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心理咨询师是否应该终身接受督导? 第1页


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当被督导的人士经过了重重考核,被监管机构认为满足了执业的标准,并最终获得了独立的执照。在获得独立执照后,该专业人士不再需要上面提到的督导,但是该人士是终身被“监管”的,为了更新执照,该人士需要满足“继续职业发展”也就是continuing professional development的要求,其中包括了peer consultation。这个peer consultation(或者有的时候被称为peer supervision),和上面的督导supervision有本质上的不同。不同点在于,peer consultation是在两位拥有独立执照的心理学家之间进行,不存在权利上的悬殊,也不存在要服从对方、为对方的行为负责或对彼此的专业能力进行评估。

唯一的例外是如果一位已经拿到独立执照的心理学家想要扩大他的执业范围(比如从成人扩展到儿童),那么是需要进行一定时间的督导supervision 的,下面的回答里有涉及。







这里回答 @Shizum


“如果按照DrM自己定义的“督导”的话: DrM,在加拿大安大略省作为心理学家执业,法律上虽然不被强制性要求接受“加拿大安大略省定义的supervision”,但是从best effort原则上来讲,如果接受了supervision能够使他的专业服务质量更高并且确实有需要有条件被supervise的话,还是“应该”接受supervision的。如果他选择终生不接受supervision,虽然不违法,但是可以说明他不是一个好的心理工作者。这就好比一个厨师不努力钻研做饭的技术,虽然不违法,但不是一个好厨师。 而如果把中文的“督导”理解成Continuing Professional Development, 那么准确的说法是: DrM必须接受督导(CPD)。”


第二,督导supervision和CPD是完全不同的概念,而且呢,他对这方面的了解不全面,Continuing Professional Development只是安省心理学家renew执照的一个要求,还有包括Self-Assessment Guide and Professional Development Plan,和Peer Assisted Review。详情可以看我之前的文章:

北美临床心理学家的继续教育 - Dr.M的文章 - 知乎 zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/81

CPD怎么翻译到“督导”? 不好意思,我跟不上这个逻辑,都是翻译为“继续教育”或者“继续专业发展“,怎么能理解为”督导“的呢?

第三,按照安省心理学家学院对于督导“supervision”的定义,如果我是独立执照,如果我不想要扩大执业范围(declared areas of competence),就算我想要去接受安省心理学家学院定义的督导“supervision”,我是没有办法接受督导"supervision”的。。。真不是我不想,对于安省心理学家学院来说,只有在特定情况下才可以开展督导supervision,是要通报安省心理学家学院的,不是我不想,是不按规定是不能进行的。

第四,不仅是在加拿大,美国和澳洲的情况也是一致的,我今天问了美国执业的心理学家,也问了澳洲职业的心理学家,大家对于supervision 的理解和定义是一致的。督导supervision是有严格定义的,不是你说督导是CPD就可以的。





关于另外一个回答 @Shizum 对于“一旦拿到独立执照之后不需要终身督导”的质疑,这里是我的回答:



4.1.4 Supervision of Autonomous Practice Members of the College
All of the requirements under 4.1.1 are applicable to supervisors of Autonomous Practice members who are seeking to provide services outside of their authorized areas of practice and/or client groups, except for:
a) identification of supervisor (4.1.1 [7]) and billing and receipts (4.1.1 [8]); and,
b) Supervisors are not required to sign final drafts of reports and formal correspondence but
must approve them and document such approval.

4.1.5 Members Providing Non-Supervisory Consultation and Other Services
Members providing formal, ongoing consultation regarding psychological matters to other service providers who may or may not be members of the College, but are not providing supervision to them, must have a clear agreement, signed by both parties, confirming the understanding that the member is not taking on responsibility for client care and that the person receiving such consultation retains responsibility for the individual client or the organizational client care. Notwithstanding the above, members should be aware that in all circumstances they are accountable for providing competent information.

请注意4.1.4的标题是”Supervision of Autonomous Practice Members of the College",也就是说在怎样的情况下拿到独立执照的心理学家需要接受supervision,里面说的很清楚,只有一种情况”who are seeking to provide services outside of their authorized areas of practice and/or client groups“,也就是扩大该心理学家的执业范围和人群。没有其他情况下需要接受督导,这一点非常明确。我不知道为什么有人要混淆视听。



@岑CHEN老师 在她的答案中扭曲了事实,说澳洲执业心理学家每年需要十小时“被督导”,颁布心理学家牌照的Psychology Board of Australia这里明文讲得很清楚,要求”completing 10 hours of peer consultation activities annually”,peer consultation是同行磋商,不是督导supervision。


颁发心理学家执照的Psychology Board of Australia对supervision是这样定义的:

The Psychology Board of Australia is committed to protecting the public by ensuring that only practitioners who are suitably trained and qualified to practice in a competent and ethical manner are registered. Supervisors help to achieve this commitment by assessing competence in those seeking general registration or area of practice endorsement.

