俺没啥文化, 初中毕业, 大伙都知道。
如果是单纯地认单词, 高中 3500 个单词俺 20~30 分钟就认完了。
这个问题有点没头没尾, 因此极难回答。
取巧的回答就是上面的那句话, 如果是单纯地认单词, 高中 3500 个单词俺 20~30 分钟就认完了。
当然, 俺不是吹牛, 是因为俺确实有这个底子。
但是, 这样的回答对题主一点 JB 帮助都没有。 (JB=基本)
下面这个幼儿园孩子用的字母表很简单。字母表只有 26 个字母。挑战一下自己吧。
俺可以在 20 秒之内念完字母表。
念的方式是 A for Alpha, B for Bravo, C for Charlie... 依此类推。 俺估计您也可以试试。对于准备考TOEFL的同学,俺可以拍胸口保证,只要您比俺念的快,过TOEFL如囊中探物、唾手可得。
https:// wenxue.ca/wp-content/up loads/2019/08/LMNATO2.mp3
顺便说一下, 俺的词汇量只有5000~6000, 但是扇贝网总说俺是英语系毕业的。而鬼佬的测试网站就更离谱了, 竟然说俺有 19000 的单词量。真是玩笑开大了。
现在网上有很多词汇量估计的工具可以用, 比如扇贝网的词汇量测试。 虽然不准确但是七八成的准确率还是有的, 测一测也可以有个相对清晰的认识。
比如四级全对该网站给出来的是 7000 , 按照保守的估计就是七七四十九, 二一添作五就算自己有个 5000 单词量。
比如六级全对该网站给出来的是 9000 , 按照保守的估计就是七九六十三, 二一添作五就算自己有个 6000 单词量。
当然, 随意乱点也有可能出来一个让自己很爽的结果, 一般来讲自己对自己还是有点 * 数的。 看到这种结果, 还是保守点打个对折就算了。
取巧的回答就是上面的那句话, 如果是单纯地认单词, 高中 3500 个单词俺 20~30 分钟就认完了。但是, 这样的回答对题主一点 JB 帮助都没有。 (JB=基本)
俺猜测也是为了提高效率, 或者确实没有时间来奉陪英语学习。
Subject: 一百个短句囊括托福词汇 100 sentences TO RECAP 7000 frequent Words Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope or pronghorn. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century? Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. The greater the population there is in a locality; the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken. The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red. Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be a reality. Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises. Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live. The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for more accurate sundials with which to regulate them. Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to do observations that can be checked by others. Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris. When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time. Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found as far north as Ohio and Illinois. Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating. The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on what grows best in its climate and soil. Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s occurring is equal to the probability that it will not occur. Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid. The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is not clearly understood. By the middle of the twentieth century, painters and sculptors in the United States had begun to exert a great worldwide influence over art. In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing center. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman medical doctor in the United States, founded the New York Infirmary, an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff. Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone. Because its leaves remain green long after being picked, rosemary became associated with the idea of remembrance. Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact. That xenon could not FORM chemical compounds was once believed by scientists. Research into the dynamics of storms is directed toward improving the ability to predict these events and thus to minimize damage and avoid loss of life. The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed. Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion. One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States is the Everglades where wildlife is abundant and largely protected. Lucretia Mott’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States. The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than those of the domestic marketer. The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific. Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate that its crust and mantle yield when unusual weight is placed on them. The annual worth of Utah’s manufacturing is greater than that of its mining and farming combined. The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support. It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives, that is the main focus of social psychology. No social crusade aroused Elizabeth Williams’ enthusiasm more than the expansion of educational facilities for immigrants to the United States. Quails typically have short rounded wings that enable them to spring into full flight instantly when disturbed in their hiding places. According to anthropologists, the earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees facially, with sloping foreheads and protruding brows. Not until 1866 was the fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid. In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology. Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined to possess high levels of self-confidence. The ancient Hopewell people of North America probably cultivated corn and other crops, but hunting and gathering were still of critical importance in their economy. Using many symbols makes it possible to put a large amount of information on a single map. Anarchism is a term describing a cluster of doctrines and attitudes whose principal uniting feature is the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary. Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the United States than did Henry Ford a pioneer in automobile production. The use of well-chosen nonsense words makes possible the testing of many basic hypotheses in the field of language learning. The history of painting is a fascinating chain of events that probably began with the very first pictures ever made. Perfectly matched pearls, strung into a necklace, bring a far higher price than the same pearls told individually. During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became what is now Indiana and Ohio. Among almost seven hundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foot high, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours. Before starting on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter. Of all the economically important plants, palms have been the least studied. Buyers and sellers should be aware of new developments in technology can and does affect marketing activities. The application of electronic controls made possible by the microprocessor and computer storage have multiplied the uses of the modern typewriter. The human skeleton consists of more than two hundred bones bound together by tough and relatively inelastic connective tissues called ligaments. The pigmentation of a pearl is influenced by the type of oyster in which it develops and by the depth, temperature, and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives. Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds, they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues. Not only can walking fish live out of the water, but they can also travel short distances over land. Scientists do not know why dinosaurs became extinct, but some theories postulate that changes in geography, climate, and sea levels were responsible. The science of horticulture, in which the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes information derived from other sciences. Snow aids farmers by keeping the heart in the lower ground levels, thereby saving the seeds from freezing. Even though the precise qualities of the hero in literary words may vary over time, the basic exemplary function of the hero seems to remain constant. People in prehistoric times created paints by grinding materials such as plants and clay into power and then adding water. Often very annoying weeds, goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants and act as hosts to many insect pests. Starting around 7000 B.C., and for the next four thousand years, much of the Northern Hemisphere experienced temperatures warmer than at present. When Henry Ford first sought financial backing for making cars, the very notion of farmers and clerks owning automobiles was considered ridiculous. Though once quite large, the population of the bald eagle across North America has drastically declined in the past forty years. The beaver chews down trees to get food and material with which to build its home. Poodles were once used as retrievers in duck hunting, but the American Kennel Club does not consider them sporting dogs because they are now primarily kept as pets. As a result of what is now known in physics and chemistry, scientists have been able to make important discoveries in biology and medicine. The practice of making excellent films based on rather obscure novels has been going on so long in the United States as to constitute a tradition. Since the consumer considers the best fruit to be that which is the most attractive, the grower must provide products that satisfy the discerning eye. Television the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth, is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world. Television is more than just electronics; it is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings. Even more shocking is the fact that the number and rate of imprisonment have more than doubled over the past twenty years, and recidivism——that is the rate for re-arrest——is more than 60 percent. His teaching began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but William Rainey Harper lured him to the new University of Chicago, where he remained officially for exactly a generation and where his students in advanced composition found him terrifyingly frigid in the classroom but sympathetic and understanding in their personal conferences. The sloth pays such little attention to its personal hygiene that green algae grow on its coarse hair and communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its moldy hair. Its muscles are such that it quits incapable of moving at a speed of over a kilometer an hour even over the shortest distances and the swiftest movement it can make is a sweep of its hooked arm. Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes. They are made from a variety of materials, such as way and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers. Three years of research at an abandoned coal mine in Argonne, Illinois, have resulted in findings that scientists believe can help reclaim thousands of mine disposal sites that scar the coal-rich regions of the United States. When the persuading and the planning for the western railroads had finally been completed, the really challenging task remained: the dangerous, sweaty, backbreaking, brawling business of actually building the lines. Because of the space crunch, the Art Museum has become increasingly cautious in considering acquisitions and donations of art, in some cases passing up opportunities to strengthen is collections. The United States Constitution requires that President be a natural-born citizen, thirty-five years of age or older, who has lived in the United States for a minimum of fourteen years. Arid regions in the southwestern United States have become increasingly inviting playgrounds for the growing number of recreation seekers who own vehicles such as motorcycles or powered trail bikes and indulge in hill-climbing contests or in caving new trails in the desert. Stone does decay and so tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the man who made them have disappeared without a trace. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. It is true that during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature, equipped in a manner which would make a modern climber shudder at the thought, but they did not go out of their way to court such excitement. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him an old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is. I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love comfort. They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things. I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield. It is impossible to say simply for the fun and exercise: as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are around. It has been found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes, they can locate and steer clear of obstacles——or locate flying insects on which they feed. This echolocation in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar. As the time and cost of making a clip drop to a few days and a few hundred dollars, engineers may soon be free to let their imaginations soar without being penalized by expensive failure. --
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俺不会拒绝慷慨的捐赠, 例如知乎的赞赏。
最近在教小朋友读书, 一时懒癌发作就做了一个很小巧的英文朗读小工具。不敢独享, 共享给大家。大小比一张图片还要小, 需要 Windows 和 Dot Net Framework 4.x .
