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如何评价纽约时报“1619项目”获得2020年普利策奖? 第1页


user avatar   wang-shi-tao-42-22 网友的相关建议: 


「This approach goes far beyond the case for teaching African American Studies in colleges or making sure that black history is integrated in school curricula. Instead of asserting the need to add to traditional American history a fuller account of the black experience, the 1619 Project calls for replacing that traditional account with one that makes the black experience primary – and not just for black Americans, but for all Americans.


「The usual way for disputes about history to be resolved is for historians to present their best arguments, and their sources, in journal articles; each side can then examine the evidence for themselves and hammer out the truth. The 1619 Project evades this kind of transparency. The lead author, Nikole Hannah-Jones, who makes some of the most audacious claims, cites no sources at all: the project as presented in the magazine contains no footnotes, bibliography, or other scholarly footholds.

An ordinary reader would not expect such things in a Sunday newspaper, but the 1619 Project is not an ordinary piece of newspaper journalism. It is an attempt to wrest control of the grand narrative of American history. That really isn’t the proper role for a newspaper, which should report the news rather than attempt to create it. The Times stumbled badly by presenting unsourced and unsupported assertions as the writing of history. Much of the controversy that followed consisted of historians’ challenging the claims and the Times’ scrambling to find some plausible substantiating evidence.

I chose the title 1620 mainly as a riposte to the claim that the arrival of slaves in Virginia was the real founding of America. In November 1620, the passengers on the Mayflower drew up an agreement on how they would conduct their public affairs when they disembarked. That document, the Mayflower Compact, I argue – as have many others – pointed the way toward America’s self-government. It is the beginning of ordered liberty in the New World. That is the vantage point from which I survey the 1619 Project. America was never a “slavocracy.” It was and is humanity’s great attempt to create a society based on principles of freedom and equality.」



Peter W. Wood




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