where animal abuse was known to be going on. 83% also had children in the household in danger of abuse or neglect [13]. In another study, 53 families were investigated where child abuse was known to be going on (physical, sexual, or neglect). Animal cruelty was also occurring in 60% of these families, and in 88% of the families where the child abuse was specifically physical abuse. To make it worse, in 1/3 of these families, the children were participating in the animal cruelty, following the example of the parents [14].


The chart above demonstrates the never-ending cycle of abuse. Abused boys and girls are 7 to 9 times more likely to become animal abusers themselves and are statistically likely to abuse their own children in the future.


The connection between child and animal abuse is so strong that the FBI officially considers animal cruelty by a child as a likely indicator of ongoing domestic violence to the child and/or the spouse. In 1987, cruelty to animals was outlined as a separate of category of Conduct Disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatric Association. It is a symptom of a disturbed family and a child at risk of a future life of crime. Ironically, it is the family pet, demonstrating loyalty and unconditional love, that could save the children from that antisocial future.


Domestic Violence – Abuse of Women

家庭暴力 - 虐待妇女

Just as child abuse wasn’t recognized until the 1960s, the abuse of women wasn’t recognized until the 1970s [16]. Until then:

• Spousal abuse was not investigated

• The medical profession treating injured women would not report the incident to law enforcement

• Police would not arrest women batterers (“a man’s home is his castle”)

• Prosecutors and judges would not take woman battering seriously (which continues to this day to some degree)


l 配偶虐待不会接受调查

l 治疗受虐妇女的医生不会将事件申报给执法机构

l 警察不会逮捕打女人的男人(“家是男人的城堡”)

l 检察官和法官也不会认真理会被虐妇女(某种意义上说直至今天已是如此)

In 1975, Dr. Lenore Walker began publishing the 1st of 13 books on battered women, and eventually became known as the Mother of the Battered Woman Syndrome. By focusing attention on the issue, she was able to spark a revolution much like Kempe’s over child abuse.

1975年,Lenore Walker博士开始出版了她关于虐待妇女问题的13本著作中的第一部,最终成为受虐妇女综合症的泰斗。因对这一问题的关注,她象关注儿童虐待的Kempe一样,得以开启一场关于虐待的革命。

According to the National Family Violence Survey for 1990, there were 11.6 million victims of violent acts by a partner and 3.4 million cases of severe violence. 31% of female homicides in 1993 were attributed to intimate partners. Only 6.7% of assaults by an intimate partner are reported [18]. Also, as many as 710,000 women are stalked every year by a present or former intimate partner, a crime which terrorizes the victim [19].


The link between domestic violence and animal abuse is as strong as it is with child abuse. For women seeking shelter in safe houses, 71% reported that their partner had threatened, abused, or killed their pet [20-21]. Nationally, 70 to 83% of battered women reported that their partner had abused or killed the family pet [20].


More than 50% of battered women stay in abusive situations out of fear for their pets. Batterers nearly always threaten, harm, or kill pets as a fear-based control of the woman.


Animal cruelty is 11x more likely in domestic violence households than non-DV households. Therefore, animal cruelty is a strong indicator of ongoing domestic violence, both women and children.


Child abuse, spouse abuse, and animal abuse are interlinked.


Existence of any one of them can be a strong indicator of the others.


Batterers are overwhelmingly likely to have been abused themselves as children. The cycle repeats endlessly unless there is intervention.


A majority of violent individuals generally share a common history of brutal parental treatment and cruelty to animals. 44% of women in shelters reported being forced to participate in illegal acts upon threats to their pets. Threatening the pet is an act of psychological terror to the woman. Only in recent years have DV professionals recognized that by not allowing the woman’s pets along with them into safety, they were turning away many potential victims seeking shelter [22-23].


Domestic Violence - Elder Abuse

家庭暴力 - 虐待老人

There is much less information available about elder abuse than the other forms of domestic violence, but what there is continues the trend seen with child and woman abuse. About 1 in 20 elders is abused in some way, amounting to between 1 and 2 million annually. Like child sexual abuse, elder abuse wasn’t recognized as a significant problem until the 1980s [16].


Studies of Violent Behavior Patterns in Adults


A wealth of information about violent individuals and their early lives is available from the perpetrators or their victims themselves. Sources of information include:

  • State Prisons. Federal Prisons.
  • Psychiatric Hospitals and Psychiatric Clinics.
  • Battered Women’s Shelters. Abused Child Clinics.
  • Social Services; Domestic Violence Organizations.
  • Interviews with Murderers, especially Serial Killers.
  • Studies of Satanic Groups and Cults.