如果您觉得有必要就下载试用吧, 不用钱也不用注册, 完全免费的。
“Would you happen to have a Visual Doneness Scale Chart for Kids to order? ”
“Please make sure the center of the meat reach 69 °C (Celsius) or 155 °F (Fahrenheit).”
MD5: 3527855fbb935508709913edc815f11c
MD5: f98869ecf57a0c72829c0885d2b91692
* 先用以前的散文撑着, 以后再总结 *
版权声明: 欢迎转载,不必支付稿酬。 转载时可用大家熟悉的“佚名”替换作者名字。就当是俺为祖国的教育做贡献。
大家都知道,俺没啥文化, 初中毕业。俺在上世纪80年代末期,15~16 岁的时候就过了六级CET6. 从中国移居加拿大20年来, 搬家无数次把六级证书也弄丢了(应该是当垃圾扔了)。
高考是 98/100, 很难拿得出手的分数。 因为上协和清华北大的同学比俺高一分到两分。详细的谈也许十分耗时, 因此俺写了一篇散文。有兴趣的不妨阅读。
友情提示: 散文很散, 真的。时间紧迫的同学敬请光速跳过俺的回答。 预计阅读时间 90 秒至 120 秒。
因此有的知友给了俺一个评语: “年度坑王”。
俺来自农村, 寒门草根,父母一句英语都不会。俺就不说俺朋友了,他们也多是农村孩子,在祖国当教授的不少。他们的父母也没几个受过正统教育的。
俺虽然不能和国内的英语8级或者10级的高手比拼, 但和美加500强的西人高管谈笑风生不算个事。俺可以分享一下自己的体会。俺从祖国的穷山沟走出国门到国外定居,在国外生儿育女, 恐怕有一点点可信度。
