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线列战争时期普通士兵的形象究竟是如何的呢? 第1页


user avatar   liang-zheng-rui 网友的相关建议: 



为什么在高中选择拿破仑时代作为业余的爱好。因为这段时间实在是不算久远,有难以计数的回忆录、传记、档案去具体的解释和还原那时的战场、思想、战术、军事组织;而又久远到没有多少值得保密欺瞒的干扰因素。当然时至今日我发现我完全多虑了,因为拿破仑时代的广度和深度远超想象,作为业余爱好者完全没有时间和能力去翻堆积成山的档案馆材料和庞大的从将领到低级军官的回忆录,这是专业研究者的工作,我能做的仅仅是找一个狭窄领域去阅读国外的大师所撰写的作品。这里仅以威灵顿的书信集为例,其原版和增补版合计28卷之多。关于军官士兵们的回忆录和相关信息,仅仅给题主一个数据,奥曼的《威灵顿的军队》里列出附录III的BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ENGLISH DIARIES, JOURNALS AND MEMOIRS OF THE PENINSULAR WAR的页码是P375-383,这些材料想要获得理应不难,在archive.org就可以免费获得其中的部分。很多大师写的英文原作,例如John Hussey的神作《Waterloo The Campaign of 1815》;Muir在《Tactics and the Experience of Battle in the Age of Napoleon》等等都有庞大的军官、士兵的一手材料引用。所以线列战争时代很难说材料稀少。




来看看Muir在《Tactics and the Experience of Battle in the Age of Napoleon》里第一章会战前夜的讨论:

This ebullient self-confidence, resting on past successes, esprit de corps and faith in the general commanding, normally counted for far more than such background factors as love of country, ideological commitment or hatred of the enemy. But individual soldiers also had their own private views, which differed widely according to their circumstances. The dashing beau sabreur of twenty-three anticipating his third battle might hope for honour, glory and promotion; while the 'grizzled veteran' nudging forty and still, thanks to insubordination and drunkenness, a private, would look first to his own survival and then to some hope of plunder - even if only new boots, some provisions or a bottle of brandy! Most young soldiers would be anxious to prove their courage in order to retain their self-respect and the respect of their comrades, without which life in their rough 'military family' would be much more difficult.


Muir在第一章中举了Jean-Baptiste Barres的例子,在1805奥斯特里茨战前他是一位19岁的帝国近卫军列兵。起先非常热情,笔锋大有为国效死,求仁得仁的意味:

We left Paris quite content to go campaigning rather than march to Boulogne. I was especially so, for war was the one thing I wanted. I was young, full of health and courage, and I thought one could wish for nothing better than to fight against all possible odds; moreover, I was broken to marching; everything conspired to make me regard a campaign as a pleasant excursion, on which, even if one lost one's head, arms, or legs, one should at least find some diversion. I wanted, too, to see the country, the siege of a fortress, a battlefield. I reasoned, in those days, like a child. And at the moment of writing this, the boredom which is consuming me in cantonments (at Schonbrunn) and four months of marching about, months of fatigue and wretchedness, have proved to me that nothing is more hideous, more miserable, than war. And yet our sufferings in the Guard are not to be compared with those of the line.



Soon Barres was shocked at his first sight of the destructiveness of war when he saw a farm thoroughly plundered and half demolished for firewood to keep the troops warm. 'I shed tears over the fate of these poor villagers, who had in a moment lost all their possessions. But what I saw later caused me to regard them as still happy in their misfortune. As I was a novice in the military art, all that was contrary to the principles in which I had been trained surprised me; but I had time, afterwards, to become accustomed to such things.'





“welcomed the relative freedom and excitement of life on the road, especially when compared to the boredom and discipline of garrison duty or peacetime soldiering.”




How different the duty of the French officers from ours. They, stimulating the men by their example, the men vociferating, each chaffing each until they appear in a fury,shouting, to points of our bayonets. After the first huzza the British officers, restraining their men, still as death, ‘steady, lads, steady’, is all you hear, and that in an undertone.






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