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向FBI举报中兴的中兴法律顾问Yablon律师,是否违反了律师-当事人保密特权? 第1页


user avatar   wang-rui-en 网友的相关建议: 

有答主提到,这一事件涉及美国律师协会的“Model Rules of Professional Conduct", 也就是律师的执业规范 1.6条。该条规定律师在客户从事特定违法行为时可以打破律师-当事人保密特权。

这个思路大方向没错,但有一点要注意,中兴法律顾问既然是是为公司客户所服务的,应该优先关注适用于公司法务的特别规则,也就是Model Rules of Professional Conduct的1.13条。(链接:Rule 1.13: Organization as Client

该条有个通俗的称呼,叫做“顺着梯子向上报告”(Report Up the Ladder),指公司法务发现公司雇员有不当行为时,应当向当事人的上级汇报,如果上级没有采取合理措施确保公司行为合乎法律规定,则应该往更上一级上报。但公司最高层收到报告但没有理会时,公司法务可以打破对公司的保密义务,向监管部门报告。


13.1 (b) If a lawyer for an organization knows that an officer, employee or other person associated with the organization is engaged in action, intends to act or refuses to act in a matter related to the representation that is a violation of a legal obligation to the organization, or a violation of law that reasonably might be imputed to the organization, and that is likely to result in substantial injury to the organization, then the lawyer shall proceed as is reasonably necessary in the best interest of the organization. Unless the lawyer reasonably believes that it is not necessary in the best interest of the organization to do so, the lawyer shall refer the matter to higher authority in the organization, including, if warranted by the circumstances to the highest authority that can act on behalf of the organization as determined by applicable law.



那如果最高层无动于衷怎么办?Model Rules of Professional Conduct 13.1(c)继续规定道:

(1) [if] despite the lawyer's efforts in accordance with paragraph (b) the highest authority that can act on behalf of the organization insists upon or fails to address in a timely and appropriate manner an action, or a refusal to act, that is clearly a violation of law, and
(2) the lawyer reasonably believes that the violation is reasonably certain to result in substantial injury to the organization,

then the lawyer may reveal information relating to the representation whether or not Rule 1.6 permits such disclosure, but only if and to the extent the lawyer reasonably believes necessary to prevent substantial injury to the organization.






1 中兴的法律顾问是否已经逐层上报,但最高管理层没有采取措施纠正违规行为。(从目前的报道来看,中兴高管对于涉嫌违反美国法院判决的行为应当是知情的,但不确定这位法务有没有充分上报。)

2 这名举报中兴的法务,是否确信该违法行为会导致对公司的严重损害(可以想象,Yablon如受到质疑,会坚定地主张自己的举动是为了避免公司犯下更大的错误,造成更严重的损失,这里可供发挥的余地很大。)




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