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为什么很多国内网友认为纳粹是右翼政党? 第1页


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法西斯主义认为,工人阶级跟资产阶级哪儿有赤党们声称的那么严重的阶级矛盾,不应该搞阶级斗争,倒是非我族类其心必异,应该在国家民族的大旗下阶级合作“工人阶级和资产阶级联合起来,以对抗共同的国际间的敌人。”《 法西斯主义的劳工政策 》)。




“法西斯主义就是铁箍,资产阶级希望用它来箍住已经破裂成碎片的资本主义圆桶。” ——卡尔·拉狄克




约瑟夫·阿比斯(Joseph Abs),1938年至1945年,是德意志银行的经理,战后他成了阿登纳总理的一位要好朋友,而且在1957年至1967年还出任银行的主席;直至到死,他还保留着梵蒂冈财政顾问的职位。 巴隆·古斯塔夫·克虏伯(Baron Guslav Krupp),冯·波赫林和霍尔巴赫(Von Bohlen and Holbach)是克虏伯商行的创始人,也是它的董事会的主席,在纽伦堡受到控告,但由于“健康状况”而没有受到审讯。 他的儿子阿尔弗来特·克虏伯(Alfred Krupp)在1943年成了克虏伯工厂的所有者,甚至不属于被告之列。后来,他与其他九个董事一起受到美国军事法庭的审讯,并在1948年被判处12年监禁。但是,三年之后,美国高级专员约翰·麦考(John Mccoy)下令将他释放了。他的公司财产没有被没收。他的个人巨大财富也得到归还。 法本染料公司和它的主席卡尔·柯罗茨(Karl Krauch)的情况也一样。卡尔·柯罗茨的绰号是“阿斯茨维兹之父”,他和公司的23个主要人物经过一年的审讯,结果24人中有12人被判处18年半的徒刑,而他们没有一人服满刑期。 实际上他们之中甚至没有表示过些少的悔恨。他们差不多全部在公司中保留着领导的职位。这些在纳粹年代中养肥了的人,在国会“民主”中还能够安逸地消磨时光。
为什么给这些人宽大待遇?对他们的判决意味着资本主义本身存在有问题。他们作为剥削阶级的一员,只不过是为个人和集体的眼前利益服务而已。 …… “德国人民的共同责任”这句话,过去和现在一直是很有用的。作为一个借口,使德国人民自认有罪,以掩盖大企业和资本主义应负的责任,如同过去用这句话来掩盖纳粹主义一样。

user avatar   tabby-34-44-6 网友的相关建议: 

