多谢邀请。 强答一番。
用这个函数能生成配的上您的耳机的音乐: RANDOM()。
如果不喜欢动手, 也可以用免费的 AUDACITY。
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Pink Noise Generation with MATLAB Implementation % % % % Author: M.Sc. Eng. Hristo Zhivomirov 07/30/13 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function y = pinknoise(N) % function: y = pinknoise(N) % N - number of samples to be returned in row vector % y - row vector of pink (flicker) noise samples % The function generates a sequence of pink (flicker) noise samples. % Pink noise has equal energy in all octaves (or similar log bundles) of frequency. % In terms of power at a constant bandwidth, pink noise falls off at 3 dB per octave. % define the length of the vector % ensure that the M is even if rem(N,2) M = N+1; else M = N; end % generate white noise x = randn(1, M); % FFT X = fft(x); % prepare a vector for 1/f multiplication NumUniquePts = M/2 + 1; n = 1:NumUniquePts; n = sqrt(n); % multiply the left half of the spectrum so the power spectral density % is proportional to the frequency by factor 1/f, i.e. the % amplitudes are proportional to 1/sqrt(f) X(1:NumUniquePts) = X(1:NumUniquePts)./n; % prepare a right half of the spectrum - a copy of the left one, % except the DC component and Nyquist frequency - they are unique X(NumUniquePts+1:M) = real(X(M/2:-1:2)) -1i*imag(X(M/2:-1:2)); % IFFT y = ifft(X); % prepare output vector y y = real(y(1, 1:N)); % ensure unity standard deviation and zero mean value y = y - mean(y); yrms = sqrt(mean(y.^2)); y = y/yrms; end
https:// raw.githubusercontent.com /cortex-lab/MATLAB-tools/master/pinknoise.m
对了, 网友也分享了几个现成的小工具。
据(耳机论坛的大湿)说, 长期听三频不均衡的音乐会让耳机越来越不均衡哦。
老麦,我忍不住想煲耳机有啥免费 Hi-RES 煲机软件?
下面的两个很小的免费工具(几十K字节而已), 产生的都是 32bit 采样的无损煲机音效。
32bit 小巧的噪音催眠器软件 KOF PINK NOISE Sleep helper (可以产生32bit 的白噪音和粉红噪音)
https:// wenxue.ca/wp-content/up loads/2019/06/sleepink.zip
32bit 小巧的粉红噪音发生器软件 KOF PINK NOISE GENERATOR
https:// wenxue.ca/wp-content/up loads/2019/06/PINK_V1_setup.zip
如果电脑系统比较旧, 您也许需要安装微软的 dot net framework
您煲到退货期限以后, 耳机一般就脱胎换骨, 立竿见影了。关键点就是要煲过退货期限, 怎么煲真的不重要。 用意念煲也是可以的。但是千万不要 “听着煲”, 弄坏自己的耳朵。
一般来说, 振膜都是塑料的 (高分子材料PET) , 例如大家经常用来装一种高成瘾性饮料一氧化二氢的瓶子也是 PET 的。
如果要想让塑料快速变形, 提升温度就好了。 比如咱煲鸡汤, 普通锅就没有高压锅快, 对吧?如果想快速老化, 可以考虑把室内温度调节到 35 摄氏度(警告:高温危险。切勿轻易尝试!), 保守的估计能够缩短煲机时间 10 倍。
如果您确实很喜欢可以用他们来催眠 )))))))))))))))))外放到音箱((((((((((((((((
煲耳机白噪音和粉红噪不够? 还有
对, 就是网上流传的 “耳机痛经活络说”。
哪个频率不爽, 您可以给这个频率产生莫尔斯码煲它 365 天甚至 十年八年。
少林长拳或者罗汉拳练个十年八年也是可以洗筋伐髓的, 参见金庸小说。
20KB免费小软体:纯音超声次声波白噪发生器及莫尔斯码发生器训练器 32bit192KHz
纯音超声次声波白噪发生器及莫尔斯码发生器训练器 32bit192KHz
https:// wenxue.ca/wp-content/up loads/2019/06/mcodeGen.zip
如果电脑系统比较旧, 您也许需要安装微软的 dot net framework
Download .NET (Linux, macOS, and Windows)
1. Green, Ethan. "What Is White Noise & What's All The Fuss About?" Nosleeplessnightscom. N.p., 24 Mar. 2016. Web. 27 June 2016.
2. Söderlund, Göran, Sverker Sikström, and Andrew Smart. "Listen to the noise: noise is beneficial for cognitive performance in ADHD." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 48.8 (2007): 840-847.
3. Spencer, J. A., et al. "White noise and sleep induction." Archives of disease in childhood 65.1 (1990): 135-137.
4. "White, Pink or Brown: Which Noise Helps You Sleep Better?" Nosleeplessnights. N.p., 24 Mar. 2016. Web. 27 June 2016.
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