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国内外有哪些做小样本学习(Few-Shot Learning)的优秀团队? 第1页


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感谢 @Curry 前面的指导 国内外有哪些做小样本学习(Few-Shot Learning)的优秀团队


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Trevor Darrell (www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/) on the faculty of the CS Division at UC Berkeley

Bernt Schiele (mpi-inf.mpg.de/departme) Max-Planck-Director at MPI Informatics and Professor at Saarland University

Richard S. Zemel (cs.toronto.edu/~zemel/i) Professor,Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto

Alex Krizhevsky (cs.toronto.edu/~kriz) Google

Tao(Tony) Xiang (Tao (Tony) Xiang) University of Surrey

Kevin Swersky (cs.toronto.edu/~kswersk) research scientist at Google Brain

Hugo Larochelle (mila.quebec/personne/hu) Associate Professor at Google Brain

Nikos Komodakiscsd.uoc.gr/~hannover/La) postdoctoral research associate at the Computer Science Department of University of Crete.

Zeynep Akataeml-unitue.de/people/ze)Professor of Computer Science, University of Tübingen

Spyros Gidarisscholar.google.com/cita)valeo ai

Yanwei Fu(付彦伟) (Yanwei Fu: EECS-QMUL) School of Date Science, Fudan University

Yuxiong Wang(王宇雄) (Yuxiong Wang Homepage) Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Qianru Sun(孙倩茹)qianrusun.com/) Assistant Professor Singapore Management University

Zhiwu Lu(卢志武) (卢志武-师资队伍-教师科研 - 中国人民大学信息学院) School of Information, Renmin University of China

Wenbin Li(李文斌)cs.nju.edu.cn/liwenbin/)an Assistant Researcher of the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Nanjing University

Jiebo Luo (cs.rochester.edu/people) Data Science CoE Distinguished Researcher,Goergen Institute for Data Science



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