想不到1202年了还有 @华青巧克力@麻匪宇宙 这种念经念成【】的。





The Great Depression had spurred increased state ownership in most Western capitalist countries. This also took place in Germany during the last years of the Weimar Republic.[40] However, after the Nazis took power, industries were privatized en masse. Several banks, shipyards, railway lines, shipping lines, welfare organizations, and more were privatized.[41] The Nazi government took the stance that enterprises should be in private hands wherever possible.[42] State ownership was to be avoided unless it was absolutely necessary for rearmament or the war effort, and even in those cases “the Reich often insisted on the inclusion in the contract of an option clause according to which the private firm operating the plant was entitled to purchase it.”[42] However, the privatization was "applied within a framework of increasing control of the state over the whole economy through regulation and political interference,"[43] as laid out in the 1933 Act for the Formation of Compulsory Cartels, which gave the government a role in regulating and controlling the cartels that had been earlier formed in the Weimar Republic under the Cartel Act of 1923.[44] These had mostly regulated themselves from 1923 to 1933.[45]
Companies privatized by the Nazis included the four major commercial banks in Germany, which had all come under public ownership during the prior years: Commerz– und Privatbank, Deutsche Bank und Disconto-Gesellschaft, Golddiskontbank and Dresdner Bank.[46][42] Also privatized were the Deutsche Reichsbahn (German Railways), at the time the largest single public enterprise in the world, the Vereinigte Stahlwerke A.G. (United Steelworks), the second largest joint-stock company in Germany (the largest was IG Farben) and Vereinigte Oberschlesische Hüttenwerke AG, a company controlling all of the metal production in the Upper Silesian coal and steel industry. The government also sold a number of shipbuilding companies, and enhanced private utilities at the expense of municipally owned utilities companies.[47] Additionally, the Nazis privatized some public services which had been previously provided by the government, especially social and labor-related services, and these were mainly taken over by organizations affiliated with the Nazi Party that could be trusted to apply Nazi racial policies.[48]
One of the reasons for the Nazi privatization policy was to cement the partnership between the government and business interests.[49] Hitler believed that the lack of a precise economic programme was one of the Nazi Party's strengths, saying: "The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all".[50] Another reason was financial. As the Nazi government faced budget deficits due to its military spending, privatization was one of the methods it used to raise more funds.[51] Between the fiscal years 1934–35 and 1937–38, privatization represented 1.4 percent of the German government's revenues.[52] There was also an ideological motivation. Nazi ideology held entrepreneurship in high regard, and “private property was considered a precondition to developing the creativity of members of the German race in the best interest of the people."[53] The Nazi leadership believed that “private property itself provided important incentives to achieve greater cost consciousness, efficiency gains, and technical progress.”[53] Adolf Hitler used Social Darwinist arguments to support this stance, cautioning against “bureaucratic managing of the economy” that would preserve the weak and “represent a burden to the higher ability, industry and value.”[54]
The month after being appointed Chancellor, Hitler made a personal appeal to German business leaders to help fund the Nazi Party for the crucial months that were to follow. He argued that they should support him in establishing a dictatorship because "private enterprise cannot be maintained in the age of democracy" and because democracy would allegedly lead to communism.[55] In the following weeks, the Nazi Party received contributions from seventeen different business groups, with the largest coming from IG Farben and Deutsche Bank.[56] Many of these businesses continued to support Hitler even during the war and even profited from persecution of the Jews. The most infamous being firms like Krupp, IG Farben, and some large automobile manufacturers.[57] Historian Adam Tooze writes that the leaders of German business were therefore "willing partners in the destruction of political pluralism in Germany."[58] In exchange, owners and managers of German businesses were granted unprecedented powers to control their workforce, collective bargaining was abolished and wages were frozen at a relatively low level.[59] Business profits also rose very rapidly, as did corporate investment.[60]
The Nazis granted millions of marks in credits to private businesses.[61] Many businessmen had friendly relations to the Nazis,[57] most notably with Heinrich Himmler and his Freundeskreis der Wirtschaft.[62] Hitler's administration decreed an October 1937 policy that “dissolved all corporations with a capital under $40,000 and forbade the establishment of new ones with a capital less than $200,000,” which swiftly effected the collapse of one fifth of all small corporations.[63] On July 15, 1933 a law was enacted that imposed compulsory membership in cartels, while by 1934 the Third Reich had mandated a reorganization of all companies and trade associations and formed an alliance with the Nazi regime.[63] Nonetheless, the Nazi regime was able to close most of Germany's stock exchanges, reducing them “from twenty-one to nine in 1935,” and “limited the distribution of dividends to 6 percent.”[64] By 1936 Germany decreed laws to completely block foreign stock trades by citizens.[65] These moves showed signs of Antisemitism and a move toward a war economy, with the belief that the stock market was being operated by Jews.
The rhetoric of the Nazi regime stated that German private companies would be protected and privileged as long as they supported the economic goals of the government—mainly by participating in government contracts for military production—but that they could face severe penalties if they went against the national interest. However, such threats were rarely carried out in practice, and historians Christoph Buccheim and Jonas Scherner state that "companies normally could refuse to engage in an investment project designed by the state without any consequences."[66] Private firms refused government contracts and directions on many occasions. In 1937, de Wendel, a coal mining enterprise, refused to build a hydrogenation plant. In 1939, IG Farben denied a government request to increase its production of rayon and refused to invest in a synthetic rubber factory despite this being an important project for the regime. Froriep GmbH, a company producing machines for the armaments industry, successfully demanded cheap credit from the Nazi government under a threat of cutting back investment if its demand was not met.[67] The regime generally used monetary incentives, such as guaranteed profits, to persuade businesses to support its goals, and freedom of contract was generally respected even in projects important for the war.[68] According to Buccheim and Scherner, the reason why businesses sometimes refused these incentives was out of long-term profitability considerations. The government usually tried to persuade them to join military projects, but firms were worried about overcapacity in case the armaments boom would end. They did not want to commit themselves too much to war-related production for the future.[69]