因为六级证书当垃圾扔了, 所以没法子证明自己的英语能力。所以就用网上的自测题来自证, 比格比较低。 大伙请海涵。
**题外话: 别再把中文书名号《》用在英文歌名、书名以及作品名上了好吗?
俺不敢说自己英语好, 也不喜欢别人称赞自己英语好。因为工作生活在英语国家, 很少有同事会评价你的英语或者法语好不好(那是不当你是自己人的做法)。
小时候总听人说, 如果你做梦都在讲英文的时候, 你的英语就差不多了。大约是12年前,俺就在梦中和鬼佬同事吵架。 特别是那年冬天,俺过马路的时候踩在小雪堆上差点滑倒, 脱口而出 F*** me ! 惹得几米远的妹子哈哈大笑地时候,俺觉得自己的英语学得差不多不用再学了。俺以为可以分享一下自己的体会。
英文的字母表只有 26 个字母。 最基本的词汇只有不到 1000 个。
初中一年级的时候, 俺就听远房亲戚说他们的常规是泛听米国知音和BBC的短波广播。 于是俺就学了这个简单的军用的办法, 后来大约 15 岁的时候就过了六级。16岁的时候考了托福, 600来分。 那时候俞敏洪和李洋都还没出道,没得新东方一说。再后来俺移居枫叶国生活学习都没有碰到过问题。
英文的字母表只有 26 个字母。 最基本的词汇只有不到 1000 个。
最好的方法要有意义, 没有意义的事情做起来就没有动力。
冠冕堂皇的话, 俺还真的不太会说。因为大家都知道,知乎上刚下飞机的人很多。俺没啥文化, 初中毕业。虽然俺也偶尔刚下飞机, 但是俺是农村孩子, 比较朴实, 比较耿直。
俺小时候住在农村,旁边有个人和母猪配种基地。 (注: 人和以及江门都是好地方, 广东人都知道)
学英语和种田一样无趣, 需要时间需要把握方向和不断努力, 三个原因凑齐了就不难解释为啥大家都厌恶重复的折磨了。如果找不到意义, 学英语确实是种折磨。 另外我们的世界也是个 Loop(), 也是种折磨, 因此有些看不开的就出家了。 宁愿放弃吃肉,出家了。
俺曾经认为学任何东西都是无用的, 只要学会象小猪那样吃奶就够了。 尘归尘土归土, 加上轮回, 下辈子幸运的话还能做猪, 不幸运的话可能变成一棵树。一辈子回顾的话,学啥都是会亏到吐的。学东西太多有啥坏处?会纠结人为啥只是一堆幸运的基本粒子......会纠结是不是活在虚拟机里边......会纠结这个世界是不是一个投影
在圣经里面,上帝同意人类要多办事多生娃, 而细菌都会繁殖繁衍,如果人不会繁殖那就不像话了。
Genesis 1:27-28
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
受神的指引,俺未成年的时候就立志研究母猪配种以及人和人之间的性行为。而俺的学习的第一步就是阅读禁书,老牌资本主义国家禁止出版的书,《查泰莱夫人的情人》(Lady Chatterley's Lover)。
如果您还没有跨过学英文的必要性这一关, 千万别勉强。 不学就是,准备好请翻译的钱, 带个随身翻译就好了。 或者一个随时能上网的智能手机装好 Google Translate 那也行, 还不要钱。 但是, 英文字母表最好还是认一认。
俺可以在 20 秒之内念完字母表。
念的方式是 A for Alpha, B for Bravo, C for Charlie... 依此类推。 俺估计您也可以试试。对于准备考TOEFL的同学,俺可以拍胸口保证,只要您比俺念的快,过TOEFL如囊中探物、唾手可得。
https:// wenxue.ca/wp-content/up loads/2019/08/LMNATO2.mp3
开始之前, 要解决学英文的首要问题,
学了英文字母表以后, 当然还可以顺便学一点点俚语或者骂人的话。
目的不是学来骂人, 而是了解身边的危险和恶意, 减少意外的发生。
比如说有人不认识您, 却称呼您 Monday/Tuesday... 就可能是在骂你。
因为鲁滨逊漂流记里面的野人叫 Friday, 这个人在暗指您是野人。
遇到不认识您的人, 冲着您大喊上海的地名浦西浦西的, 您得警惕了。
前些年俺到菜市场买东西, 发现自己叫不出大部分的火鸡调料时,才开始审视自己的英语学习问题。也是为了和老年痴呆症斗争,俺不得不开始卖力地记单词。比如花园里面经常见到的三叶草,俺会重拾字典和百科全书, 记下它的几个形式 clover/trefoil/Trifolium(属)。
举例来说, 比如 Valedictorian, 说起来也许挺丢人的。
小时候俺没学音标之前, 用的也是最土的谐音法。
记这个单词没啥技巧,“围了敌拖一人 = 学霸”。
这么一联想, 俺就不会忘记了。
在学前班的时候, 俺看过一本密歇根州立大学的 ESL 教材,看完以后没啥太多的感触。
比如三叶草的学名, Trifolium 看起来真的很别扭, 更不用说背下来了。
tres + folium 或者说 tri + folium ,
对照英文的字根表(偏旁部首表), tri 就是“三”嘛, folium 就是“叶子”嘛,
这就是英文单字的造字法!! 太激励人心了。
三叶草的学名 Trifolium 比 clover 的俗名还好记对不对?
