除了题主提到的Hilary Putnam之外, 在知乎上比较少被人提到的我能想到两个
首先是Frank Ramsey.
数学方面的成就: 证明了Ramsey's theorem. Ramsey theory是每个学数学的人都多少了解的领域, 但比较鲜为人知的是, Ramsey是在考虑一阶逻辑的可判定性的论文里将Ramsey定理当作一个小引理来证明的, 直到后面Erdos等人才将这其中的组合理论发展开来 (无穷的Ramsey theory在集合论界有时会被称作Hungarian partition relations). 该定理出自Ramsey 1928年的论文On a Problem of Formal Logic, 论文的主要贡献是证明了一阶逻辑的一个子集, Bernays–Schönfinkel–Ramsey class, 是可判定的. 不久之后, 丘奇和图灵就证明了一阶逻辑本身是不可判定的.
哲学方面的成就: 尝试澄清"真, 知识, 信念, 概率"四者之间的关系. 同时也给罗素&怀特海的Principia Mathematica中的类型论提出了简化方案, 所得到的类型论今天叫做Theory of Simple Types (TST). 他同时也是维根斯坦的好友, 翻译过维根斯坦的逻辑哲学论. 是为数不多的维根斯坦在书面上感谢过的人.
经济学方面的成就: 发表了A Mathematical Theory of Saving一文, 其中提出了影响深远的Ramsey model. 凯恩斯对这份工作给出了极高的评价:
One of the most remarkable contributions to mathematical economics ever made, both in respect of the intrinsic importance and difficulty of its subject, the power and elegance of the technical methods employed, and the clear purity of illumination with which the writer's mind is felt by the reader to play about its subject. The article is terribly difficult reading for an economist, but it is not difficult to appreciate how scientific and aesthetic qualities are combined in it together.
同时, 结合他的哲学工作, Ramsey也首次提出了subjective probablity, Bayesian probability, utility function等对后世各种科学影响深远的概念. (de Finetti在Ramsey去世后不久也独立地提出了类似的概念)
其次是Saul Kripke
Theorem. Every Boolean algebra can be completely embedded into a countably generated Boolean algebra.
这个被嵌入的代数就是集合论学者所熟悉的collapsing poset , 选取足够大的 之后的regular open completion.
Theorem (Sikorski's problem).
1) There is a complete Boolean algebra B such that no complete homomorphism maps B onto a complete homogeneous Boolean algebra.
2) There exists a Boolean algebra with more than two elements, such that every automorphism is the identity.
更现代的话, 大多数同时在哲学系和数学系任教的教授都是数理逻辑学家了, 教育背景都是偏数学的, 只是因为所做的研究涉及到独立于公认的数学公理, 所以会参与哲学工作. 比如说Hugh Woodin, Joel David Hamkins, Donald Martin, Matthew Foreman, Philip Welch, Benedikt Lowe, Harvey Friedman, Solomon Feferman
(最后是一条有趣的冷知识, 深受数学家喜爱的Paul Halmos刚开始读博的时候读的是哲学PhD, 后来改方向才成为的数学家.)