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为何法律只对人的行为做出规范而不对人的思想做出规范? 第1页


user avatar   lovefishai 网友的相关建议: 


High Treason,即大逆罪。

1."compassed or imagined" the death of the King, his wife or his eldest son and heir (Following the coming into force of the Succession to the Crown Act 2013 on 26 March 2015, this has effect as if the reference were to the eldest child and heir)
2.violated the King's companion, the King's eldest daughter if she was unmarried or the wife of the King's eldest son and heir (following the coming into force of the Succession to the Crown Act 2013, this has effect as if the reference were to the eldest son only if he is also the heir)
3.levied war against the King in his Realm;
4。counterfeited the Great Seal or the Privy Seal (repealed and re-enacted in the Forgery Act 1830; death penalty abolished in 1832; reduced to felony in 1861 (except in Scotland))
5.counterfeited English coinage or imported counterfeit English coinage (reduced to felony in 1832);





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