俺记单词的另外一个土方, 那就是从来不记拼写, 只记单词的形状。
见到头和尾还有中间的很多条腿, 立马就认出是蜈蚣,俺从来不去数它具体有多少条腿。
俺不知道有多少同学是实诚地去数蜈蚣的节数和腿数的, 俺是绝对没有那么大的毅力。
Centi 就是“百”的意思, 百足之虫死而不僵不知道骂的是不是蜈蚣, 但是
Centipede 字面上就是百足虫, 也就是蜈蚣。
蜈蚣实际上足数不一,有少于20,也有超过300只脚的。所以别太纠结蜈蚣是不是一腚整整 100 条腿。Centipede 就是蜈蚣, 好不好?
当然, 您也许会混淆蚰蜒和蜈蚣。
蚰蜒(学名:Scutigera coleoptrata),体色呈黄灰色,有15对步足。它原本是地中海地带的特有物种,现在已经分布于世界各地,通常栖息于人类的房屋中。某些地区也称草鞋虫、草鞋底子、钱串子或“墙串子”。
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 唇足纲 Chilopoda
目: 蚰蜒目 Scutigeromorpha
科: 蚰蜒科 Scutigeridae
属: 蚰蜒属 Scutigera
种: 蚰蜒 S. coleoptrata
Scutigera coleoptrata
Linnaeus, 1758年
蜈蚣、蚰蜒和收音机都有个类似的结构, 那就是触角。
英文都是 “Antenna” .
一般的 5dB 加感天线的辐射方向图网上找不到,俺临时仿真了一个供您参考。
很多学过英语的人可能会和您卖弄一个最长的英语单词, 但是俺只知道一个词代表的距离很长:
lightyear = 光年,light = 光, year = 年。 也就是电磁波在真空里面走一年的距离。
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 这个词, 您可以象切香肠一样切成几节。
pneumono = 肺的
ultra = 超
microscopic = 显微镜下的, 显微结构的
silico = 硅的/(旧称)矽的
volcano = 火山的
coniosis = 吸入尘埃导致的一种疾病状态 (a disease state caused by the inhalation of dust)
所以, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis == 超微粒硅酸盐尘埃沉着症,简称火山肺矽病,是肺尘病的一种。
顺便提一下,老麦小时候也喜欢听杰克逊的歌曲, 特别是那首 Beat it. 这首歌的歌名曾经被错误地翻译, “Beat it” 是俚语/粗俗的话,意思是“滚开”而不是“打击”或“夯它”的意思。 顺便说一下。
和俺一样, 在农村生活过的孩子都知道, 养蘑菇的原则就是:
"Keep them in the dark and periodically give them a load of manure."
翻译出来是啥捏, 就是把蘑菇养在黑暗中, 然后定期给它们一些屎。把它们养在黑暗中, 然后定期给它们一些动物粪便。
从这段话里面您可以学到一些所谓的六级或者托福单字, 例如 manure 粪便, 屎。
有的网友很不喜欢俺的散文, 俺了解。
因为俺身上有农村人的特点, 草根(grassroots)、 粗野(vulgarity)、 市侩(snob) 等等......但是,但是,但是,但是,但是粪便在农业、医学和宗教方面都有很重要的意义。
当然 manure 是一个很文雅的词, 它的近/同义词还有很多, 例如:
cr*p,defecation,discharge,dung,excrement,excretion,fecal matter,feces,sh*t,stool,waste...等等。。。。。。
至于粪便 manure 这东西有没有技术含量, 俺可以拍胸口说:绝对有的。
俺是一个【此处省略 5汉字】的后代。
再往前推,更早的时候俺爸因为买了一只能振荡到短波的电子管,就被逮到【此处省略 3汉字】问话。现在您感觉到匪夷所思的事情, 如果您能坐上时光机回去, 也能体验一下生活。
