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金属材料顶级期刊有哪几个? 第1页


user avatar   yawgmoth 网友的相关建议: 


我提一个大家都没怎么提到过的期刊,虽然绝对不算是顶刊,但是也算是不错的杂志,叫materials characterization。2019年调整后,也是大一区的杂志,影响因子我记得3出头吧。


Materials Characterization features original articles and state-of-the-art reviews on theoretical and practical aspects of the structure and behaviour of materials.

The Journal focuses on all characterization techniques, including all forms of microscopy (light, electron, acoustic, etc.,) and analysis (especially microanalysis and surface analytical techniques). Developments in both this wide range of techniques and their application to the quantification of the microstructure of materials are essential facets of the Journal.

The Journal provides the Materials Scientist/Engineer with up-to-date information on many types of materials with an underlying theme of explaining the behavior of materials using novel approaches. Materials covered by the journal include:

  1. Metals & Alloys
  2. Ceramics
  3. Nanomaterials
  4. Biomedical materials
  5. Optical materials
  6. Composites
  7. Natural Materials


user avatar   jiehou1993 网友的相关建议: 


Tier 0: Nature, Science,传统金属很难发这两个杂志。NS两家一年的Artical+Letter发文量大概2000篇,但传统金属领域的文章大概不到1%。

Tier 1: Nature Materials, 材料领域的子刊,一年发文量150-200左右,不过以能源材料、纳米材料占为主,金属材料占比目测不足10%。

Tier 2: Nature Communications, Science Advances, PNAS, PRL。前三个是全领域综合性期刊,会发一些金属的文章,具体数量没统计过。PRL虽然侧重物理领域,但其Condensed Matter: Structure, etc. 分类下也有不少传统金属的文章。

Tier 3: Acta Materialia, Corrosion Science, International Journal of Plasticity,主攻金属领域且知名度比较高的期刊。并且Tier 0到Tier 2只发短文,full-length article最高就到Tier 3这了。





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