The Chief of Naval Operations issued a directive on 7 December 1941 to "Execute unrestricted air and submarine warfare against Japan". The major mission assigned our submarines was the anti-ship (torpedo attack) mission. Early in the war Japanese capital ships were assigned as primary targets. Later, the priority was placed on merchant ships in order to cut off the Japanese supply of critical war materials, fuel, and food to her wide-spread ocean empire and to the home islands.
On 13 April 1944, our submarines were instructed to give priority to fleet destroyers. The purpose was to reduce the major defensive strength of Japanese combatant groups and high priority merchant shipping.
Later still, the highest priority was placed on tankers. The objective was to cut off fuel to the fleet and the Japanese home islands.
1 珍珠港后开始的是无限制潜艇战,只要不是自己人的船,就都是有价值的目标,多多益善;
2 一开始的首要攻击目标是主力舰。如果这个潜艇是19411207-某个未知时间点1遇到题主说的情况,那么先打军舰;
3 此后最优先目标被改为敌方运输船。运输船上边运的是什么是无所谓的,把船打沉也是摧毁敌方的运力。如果是未知时间点1-19440413这段时间内,先打运输船;
4 19440413这一天开始-未知时间点2,最优先目标被暂时设为护航舰船尤其是驱逐舰,这主要是用于摧毁日方的护航体系,以便之后更好地袭击运输船。如果这段时间内遇上,估计还是先打运输船,一万吨的不大可能是护航辅助舰;
5 某个未知时间点2-战争结束,最优先的目标是油轮,这是为了彻底封锁日方本土。如果是这段时间遇上,先打运输船;
6 太平洋上美日双方的潜艇战道德下限比较低,双方都有很多心黑手狠的案例。如果我是当时一个潜艇指挥官,接受了当时的训练后,我的想法肯定是,这2个我有机会的话都要打,运输船上边是武器,油料,敌方部队,我方俘虏,路人都无所谓,不是自己人就是目标。但是到底能打到哪个,还要看天时地利人和。所以结论是 1听从命令,2先打我容易打的,总有一个更容易。