也就是说supervision有两个主要目的:一是确保申请执照的人满足要求,二是确保扩大执业范围、已经持有执照的心理学家满足要求(这一点和上面安省standards of professional conduct, section 4.1.4一致)。所以我的解读是,澳洲心理学家执照的更新并不需要supervision,但是需要consultation。他们要求的是peer consultation,不是上级对下级的supervision,不存在承担责任、不需要服从、也不存在能力评估。










  1. 提供督导的人士有足够的资质,在理想状况下应该具有独立的从业执照(国内现在不存在心理咨询或心理学家执照,之前的国家心理咨询师执照是不是代表“资质足够”?我不敢评论)。
  2. 被督导人士要在第一时间向来访者说明自己被督导,并要提供督导者的姓名、资质、联系方式,并获得来访者的同意。如果来访者提出要和提供督导的人士联系,被督导人士需要主动配合,并安排双方直接沟通交流。
  3. 提供督导的人士要对被督导人士提供的服务负全面的责任,在收款收据上应该同时注明被督导人士和提供督导人士的姓名、地址、联系方式、资质。任何书面的报告或者提供给来访者的文件都应该有被督导人士和督导人士两者的签名。在北美来说,来访者向保险公司上报的应该是督导者的信息,而不是被督导者的信息。如果来访者要投诉,被投诉的应该是提供督导的人士,也就是说如果被督导人士犯了错误,提供督导人士需要承担责任。
  4. 如果督导的关系存在,那么被督导的人士所见的来访者不再是自己的来访者,而被视作提供督导人士的来访者。督导关系需要提前用书面合同的方式确定下来,每一节督导需要做书面记录,同时提供督导人士应该可以随时参阅被督导人士的案例记录case note(比如说如果使用电子医疗档案管理系统,督导应该有足够授权)。











因为我在加拿大安大略省持牌职业,那么我受到加拿大心理学家学院职业操守准则的约束,而这些相关准则在美国和加拿大都是一致的。该职业操守Standards of Professional Conduct,可前往下面的链接下载:



Responsibility of Supervisors of Psychological Service Providers
If a member is supervising psychological services provided by a member holding a certificate for supervised practice or any other unregulated or regulated service provider who is not an autonomous practice member of the College, the client is considered to be the client of the supervisor.
Members must assume responsibility and accountability for, and review, the actions and services of all supervised providers of psychological services who are not authorized by the College to provide those services autonomously. Supervising members therefore, must be authorized to provide the relevant services with the relevant populations.
These provisions apply to, but are not limited to, supervisees who are employees, students, trainees, members holding certificates of registration authorizing supervised practice, members holding certificates of registration authorizing autonomous practice who are providing services for which they are not authorized and service providers who are not members.
The responsibilities and obligations of the supervisor depend on the qualifications of the supervisee; that is whether the supervisee is a member holding a certificate of registration authorizing supervised practice, a non-member or an Autonomous Practice member. The requirements for all supervision undertaken, as well as additional/alternate responsibilities for supervision in specified circumstances, are set out below.


1) the supervising member must be competent to provide the services undertaken by the supervisee;
2) the supervising member must assess the knowledge, skills and competence of the supervisee and provides supervision as appropriate to the knowledge, skills and competence of the supervisee, based on this assessment;
3) the supervising member must keep a record of supervision activities and contacts between the supervisor and supervisee and such a record must include, at a minimum:
a) the date and length of time of each supervision meeting;
b) information that will permit the identification of each client discussed at each
supervision meeting;
c) a summary of discussions regarding each assessment and intervention matter
occurring at each supervision meeting;
d) a summary of discussions regarding any relevant ethical, professional and
jurisprudence issues discussed at each supervision meeting;
e) a notation of any directives provided to the supervisee at each supervision
meeting; and
f) a notation of any of the supervisee’s strengths and needs for further development identified at each supervision meeting;
4) supervision records must be retained for at least two years past the date of the last supervisory contact;
5) the supervising member must ensure that there is an individual supervision agreement, signed by both supervisor and supervisee, for each supervisory relationship and such an agreement must include, at a minimum:
a) the date upon which the agreement is effective and the expected date upon which it will expire;
b) the specific duties and obligations of the supervisee;
c) any limitations imposed upon the activities of the supervisee;
d) the specific duties and obligations of the supervisor;
e) the expected frequency and length of supervision meetings;
f) the manner in which the supervisor will be directly involved in the planning,
monitoring and evaluation of the services provided to clients;
g) contact information and emergency contact information for both the supervisor
and supervisee;
h) confirmation that the supervisee will comply with all requirements under the
legislation and regulations relevant to the service and the Standards of
Professional Conduct (2017); and
i) identification of a plan for appropriate support for the supervisee in the event of
the supervisor’s unavailability.
In institutional settings, such as school boards, hospitals and correctional facilities, employment contracts which address the terms of supervision referred to in these Standards may be considered to constitute a supervision agreement.
6) the supervising member must not make supervisory arrangements for the sole purpose of facilitating billing and payment for services by a third-party payer;
7) the supervising member’s name, clearly identified as the supervising member, and his/her contact information, must be clearly identified on all psychological reports and formal correspondence related to psychological services;
8) the supervising member must ensure that billing and receipts for services are in the name of the supervising member, psychology professional corporation or employer and clearly identify the name of the supervising member and the name, relevant degrees and professional designations of the supervised psychological service provider; and
9) the supervising member must make best efforts to ensure that the supervisory relationship is conducive to professional development and in the best interests of the supervisee.

关于磋商consultation,请看安省心理学家学院的另一份文件Questions and Answers Regarding the Controlled Act Related to Psychotherapy(Revised May 13, 2019),链接在这里:cpo.on.ca/Resources.asp (需要自己找一找)

Autonomous practice members of the College who may wish to increase their psychotherapy skills within their authorized areas of practice or their authorized population groups?

As with other situations when members wish to increase their skills within their authorized areas or with their authorized populations, members generally become involved in a mentorship, consultation or training relationship, rather than a formal supervisory one. Since they are already authorized in the area or with the population, the College does not require supervision when a member is learning new techniques or increasing the scope of their activities within their authorized areas. If there is a reason that non-supervisory supports would be insufficient, and supervision is necessary however, a member of the College may enter into a supervisory relationship as outlined Principle 4 of the Standards.





可以参考我另一篇文章:来谈一谈所谓的“个人体验”和“长期督导” - Dr.M的文章 - 知乎 zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/78

也可以参考我关于心理学家在教育的文章:北美临床心理学家的继续教育 - Dr.M的文章 - 知乎 zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/81




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