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如何评价在欧陆风云1.31中越南文化加入中华文化组? 第1页


user avatar   UMingGong 网友的相关建议: 


In 1444 Dai Viet is a newly independent nation, having won its sovereignty in a bloody war against the occupying Ming Chinese forces through the efforts of Vietnamese national hero Lê Loi. Early campaigns against Champa began a centuries-spanning process of Vietnamese expansion southwards. Dai Viet is now ruled by Lê Loi’s infant grandson Bang Co, though true power resides with Queen Regent Nguyen Thi Anh and Trinh Kha (a 2/3/5/1 General). For all the promise of the early Lê dynasty, the seeds of its undoing were already present; the immense power that would be hoarded by the Nguyen, Trinh, and Mac families would divide the nation multiple times throughout our period.


Dai Viet begins with a new generic Estate Privilege for the Nobility called Control of the Army. This privilege greatly increases Nobility influence, increases Leader Cost, adds additional Nobility influence whenever you recruit a leader, and adds a little monthly Army Tradition (it’s not all bad). The Control the Army mission requires you to revoke this privilege while building to 100% of your land force limit.

The Curtail the Nobility mission requires reducing the influence of the Nobility estate while holding at least 50% Crown Land.

The Restore Examinations mission refers to the Confucian examination system employed by China, Vietnam, and Korea throughout various points of their respective histories. State officials must complete a series of examinations that test their knowledge of Confucian literature and statecraft before they can assume office, a system that was at least theoretically meritocratic as the examinations were open to all. You must enact The Examination System government reform (shown below) while also employing any 3 advisors without running a deficit.

Prevent Division simply requires you to own Dai Viet’s core territories, have 2 stability, and for neither Tonkin nor Annam to exist. Completing this mission prevents the Northern and Southern Dynasties disaster from ever happening, and rewards -10% Stability Cost Modifier for the rest of the game.






I mentioned The Examination System above, which is a new government reform that increases your Advisor Pool by 1 and reduces Nobility Influence by 10%. This reform is available to any nation that either has the Celestial Empire or Confucian Bureaucracy reform. Confucian Bureaucracy is yet another new government reform, initially granted to both Dai Viet and Korea in 1444. This reform reduces your Advisor Costs by 10% and is available to nations that have either Confucian religion or Vietnamese primary culture. Dai Viet's government had more in common with Chinese administrations than with the mandala-style governments of the rest of South-East Asia, while characterizing Korea's government as an "Autocracy" felt inadequate; the Confucian Bureaucracy reform kills two birds with one stone in this sense.

我在上面提到了“考试系统”,这是一项新的政府改革,可以为你增加一个额外的备选顾问,减少贵族影响力10%。这项改革适用于任何拥有天朝或儒家官僚制改革的国家。儒家官僚制是另一个新的政府改革,最初在1444年给予大越和朝鲜。这项改革降低了10%的顾问成本,并且适用于拥有儒家宗教或越南主要文化的国家。大越的政府与中国的行政机构有更多的共同点,不是东南亚其他国家的曼陀罗式政府,同时把朝鲜的政府定性为 "专制君主制"感觉不恰当,儒家官僚制改革在设定东方国家政体的问题上一石二鸟。


黎太祖建立“大越”后,即命阮廌定冠服制,未及施行。黎太宗时又重定,于是安南于衣冠制度粲然大备。《大越史记 本纪 实录卷二》: 绍平四年(1437)五月,初太祖时,命阮荐定冠服制,未及施行。至是,梁登上书略陈曰:夫礼有大朝常朝,如郊天、告庙、圣节、正旦,则行大朝礼;皇帝服衮冕,升宝座,百官具朝服朝冠,如初一日十五日,则皇帝御黄袍冲天冠,升宝座,百官具公服幞头。常朝,皇帝御黄袍,冲天冠,升金台,百官著常服圆领乌纱帽。……书奏,帝又命登定之,登因进冠服,制乐器。大抵登与廌(阮廌)所定多不合,帝从登议,卒行之。



On the topic of culture, I’ve altered the culture group setup in the region since I last talked about it. The Tai group contains countries that could sensibly form the nation of Siam, and since Siam is very much a focus for the update and an “historical winner” of the period it feels appropriate for them to have a strong culture group. Northern Thai is back but renamed to Khon Muang. Khmer is left on its own, again appropriate given that this period is very much a dark age for Khmer civilization. The Vietnamese culture, on the other hand, has been “buffed” by moving it into the Chinese group. This allows Dai Viet to hold the Mandate of Heaven without penalty and eases expansion into China on the way to achieving that goal. Miao is now in the Tibetan group, which was done less because it really fits into that group and more to move it out of the Chinese group. Cham has been returned to the Malay group, which gives it access to the Malay mission tree in addition to its own unique mission branches, which you can see below.

关于文化的话题,自从我上次说过之后,我已经改变了该地区的文化组设置。泰族组包含了可以合理组成暹罗国的国家,由于暹罗是更新的重点,也是这个时期的 "历史赢家",所以我们认为他们有一个比较强大的文化组是合适的。北泰又回来了,不过改名为Khon Muang。高棉则是单独留下,同样考虑到这一时期是高棉文明非常黑暗的时代,所以也很合适。而越南文化则被 "洗白 "(注:因为中国文化组的颜色在游戏里就是白色,这里只是一个小双关)了,将其移入中国文化组。这样一来,大越就可以不受惩罚地掌握天命,并在实现这一目标的过程中更为轻易地完成对中国的扩张。苗族现在归入藏族组,这样做的原因不是它真的适合这个组,更多的只是为了将它移出中国组。占文化已经回到了马来组,这让它除了有自己独特的任务分支外,还可以进入马来任务树,大家可以看下图。(假装有图,这个图揭示了占婆国的任务树)




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