The Nazis claimed that communism was dangerous to the well-being of nations because of its intention to dissolve private property, its support of class conflict, its aggression against the middle class, its hostility towards small business and its atheism.[286] Nazism rejected class conflict-based socialism and economic egalitarianism, favouring instead a stratified economy with social classes based on merit and talent, retaining private property and the creation of national solidarity that transcends class distinction.[287] Historians Ian Kershaw and Joachim Fest argue that in post–World War I Germany, the Nazis were one of many nationalist and fascist political parties contending for the leadership of Germany's anti-communist movement.[citation needed]
In Mein Kampf, Hitler stated his desire to "make war upon the Marxist principle that all men are equal."[288] He believed that "the notion of equality was a sin against nature."[289] Nazism upheld the "natural inequality of men," including inequality between races and also within each race. The National Socialist state aimed to advance those individuals with special talents or intelligence, so they could rule over the masses.[56] Nazi ideology relied on elitism and the Führerprinzip (leadership principle), arguing that elite minorities should assume leadership roles over the majority, and that the elite minority should itself be organised according to a "hierarchy of talent", with a single leader—the Führer—at the top.[290] The Führerprinzip held that each member of the hierarchy owed absolute obedience to those above him and should hold absolute power over those below him.[57]
During the 1920s, Hitler urged disparate Nazi factions to unite in opposition to Jewish Bolshevism.[291] Hitler asserted that the "three vices" of "Jewish Marxism" were democracy, pacifism and internationalism.[292] The Communist movement, the trade unions, the Social Democratic Party and the left-wing press were all considered to be Jewish-controlled and part of the "international Jewish conspiracy" to weaken the German nation by promoting internal disunity through class struggle.[57] The Nazis also believed that the Jews had instigated the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and that Communists had stabbed Germany in the back and caused it to lose the First World War.[293] They further argued that modern cultural trends of the 1920s (such as jazz music and cubist art) represented "cultural Bolshevism" and were part of a political assault aimed at the spiritual degeneration of the German Volk.[293] Joseph Goebbels published a pamphlet titled The Nazi-Sozi which gave brief points of how National Socialism differed from Marxism.[294] In 1930, Hitler said: "Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxist Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not".[295]





His image as a man of the authoritarian Right was made even worse by his disastrous public pronouncements following his trip to Rome in January 1927, when he met the Pope and Mussolini. In fact he had already expressed his admiration for Mussolini in January 1926, in a speech before Treasury officials :
Italy is a country which is prepared to face the realities of post-war reconstruction. It possesses a Government under the commanding leadership of Signor Mussolini which does not shrink from the logical consequences of economic facts and which has the courage to impose the financial remedies required to secure and to stabilise the national recovery.[3]
This is what we could call the ‘classic’ defence of Fascism – its economic efficiency at a time when the democracies were at a loss to find a coherent economic policy. Mosley was to put it more concisely later when he repeated that the British Fascists wanted to turn Parliament ‘from a talk-shop to a work-shop’. When Churchill praised Mussolini’s Italy for its economic realism, it was of course the British Chancellor of the Exchequer envying the Fascist dictator for the room for manoeuvre which the absence of an effective opposition gave him. The offensive declarations of January 1927 were of a different nature, in that they clearly justified the introduction of Fascism as a bulwark against Bolshevism :
If I had been an Italian, I am sure I should have been whole-heartedly with you from the start to finish in your triumphant struggle against the bestial appetites and passions of Leninism.[4]