换句话说, 就连学习英语这样的事情, 以前是属于上层建筑的特权。
活在当下, 您应该庆幸可以自由的学习英语而不用背上里通外国的包袱。
** 您知道以前【此处省略3汉字】的叔叔穿白衣服吗?
美国是个遥远的传说,纽黑文更是很多人一辈子都不会知道的地方。俺村从耶鲁回来的远房大叔在村里造成了轰动, 也给了街头巷尾的大伙不少的谈资。
俺妈问俺, “你啥时候也能象别人那样去美利坚国做学问呢?”
俺无言以对, 但是俺立马下了决心,俺长大以后要到美国去阉猪阉猫。
当然后话是,俺后来去了加拿大,一个相对来说比美国农村一点的地方。类比的话, 也许类似于越南之于祖国。
俺问: “六级是什么东西?”
看到俺鼻涕流下来了, 大叔说:”你感冒了啊, 赶紧搽干净。“
看着黄绿色的鼻涕, 俺问道: “鼻涕是什么?”
大叔说: “那是脓。”
俺吓了一跳, 问道:"您的意思是俺的鼻子在流脓?”
大叔说: “没错, 那叫做脓性卡他。卡他(catarrh)一词源于希腊语,是向下滴流的意思,用来形容渗出液沿黏膜表面向外排出。粘膜化脓性炎又称脓性卡他。“
知道俺在学英文, 博士叔叔就说:
" 小麦考考你, 什么是‘法去声 吖去声科阴平’?"
俺猜想,“法4”“科1” 这两个音肯定包含了 F 和 K。
俺那时候才学会查字典。 以 F 音开始, 以 K 音结束, 中间的元音象是吖, 最接近的就是这个单字了:
俺有点犹豫, 问到:“大叔, 是不是早操的操字读去音呢?”
大叔有点意外, 又有点惊讶,问:
那年发很大的大水,新华书店都被水淹了。水退了以后, 这些字典就当废纸卖了。俺五分钱就捡了一本牛津高级英语学习字典和一本朗曼当代英语字典。 特别是看着 "当代"“高级”两个词心里特别舒坦。有些同学以为五分钱是很少钱, 也许意识不到通货膨胀有多厉害。五分钱是俺两天半的早餐钱, 相当于今天的 25 元人民币。这本牛津高级英语学习字典的原价是五毛。 相当于大人一天的工资。若干若干年后才知道, 那时候大叔放给俺听的是 George Carlin的单口相声。
后来考托福的时候和大学的大哥哥聊天,他考俺男人本钱的几个同义词, 俺没加思索就丢给他5个把他逗乐了。
又扯远了, 是吧。 跑题了, 跑题了, 跑题了。
俺学英文的动机很不纯, 很杂。
阉公猪或者公猫叫 "Neuter", 阉母猪或者母猫叫 "Spay".
严格讲应该说 Neuter 也能用于雌性, 但长期以来的习惯是阉雄的就叫 Neuter. 当然也可以说得更文雅或者学究一点, 说”去势“ (castration), 可叹的是去势一词难免让男人菊花一紧。 Spay 一般指的是阉雌性动物.