(See Lockwood and Ascione [7])


  • 州监狱。联邦监狱。
  • 精神病医院和心理诊所。
  • 受虐妇女庇护所。受虐儿童诊所。
  • 社会服务;家庭暴力救助机构。
  • 杀人犯采访,尤其是连环杀手。
  • 撒旦组和邪教的研究。


It’s clear that a large portion of violent criminals began their careers with animal cruelty. In fact, one study showed that 75% of prison inmates charged with violent crimes had an early record of animal cruelty, arson, and enuresis [7, pg 80]. It’s also clear that a large majority suffered domestic violence in their youth: physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, or combinations of these. What is crucial is the treatment, good or bad, that very young children undergo before the age of three [8]. Domestic violence is the breeding ground for future violent and non-violent crimes.


The same correlation of violent individuals and animal cruelty is seen around the world, literally in every country. A few examples:

Canada - 70% began with animal cruelty

South Africa - 63% began with animal cruelty

Australia - 95% for combined murder, rape, assault, theft, and drugs.

South Pacific - 62% for assaults, 90% for violence, property, and drug crimes, 100% for sexual homicides.

United States - 63% for violent crimes overall, 70% for combined violence, theft, drugs, and

disorderly conduct.

Statistics on the link between animal abuse and the crimes of 1st and 2nd degree homicide and manslaughter are much harder to find than statistics on serial killers, but since the overall correlation with all violence is close to 70%, it seems likely that a close link

would be found for these crimes as well.








Gangs and Animal Cruelty


According to the FBI, there are at least 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs with 1.4 million members. Animal abuse is a strong indicator of elder abuse in homes with elder citizens. The reverse is also true: elder abuse is a strong predictor of animal abuse. Elders often remain silent in spite of personal abuse for fear of retaliation against their pet, often their only friend and companion. Gangs are responsible for a majority of violent crimes in many jurisdictions.


Cruelty: attending and sponsoring animal fighting has become closely associated with gangs. Such fights, like all dog fighting, can be associated with drugs, gambling, weapons, and murder. Fights are also a desensitization training ground for children, teaching them violence and cruelty and a lack of compassion at a very impressionable age. In Chicago, 20% of 2nd to 8th grade children reported attending a dog fight [24].

残酷:参与和赞助动物打斗活动和犯罪团伙千丝万缕。象斗狗这样的活动,伴随着贩毒,赌博,武器和谋杀等犯罪活动。这些打头也是儿童脱敏训练场,教会他们变得暴力和残忍,在一个非常敏感的年龄就失掉了同情心。在芝加哥,据报告20%的2至8年级的孩子参加过斗狗活动 [24]。

The Worst of the Worst Serial Killers


Serial killers are the monsters in our midst. While 20,000+ homicides are committed every year, most have motives and clues which leads to their investigation and possible solution.

Serial killers have no motive other than the pleasure of the terror and torture they inflict and the pleasure of the eventual kill. They almost never know the victim beforehand and may kill over months or decades. Estimates are that 1 in 5 homicides may be due to serial killers, and the FBI estimates there are at least 30-50 and possibly up to 500 operating at any one time [25].


Indicators / Predictors of Serial Killers

• Brutal Treatment or Neglect by Parents or Caregiver

• Head Injuries, especially when young

• Violent to Peers, Siblings

• Arson

• Early Cruelty to Animals



While not all serial killers started out with animal abuse, a large majority did, just as a large majority were abused or neglected as young children. In fact, it’s unusual to find a serial killer who didn’t start out life with these patterns, though the early life of many of them hasn’t been explored in such detail. Animal cruelty as a trait is often ignored by official law enforcement, even though some form of animal abuse is now a felony in all 50 states and animal cruelty has been elevated to a major category in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report [27].


The United States, with 5% of the world’s population, produces 75% of the world’s serial killers [25]. As already mentioned, the FBI estimates there may be 500 serial killers at large. Law enforcement (society) spends hundreds of millions of dollars trying to apprehend them and almost nothing on prevention.


Childhood abuse and animal cruelty are major identifying factors of serial killers.


If police, prosecutors, judges, social services, teachers, child welfare, and guidance counselors paid attention to the predictive factors, many lives could be saved and many killers / rapists stopped before they start.


Summarizing the Evidence: There’s a strong correlation between animal cruelty and:

Juvenile Violence Violence in Schools

Child Abusers Domestic Violence

Rapists Pedophiles

Aggravated Assault Bullies

Gang Violence Elder Abuse

Sexual Murderers Serial Killers

Violent Psychiatric Patients


青少年暴力 校园暴力

虐待儿童 家庭暴力

强奸 恋童癖

严重袭击 欺凌

黑帮暴力 虐待老人
强奸杀人 连环杀手

Nearly all violent individuals were abused as children.


Multiple studies have shown that the biggest factors in continuing the never-ending cycle of violence in society are: domestic violence including child abuse, poverty, and absent fathers. Of these, the one with the greatest impact is child abuse, and animal cruelty accompanies it every step of the way.


