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普鲁士夺取西里西亚的理由是什么? 第1页


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Brandenburg–Prussia's claims

Brandenburg–Prussia's claims in Silesia were based, in part, on a 1537 inheritance treaty between the Silesian Piast[1] Duke Frederick II of Legnica [2]and the Hohenzollern Prince-Elector[3]JoachimII Hector of Brandenburg [4], whereby the Silesian Duchies of Liegnitz[5], Wohlau[6]and Brieg[7] were to pass to the Hohenzollerns of Brandenburg should the Piast dynasty in Silesia become extinct. At the time, the Habsburg King FerdinandI[8] of Bohemia (Silesia's feudal overlord[9]) rejected the agreement and pressed the Hohenzollerns to repudiate it. In 1603, Hohenzollern Elector JoachimIII Frederick of Brandenburg[10] separately inherited the Silesian Duchy of Jägerndorf[11] from his cousin, Margrave George Frederick of Brandenburg-Ansbach [12], and installed his second son, Johann Georg[13], as duke.
In the 1618 Bohemian Revolt [14]and the ensuing Thirty Years' War[15], Johann Georg joined the Silesian estates in revolt against the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor FerdinandII. After the Catholic victory in the 1621 Battle of White Mountain[16], the Emperor confiscated Johann Georg's duchy and refused to return it to his heirs after his death, but the Hohenzollerns of Brandenburg continued to assert themselves as the legitimate rulers of Jägerndorf. In 1675 the "Great Elector" Frederick William of Brandenburg[17] laid claim to Liegnitz, Wohlau and Brieg when the Silesian Piast line ended with the death of Duke George William of Liegnitz[18], but the Habsburg Emperor disregarded the Hohenzollern claims and the lands escheated to the crown.
In 1685, when Austria was engaged in the Great Turkish War[19], Emperor Leopold I[20] gave Great Elector Frederick William immediate control of the Silesian exclave[21] of Schwiebus[22] in return for military support against the Turks and the surrender of the outstanding Hohenzollern claims in Silesia. After the accession of the Great Elector's son and successor, FrederickIII of Brandenburg[23], the Emperor took back control of Schwiebus in 1694, claiming that the territory had only been personally assigned to the late Great Elector for life. As a young prince, FrederickIII had secretly agreed to this repossession in return for Leopold's payment of some of his debts, but as monarch he repudiated the agreement and reasserted the old Hohenzollern claims to Jägerndorf and the Silesian Piast heritage.
  1. 德意志的霍亨索伦家族和波兰的皮雅斯特家族,都是星散各地的名门望族,他们之间多有联谊关系。
  2. 1537年,勃兰登堡的选帝侯约阿希姆二世与Liegnitz、Wohlau和Brieg的公爵腓特烈二世签订了条约,规定西里西亚的皮雅斯特家族绝嗣之后,其领地由霍亨索伦家族的成员继承。
  3. Liegnitz、Wohlau和Brieg都是西里西亚地区的公国,其中皮亚斯特家族长支长期连续控制着Liegnitz和Brieg两个公国,这两个公国占据了下西里西亚的大部分地区,上西里西亚的北部地区。
  4. 整个西里西亚都是波西米亚王冠领地的一部分,这个在布拉格的王位后来执掌在哈布斯堡家族的手中。
  5. 西里西亚的皮雅斯特家族绝嗣之后,两个霍亨索伦家族的旁支分别继承了Liegnitz和Brieg两公国,此时哈布斯堡家族的皇帝兼波西米亚国王还没有作出反应。
  6. 在两个旁支绝嗣之后,勃兰登堡霍亨索伦家族的选帝侯准备根据继承法继承这些在西里西亚的领地。此时波西米亚的哈布斯堡国王不承认这一继承行为。他认为当初定立继承条约的双方并没有权力将波西米亚的王冠领地转移出去。因此柏林的选帝侯并没有成功地继承这些领地,双方似乎并没有在此事上达成明确的妥协,而是将之搁置。
  7. 在1685年,奥地利全力投入大土耳其战争之中,为了换取北方新教诸侯的支持,向他们让渡了大量利益。其中为了换取勃兰登堡选帝侯的支持,皇帝将孤悬于波兹南地区的西里西亚公爵领地的飞地Schwiebus的控制权,交于勃兰登堡选帝侯;同时在Liegnitz公国的继承问题上,对霍亨索伦家族做出让步。
  8. 但是在大土耳其战争的危机结束之后,在时任勃兰登堡选帝侯去世之后,皇帝就收回了这些领地,并宣称这只是在非常时期对该任勃兰登堡选帝侯的馈赠,而且仅仅在选帝侯生前生效。
  9. 勃兰登堡选帝侯腓特烈三世私下默许了这种行为,并寄希望于利奥波德皇帝能够因此偿还他的一部分债务。但是作为选帝侯,他谴责了这种行为,并重申了勃兰登堡的霍亨索伦家族对西里西亚皮雅斯特家族的领地遗产的宣称和要求。




  1. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Silesian_Piast
  2. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Frederick_II_of_Legnica
  3. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Prince-Elector
  4. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Joachim_II_Hector,_Elector_of_Brandenburg
  5. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Duchy%20of%20Legnica
  6. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Wohlau
  7. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Duchy_of_Brzeg
  8. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Ferdinand_I,_Holy_Roman_Emperor
  9. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Feudalism%20in%20the%20Holy%20Roman%20Empire
  10. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Joachim_III_Frederick,_Elector_of_Brandenburg
  11. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Duchy_of_J%C3%A4gerndorf
  12. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-George_Frederick,_Margrave_of_Brandenburg-Ansbach
  13. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Johann_Georg_von_Brandenburg
  14. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Bohemian_Revolt
  15. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Thirty_Years%27_War
  16. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Battle_of_White_Mountain
  17. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Frederick_William,_Elector_of_Brandenburg
  18. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-George_William,_Duke_of_Liegnitz
  19. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Great_Turkish_War
  20. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Leopold_I,_Holy_Roman_Emperor
  21. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Exclave
  22. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Schwiebus
  23. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Frederick_I_of_Prussia





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