俺和耶鲁回来的大叔的交谈当然不是一开始就谈早操, 主题当然是英语学习。
大叔没有出国之前, 俺去他家串门就经常看到他在听和看新概念英语。 那时候俺连字母表都还没开始认。俺只认得书上的新概念英语几个中文字而已。 记得俺也问过大师,为啥叫 ”新概念“ 而不是 ”旧概念“ ? 什么是 ”旧概念英语“? 然而,那时俺从来也没有得到明确的答案。
** 其实答案是有的, 藏在《新概念英语》的教师手册的前言里面 **
另一位远房亲戚放假回乡了。 虽然有半代的代沟,俺也没有退缩。 俺逮住他就问了, 你们军校里面怎么学英文听力? 他说听广播啊。俺有点醒悟了, 耶鲁大叔以前也总是开着收音机听鬼佬说话, 原来他在学英文。于是俺决定自己做一个收音机。
俺在书柜里面发现了一些书和图。看起来很简单, 于是俺就开始张罗自己的收音机。
俺鬼鬼祟祟的举动当然没有逃脱家里的老人家的注意。 俺爸说奶奶告诉他, 俺把电老鼠的线拉进了的房间不知道在搞么鬼?俺理直气壮地说要学英文。 俺爸表情复杂地若有所思,不置可否。俺又说, 学英文要自己做一个收音机, 还把书上的电路图秀给他看。俺爸笑了说, 这东西没有选择性, 不能用。 但是在俺的坚持下, 给了俺一个二极管和耳机。
是的, 就是这样的, 红色的海绵。 俺搭好了”收音机“ , 夜深人静的时候, 确实听到了蚊子叫一样的声音:”【此处省略 6汉字】驾炮舰起义来归者, 奖黄金五万两......“
但是俺没有听到任何英文的广播。到了白天, 俺问爸爸为什么听不到英文广播。
爸说,早就告诉你没有选择性是听不到你想听的电台的。 你要用这样的收音机。 我不用的时候你可以用。然后简单地告诉俺怎么调台和校大细声。俺记了下来。俺跑去问军校的远房亲戚【此处省略 4汉字】和BBC怎么调, 然而没有答案。他告诉俺, 小孩子不要乱听这东西。
俺就是不信鞋, 等到耶鲁大叔来串门俺又问他,【此处省略 4汉字】和BBC怎么调?还问他为什么【此处省略 4汉字】和BBC小孩子不要乱听? 耶鲁大叔笑了, 说【此处省略 4汉字】和BBC可以听啊,学英文不要管政治的东西就好了。你记下这几个频率: 675KHz, 9740KHz, 9760KHz, 12040KHz, 15410KHz. 俺写了下来。
回家吃了晚饭以后, 俺就开始摆弄家里的收录机。响动很大, 奶奶一脸恐惧地旁观着, 忍不住了又把俺爸叫来制止。爸爸来了以后, 问俺在搞啥? 俺如实相告, 还把几个频率给他看。爸问, 去哪搞到些东西的? 俺说是博士叔叔给的, 俺不知道怎么输入到收录机里面。俺爸又花了一会时间给俺解释波段和频率。于是俺明白了, 这个收音机没法输入频率, 只能靠估计,估计电台大概在标尺的什么地方。又花了几个夜晚的蹲守, 俺终于把所有的频率都收到了。
从幼儿园同学那里收到的风,让俺隐约觉得英语是改变命运的一把钥匙,于是俺带着问题去找博士叔叔。 俺问, 六级是什么东西? 大叔说, 那只是个筛选的工具。看到俺鼻涕流下来了, 他说你感冒了啊, 赶紧搽干净。俺掏出手帕把鼻涕抹掉。看着黄绿色的鼻涕, 俺问道,鼻涕是什么?大叔说那是脓。俺吓了一跳, 问道:"您的意思是俺的鼻子在流脓?” 大叔说没错, 那叫做脓性卡他(purulent catarrh)。
俺没忘记要问什么, 就继续问那六级有什么用? 大叔说没啥用, 如果你要出国还不如准备一下托福考试。 俺觉得太新奇了, 就继续问什么是托福考试在哪考?大叔说你的问题太多了, 这本书我用不着了给你慢慢看吧。 他给了俺一本复刻的Barron's TOEFL. 又接着说, 【此处省略 4汉字】有个慢速英语节目, 你可以听。 听好了以后就可以听正常的节目了。你不是有字典吗? 碰到生词就查字典。学英文没啥诀窍, 和学中文是一样的,一分耕耘一分收获。俺高兴极了, 问个问题还赚了一本书。