“Child abuse, spouse abuse, and animal abuse are three fields which are linked; existence of one can be a strong indicator of the others…. Many violent criminals share a common history of brutal parental treatment and cruelty to animals” [20]. We saw earlier the statistic that 88% of families in one study in which physical abuse was going on had animal abuse as well [14]; other studies put the number as at least 60-75%. Children who witness domestic violence and /or animal abuse are at risk of becoming violent and abusers themselves. “Cruelty to animals allows children to become desensitized to heartless violence or to learn to enjoy the administration of pain and suffering” [28].

“虐待儿童,虐待配偶及虐待动物是三个互相关联的领域。存在一项是存在其他几项的重要标志。……许多施暴者都有被父母严酷对待并且虐待动物的经历。“[20] 根据前面的统计,一项研究显示,88%的家庭如果存在人身虐待,那么也同时存在动物虐待。其他研究认为这个数字至少在60-75%之间。目睹家庭暴力和动物虐待的儿童很可能成为施虐者。 “虐待动物让孩子变得麻木无情,或者学会从施虐中获得控制感。“ [28]。

It would be impossible to overemphasize this point: child abuse is the single biggest reason that violence continues year after year, decade after decade, and animal abuse goes hand in hand with it. Every 5 hours a child is killed by abuse or neglect, and 80% of them are under the age of 4 [8]. In Ghosts From The Nursery, the authors point out that during gestation and the first 3 years of life, the brain is undergoing dramatic growth and transformation. Abuse of babies and toddlers alters their brain chemistry, and it can create irreparable emotional damage. “Prenatal development and the first 2-3 years of life are the times when the genetic, organic, and neurochemical foundations for impulse control are being created. It is also the time when the capacities for rational thinking and sensitivity to other people are being rooted–or not–in the child’s personality” [8, pg 66]. Portions of the brain such as the prefrontal cortex connected to empathy and compassion are stunted in development by early child abuse.

And all this before they learn to talk.

有一点无论怎么强调都不为过:儿童虐待是暴力年年不断代代相传的的最大单一原因。而动物虐待也通过它代代相传。每5个小时就有一名儿童因虐待或漠视而死,其中80%的儿童不到4岁。在Ghosts From The Nursery一书中,作者指出,在母体和最初的3年,人的大脑会迅速成长和蜕变。虐待婴幼儿会改变他们的大脑化学结构,并造成无法挽回的情感创伤。”产前和最初2-3年是控制冲动的基因,器官以及神经化学基础的建立时期,同时也是理性思维和对待他人的感性情感在儿童个性中根植或无法根植的时期。大脑的某些部分,如连接到同情和怜悯的前额叶皮层,因早期虐待儿童导致发育不良。


“What happens to turn children into vicious killers? How can a child grow into an adult who enjoys torture and killing? It is the brain that mediates this metamorphosis from baby to killer, and it is the environment that shapes the entire process” [8, pg 165]. By the age of 5, the game is all over – the seeds of future violence have already been planted. It is society’s good fortune that not all abused children become violent criminals, but many of them do. The fraction of nonabused children who become violent adults is far smaller.

“到底发生什么把孩子培养成恶性杀手?一个孩子怎么长成喜欢虐待和杀人的成人?正是大脑将这种变态从婴儿传导到杀手,而整个过程又在环境中塑造完成。“[8,第165]的环境。到5岁的时候,游戏结束了 - 未来暴力的种子已经种下。幸运的是,,并非所有受虐儿童都成为暴力罪犯,但其中许多却无法幸免。未受虐待的孩子谁成为暴力成年人的比例要小得多。

Programs which intervene at an early stage, which teach good parenting practices, which give help to overwhelmed new parents with advice and support, which ensure good care and nurturing to babies and toddlers, have a good chance of preventing this paradigm, but as the Ghosts.. authors point out, programs aimed at prevention are chronically underfunded and don’t last long. Like it or not, society would rather incarcerate offending individuals and in effect perpetuate the violence phenomenon than prevent it from happening in the first place. “Garnering the committed political support necessary to turn the tide for even one generation of our children continues to elude us” [8, pg 285].

不管你喜欢与否,社会宁可得罪关押的个人和有效延续比防止它摆在首位发生暴力现象。 “一举拿下必要的坚定政治支持,以力挽狂澜,即使一代我们的孩子,我们仍然”[8,第285]。早期干预的项目是教导家长如何为人父母。这些项目给那些不堪重负的新父母以建议和支持,确保婴幼儿得到良好的照顾和养育,避免进入这种暴力循环模式。但是,就想the Ghosts作者指出的那样,这种旨在预防的项目长期资金不足无法持续。不管喜欢与否,社会宁愿关押犯罪人,让暴力循环不断持续,也不愿意防患未然。“获取坚定的政治支持,挽救哪怕一代儿童,就会让暴力长久地远离我们”



Taking animal cruelty seriously can prevent future assaults, rapes, murders, and spouse, child, and elder abuse.




Juveniles, adolescents, and adults who are abusing animals are on a path toward human violence. Identifying them early can save many human lives and much suffering.




Animal cruelty is an identifier of those who may have committed violent crimes. On average, as much as 70% of those guilty of violence have been involved in animal abuse.




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