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user avatar   haoran64 网友的相关建议: 


从原义上来说,纳粹主义(national socialism)也就是国家社会主义是二十世纪初工人崛起大环境下的特殊产物,反映了小资产阶级乃至相当一部分知识分子的认知构架。国家社会主义从思想谱系的角度来说是封建社会主义和浪漫主义的继承者,它歌颂家长制/传统共同体/民族国家的和谐美好,反对资产阶级解构封建制的自由主义和更邪恶的无产阶级国际主义。另一方面它又对劳动者的处境持所谓“朴素”的同情态度,赞同改善(本民族)工人阶级的生活条件。具体的政治主张便是在有限肯定社会主义经济要求的同时坚决反对工人阶级的政治解放和社会解放。法西斯主义从原意上来说也是这个立场,只不过融合了拉丁特色的工团主义。显而易见,纳粹主义以一种思想来看是非常浅薄的,对社会可谓毫无分析力批判力可言。

然而,纳粹主义者个人如何看待自己的政治立场与纳粹党实际的生态位是两回事。纳粹党/法西斯党从出现的第一天就偏离了索雷尔这种知识分子理论上设计的“第三条道路”走向了纯粹的反动复辟。资产阶级支持纳粹镇压不断高涨的工人运动,传统右派则希望通过纳粹推翻新生民主政治。这背后的原因也不难理解,政治的解放是经济解放的基础。建立于十一月革命之上的魏玛共和国是一个激进的共和国。随着王冠落地,主流保守派也声誉扫地,以至于在纳粹之前它的国会中是没有一个真正的保守党的,就连天主教中央党由于历史原因相也对普鲁士保守主义采取敌视态度。而纳粹主义虽然在经济上假惺惺地提出了一点改良主义的要求,在政治上却是所有主流政治派系中最右最反动的,公开要求推翻魏玛共和国,建立所谓“民族”的威权政治。大工业家,没落贵族和各路军头也正是看中了一点。排除纳粹党中仅仅作为宣传要素存在的意识形态幻觉,从马克思主义的视角应该这样去理解纳粹主义,随着无产阶级在政治上的觉醒,传统的资产阶级民主政体再也无法维持容克与资产阶级的统治,必须走向赤裸裸的独裁。 这可能也是搞笑的地方,纳粹主义和保守主义唯一的区别就在于他在宣传上多了一些进步的色彩。




user avatar   jia-ran-jin-tian-chi-otto 网友的相关建议: 

我一进来就看到 @麻匪宇宙 不学无术的钦点


  1. 哪怕在名义上都不能沾社会两字,因此SPD是左

2. 不能有集中化的政党领导,因此基民盟是左


3. 不能承认劳动节,公会组织去中心化。统治集团有民粹成分都不行,因此日本自民党是左


4. 经 济 自 由 放 任,因此所有沾点凯恩斯的都是左

5. 不能有任何形式的社会福利,因此所有正常国家的正常政党都沾点左,因为哪怕是杜瓦利埃的海地和叶利钦的俄罗斯都搞过企业补贴……





这 就 是 安 资

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user avatar   gen-aleksandr 网友的相关建议: 







  1. ^委员会共产主义(Council Communism)的支持者: https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-KAPD
  2. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Strasserism
  3. ^ https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-Black_Front
  4. ^虽然国旗的设计者是中央党左派人士Josef Wirmer: https://en.wanweibaike.com/wiki-List_of_German_flags#Historic_flag_proposals

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  1927 年蒋介石为什么要清党? 


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