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在spacex工作是一种怎么样的体验? 第1页


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标题:Why is pay to spacex so low?

So I had a job interview at spacex and when it came down to salary I asked for around $80k and they told me that was too high based on my experience so I just let them send me an offer and they only offered me 72k. I live on the east coast and make $70k now and based on CoL, Glassdoor, and gauging other engineers. If I took $72k at SpaceX that would be a huge after taxes pay cut for me considering housing and taxes are higher in California. Why the hell do people want to work there? I understand the grandeur of working at SpaceX but it's like they're paying at a not for profit rate. Does anyone have any insight?

Edit: I also forgot to mention that they don't pay any over time and a typical work week is 50-60hrs and right now I am paid straight over time so that would be an even larger pay cut than what I'm making now.

Edit: Just incase anyone is wondering I declined the offer.


For those who are in the flyovers like myself: $72k in LA is <$50k in Cleveland and that basically assumes you're never planning to buy a house or rent with fewer than 3 people.

50-60 hours is the bare minimum... I have friends who work there who practically live at their desks...

Their business plan is to wear you completely out in under 2 years then replace you. Their business plan is unethical at best.


I completely agree - try to mention this anywhere outside of this subreddit and you'll be downvoted by starry-eyed Musk fans.


People are in the cult of Musk because the like the outcomes of his projects, not the way he treats the people that bring the ideas in those companies to life.

I think it is pretty well known SpaceX / Tesla / etc take the "this is your life" approach to working there to the extreme. It hopefully is obvious to prospective candidates that you throw away personal happiness and reasonable employment negotiations because so many people look at Tesla / SpaceX, see that they actually are changing the world in ways that writing another wep app or maintaining some internal enterprise clusterfuck will never come close to doing.

Which I assume is why people work there - effectively, part of your employment compensation is being involved in world changing work, and you take the pay cut to compensate. And they aren't at a loss for prospective hires, and you aren't compelled to work there, so it is all within their rights to take advantage of that popularity.


Spacex engineer here. We work here for less pay and work more hours not necessarily because we worship Elon(some of us do), but because we dreamt of a world where space travel was Significantly more advanced than it currently is and at SpaceX we are actually working on changing that. In our personal careers and for the industry we accomplish more in a couple months than we would in a year at the other aerospace companies. I know that is truth because after 1.5 years (straight out of college) I was a controller for the first SLC-4E/F9-v1.1 flight and now I am working on the F9R project. Where else could I accomplish so much in so little. Yes I make significantly less money, but I am extremely happy where I am. I have a coworker who passed on a Google position that paid almost double, and he has Zero regrets.

It basically comes down to You. Do you want to make money and have a life outside of work which may or may not be good, or do you want to work for something that will make history and hopefully change humanity for the better. It's an internal decision people rarely face and it's a tough one. It's personal benefit versus working for the greater good.

P.S. I AM drunk right now, it's kings v. Hawks. Go Hawks!


That's part of the problem - SpaceX know that their name looks so good on a resumé that people will take jobs for below-average pay just to get the referral/experience.


Haha. 2-3 years at SpaceX may get you in the door at Aerojet Rocketdyne, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, etc. But if you think you'll be any father along than your classmates who went straight there after graduating, you're crazy.

It's amazing how many people knock old space for being hidebound and bureaucratic, but don't think that would factor in when they go there themselves.

These companies have civil service-like promotion ladders, and people pretty much never jump them. These are companies set up for replaceable engineers, and you don't need some hypothetical wunderkind from SpaceX for that.



Why is pay at SpaceX so low? : engineering



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