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如何看待世卫组织表示「新冠病毒最初分布在全球各地,武汉只是发现地」? 第2页


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就像我之前提倡的,所有新闻来源,一定要溯源。这是 @2-20滑膛枪等96人 发的WHO原始视频。





So the next question will go to From CNN. Michael, please mute yourself and go ahead. Thank you for taking my question. Can you hear me? Yes, please, go ahead. Okay, that's a kind of follow up to the last question.

It's hard to believe, but we're almost in a year where k zero or the index case for corona virus was kind of identified. However, always seem to know, according to state documents reported on by the South China morning post, is that was a God's 55 year old male, but he can't be identified her. No one can trace them. How important is it in your investigation to find origins of the corona virus, who case zero was or who the index case was? Just quickly, also the wet market where the virus is believed to be originated that's been cleaned up and closed off? Help with that pen and pen? How would that be an impediment to your investigation? Thank you. We could end up in a lot of detail.

Your questions are last. identifying case zero is very important aspect of all epidemic investigations. There may be more than one case is zero in some situations because there may be more than one species bridge we're increasingly seeing that says Kobe, like viruses, have been identified in many different countries, fact impartial bats most recently in the last few days, we've seen other potential intermediate hosts identified in various settings. So there's no question that this virus has. A a natural home probably is somewhere in the back community. Some intermediate hosts who we have fully identified yet, and how that disease then breach that barrier into the human species may have been a single event. If they have been multiple events, those events may have occurred in one particular time, r over a range of different times. Because if the virus is present in the animal kingdom are in a wild animals and the chances of multiple introductions.

And we've seen that, for example, if you look at the recent animal or human, animal, or human to mink and mink to human, we've seen multiple re introductions into the human population from the mink population wasn't just one exposure back. So the natural history of these things is at least one case zero, probably more. The d g has always said it was very, very strong on this from the very beginning that we need to start where we found the first cases. And that is a movement in China.

And then we need to follow the evidence after that, wherever that leads. And with regards to the Wuhan seafood market, in fact, one of the interesting findings is while there was most certainly a temporal geographic cluster associated with the market, not all of the cases in that initial cluster can be linked directly to the market.

So the market is likely to have been a point of amplification. As we've seen, for example, in the Shanghai and the event in Beijing, we had Shanghai, a similar event. So where we don't know whether it was a a human that drove the amplification event, the Wuhan market was a big animal, was the environmental contamination.

We don't know that. But certainly it's clear that there were cases that preceded that event at the Wuhan market. So the real question is, the original species barrier, where did that occur? And that is still unknown. And it's extremely important. And the terms of reference for the investigations clearly lay out on the phase one, the necessary epidemiological and clinical and serologic and retrospective studies that need to be done to establish whether or not there's any evidence trail that will lead back. It is remarkably difficult. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack, sometimes for an individual event to look for that single event. I've been doing that on ebola for the last 25 years. And we've never hit the Mark.

We've never really, except in one occasion where we could actually identify the actual event where the disease crossed other species barrier. So this is not easy to achieve. So we will pursue those investigations over the next couple of months and phase one, and hopefully move on to face to. So I think where there was a second part, if you want to come in the market, see, I think it's important. So as Micah said, a there are a lot of studies that need to be underway to find the initial cases wherever they may be, and look at the conditions by in which they were infected. So this case, zero that you mentioned may not be, in fact, case here. There could have been other cases that existed that weren't detected because they weren't picked up through current surveillance system. That's not a criticism.

That's just a possible fact that we need to look back. We need to look retrospectively to see what happened. The amplification event at the market in Wuhan certainly is what triggered more transmission. And the conditions by which that happened is the focus of some study as well, looking at the animals that were source at that market where those animals came from, where those animals were on word sold, looking at environmental samples that were collected there. And there were a number of environmental samples that were collected in that initial market from animals, but also from surfaces around different parts of the market. And those results the Chinese colleagues have presented to the international team. So there are some results from there. But all of these are clues, if you will, that help lead to the next question. As far as any answers that we get from any studies, they lead to a number of additional studies, as Mike has just said. And as the d g has outlined, we follow the science.

We're also working with a large number of people across the world looking at retrospective analyses. And in different countries, if you've heard studies of waste water, studies that have looked at samples from 2019, we're working with our cero.

Epinephrine works of looking at stored clinical samples in Sierra from 2019 to see if any of those test positive. But all of these really help us to piece together how this unfold. Just to point out that for mers corona virus it took us almost a year to find the intermediate host for the mers coronavirus, which is the dromedary camel, the one humped camels. Those came from detailed epidemiological investigations at the animal human interface with people who were caring for camels, testing the animals, testing the camels, looking at sequences, and being able to match and see that there was transmission that had happened between the humans and the camels.

And it does take time. And we know everyone is really anxious to get these answers. And those studies are underway. We need the science to unfold. We need those studies to be done carefully and thoughtfully and thoroughly. And we will be there across the world with our international partners to support that every step of the way. American I just add, to be clear again on the journalist question, we fully expect that we will have a team on the ground. We need to be able to have the international team join our Chinese colleagues and go to the ground and look at the results and the outcomes of those phase one studies and verify these data on the ground. This is extremely important. And we are continuing to expect that be the case. And we would like to have that team deployed as soon as possible.

So we're building the relationship between the Chinese counterparts on the international team. You have a regular, soon calls between two groups. And we fully expect and have reassurance is from our Chinese colleagues that trip to the field part of the mission will be facilitated. And as soon as possible, in order that's the international community can be reassured of the quality of science. And again, the Chinese colleagues have done a tremendous amount of scientific investigation. In fact, I think, have published hundreds and hundreds of papers regarding the situation in China and the learning they have done. But clearly we all need to understand the origin of the virus. We all need to understand where it has come from, not least, to understand where it may reemerge in the future. And I believe our Chinese colleagues are just as anxious to find those answers as we are.






















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妹妹你大胆地往前走 往前走 莫回呀头

通天的大路 九千九百 九千九百九呀

妹妹你大胆地往前走呀 往前走 莫回呀头

通天的大路 九千九百 九千九百九呀

妹妹你大胆地往前走呀 往前走 莫回呀头

从此后 你 搭起那红绣楼呀

抛洒着红绣球呀 正打中我的头呀

与你喝一壶呀 红红的高梁酒呀

红红的高梁酒呀嘿 妹妹你大胆地往前走呀

往前走 莫回呀头 通天的大路 九千九百

九千九百九呀 妹妹你大胆地往前走呀

往前走 莫回呀头 从此后

你 搭起那红绣楼呀 抛洒着红绣球呀

正打中我的头呀 与你喝一壶呀

红红的高梁酒呀 红红的高梁酒呀嘿

妹妹你大胆地往前走呀 往前走 莫回呀头

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