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如何定义“定义”? 第1页


user avatar   andy-lee-60 网友的相关建议: 

应董毓老师的邀请,我最近正在和胡老师等朋友一起翻译David Hitchcock的一本书:《定义:建构和评价词语定义的实用性指南》。大家可以在《批判性思维与创新教育通讯》这个电子刊物中找到完整的译文(还没有译完,会分期连载。)

下面引用一些David Hitchcock的看法,他是批判性思维、非形式逻辑这个领域的优秀学者。

The book’s theoretical framework is a distinction, due to Robert H. Ennis (1962, 101-106; 1996, 320-363; 2016; 2019), of three dimensions of definitions: the act of the definer, the content of the definition, and its form. The act of a definer is what the definer does in defining a term; the book distinguishes, following Ennis, three basic acts of defining: reporting, stipulating, and advocating. The content of a definition is in one sense the information that the definition conveys and in another sense the words in its defining part. The form of a definition is the way it is expressed, for example as a definition by genus and differentia.



The word ‘term’ in this essay means any word or phrase of general application that is short of a full sentence. Individual words like ‘hockey’ or ‘if’ or ‘pellucid’ or ‘grow’ are terms. So are phrases like ‘major bleeding’ or ‘in the vicinity’ or ‘very carefully’ or ‘well disposed’ or ‘proof beyond a reasonable doubt’ or ‘legal system’. Definite descriptions like ‘the tallest woman in the room’ are borderline cases. Names of individuals, such as ‘Napoleon Bonaparte’, are not terms. Nor are strings of linguistic signs that do not form a syntactic unit, such as ‘clock always’ or ‘guidelines are neither’. Nor are sentences like the one you are now reading. Nor are stretches of text or discourse that include several sentences. In sum, terms are elementary signs or sub-sentential syntactic units of general application. They may be written, spoken, signed, gestured, or otherwise communicated.



The word ‘definition’ is used both of an activity and of the result of the activity. To define a term is to indicate what it means or should be taken to mean or should mean. I call these activities ‘reporting’, ‘stipulating’ and ‘advocating’. To report a meaning is to indicate, correctly or incorrectly, what a term means in a supposed pre-existing use. To stipulate a meaning is to indicate how a term is to be interpreted or used in a specified context. To advocate by means of a definition is to take a position on an issue. These acts are not mutually exclusive. For example, making a vague term precise combines reporting and stipulating (or advocating). Insisting that marriage is by definition a union between a man and a woman may be both reporting and advocating. The basic act of reporting or stipulating or advocating is the definer’s immediate purpose in defining a term. Typically, the definer will have less immediate purposes for constructing a definition. For example, the immediate purpose in composing a definition in a monolingual dictionary is to report a meaning. But, if the dictionary is a learner’s dictionary, the author may have the indirect purpose of giving good guidance on the contexts in which people use the term. The basic definitional act of this author is reporting; a derivative (non-basic) act is giving guidance on the contexts in which people use the term.



The content of a definition is in one sense the information that it conveys (Atkins and Rundell 2008, 407). It may provide a full account of a term’s meaning or a mere hint. It may or may not describe characteristics of the term’s referent (e.g. what tigers are like, in a definition of the term ‘tiger’), and it may or may not give examples of the term’s use in a sentence. In another sense, the content of a definition is the words used in it. With respect to this dimension, one might, among other things, consider how long a definition should be, whether it is in the same language as the term being defined (and what difference that makes), what kinds of terms one can or should use in one’s definition, and when if ever it is legitimate to use a term in its own definition.


The form of a definition is its structure. Historically, writers on definition privileged what is traditionally called a definition by genus and differentia (to be explained later, in section 4.4). But there are other forms of definition, such as definitions by synonym or extended synonym, contextual definitions, and range definitions. One can also explain a term’s meaning by giving examples of things that are correctly labeled by the term and of things that are not correctly labeled by the term, or by pointing to instances, or by using the term in a sentence.





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