前两天软件工程课的老师发了篇有意思的“争论”给我们,是两个大牛之间发的一系列电子邮件,内容是Linux项目发起人Linus Torvalds与Eric Steven Raymond(“开放源代码运动的主要领导者之一,并且是最为大众所知道<并最具争议性>的黑客”)关于“common code helps”这个观点对不对的争论,其中Linux之父Linus支持这个观点,而黑客大牛Raymond反对。
老师介绍说Raymond "is just soooo smart",写代码或者做项目的时候“*所有*东西都在脑子里、并且可以只在脑子里——包括*所有*东西之间的联系、以及该怎么运用。脑子里想好,写出来就能是对的”。这神级大牛基本上能一个人handle所有任务,无论在常人看来有多复杂,而且还都完成的很好。于是他认为“让任何人都能来参与开发”(common code)是“wrong thing”。
“When you were in college, did you ever meet bright kids who graduated top of their class in high-school and then floundered freshmen year in college because they had never learned how to study? It's a common trap. A friend of mine calls it 'the curse of the gifted' -- a tendency to lean on you native ability too much, because you've always been rewarded for doing that and self-discipline would take actual work...
...the scale of the problems always increases to a point where your native talent alone doesn't cut it any more. The smarter you are, the longer it takes to hit that crunch point -- and the harder the adjustment when you finally do.”
里面提到的“native talent”,正面的说法是“天资聪颖”,但这种聪颖如果一旦阻碍了你探索系统和科学的学习方法,就变成了贬义的“小聪明”。