回想起来, 俺学英文没有什么特别的奇技淫巧。
背单词, 查字典, 听收音机和磁带,跟着新闻说英语。这些东西不是什么高科技也没有用到什么高科技, 如果说有的话收录机就是高科技的东西了。 直到今天在【此处省略 2汉字】还是违禁品, 放到那个国度也许算得上是高科技了。初中开始就有英文课。 第一个老师批评俺好高骛远, 所以俺也不喜欢上课的老师,没啥值得提的地方。因为俺的英文成绩和中文语文差不多, 徘徊在 80~90 分附近,这个老师也没怎么再找茬子。 英文老师换了以后, 俺有了进步,经常满分还当过英文课代表。但是每次分享学习经验, 俺把博士叔叔说的学英文没啥诀窍和学中文是一样一分耕坛一分收获复述给同学。大家要不就是一脸懵逼要不就是一脸怀疑。 俺也没得法子。俺觉得再后来过六级和托福俺也没有啥可说的, 没有什么突击的过程, 无惊无险地过了。俺只觉得是顺理成章的事情。就象张无忌用小无相功使拈花指一样。
挑战一下吧, 只有 100 道题。
https:// ndeb-bned.ca/quiz/? act=startQuiz
顺便说一下, 俺的词汇量只有5000~6000, 但是扇贝网总说俺是英语系毕业的。
而鬼佬的测试网站就更离谱了, 竟然说俺有 19000 的单词量。
现在网上有很多词汇量估计的工具可以用, 比如扇贝网的词汇量测试。 虽然不准确但是七八成的准确率还是有的, 测一测也可以有个相对清晰的认识。
比如四级全对该网站给出来的是 7000 , 按照保守的估计就是七七四十九, 二一添作五就算自己有个 5000 单词量。
比如六级全对该网站给出来的是 9000 , 按照保守的估计就是七九六十三, 二一添作五就算自己有个 6000 单词量。
当然, 随意乱点也有可能出来一个让自己很爽的结果, 一般来讲自己对自己还是有点 * 数的。 看到这种结果, 还是保守点打个对折就算了。
学习一门敌国的语言, 必须得收听敌台。这让俺落下了一个病根,那就是说起英文来声音的包络(Envelope)周期性地起伏, 类似电离层的波动。
看俺的散文, 也许很多同学不明白为啥俺花那么大的篇幅描写自己的经历而没有什么干货。
这是因为俺文化程度低, 初中毕业, 逻辑混乱,散文很散, 不太可能象那些有头衔有文凭的大拿那样写出振聋发聩洋洋洒洒又条理清晰的论文。所以, 如果您真的能读到这里请在自己的后背拍几下, 和自己说声酷多思(Kudos).
时过境迁,敌台已经不再有短波广播了,可是还有同学在问那个音乐叫啥名字。俺就顺便贴给大家。 《洋基歌》(Yankee Doodle)是一首美国传统歌曲,其起源可追溯至美国七年战争时期。今天这首歌在美国通常被当作爱国歌曲,它同时还是康乃狄克州的州歌。虽然这首歌的歌词带有贬义,然而独立战争期间美军却采用《洋基歌》作为他们自己的歌以反讽敌军,表明他们对自己朴素的家纺衣着和毫不矫揉造作的举止感到自豪。洋基歌的歌词有许多不同版本。多年来,这首歌在美国一直被当作非正式的国歌,也是最受欢迎的儿歌。在各类电影,电视和动画片中时常能听见这首歌曲。
1960年,当《查泰莱夫人的情人》这本书将于英国出版时,出版商企鹅图书面临的是1959年新更改的猥亵出版刊物法(Obscene Publications Act)的出版品【此处省略 2汉字】判决,成为出版界的大新闻,也是对于新颁布的猥亵法案的测试。
在新法案中企鹅图书可以借由证明书籍的文学价值来避免书籍被【此处省略 2汉字】。经常被作为反对方理由的还包括书中常出现的“f***”、“f***ed”、“f***ing”等粗话。最后在1960年11月2日审判结果出炉,判决企鹅图书无罪。这使得英国出版品的自由程度大为提升。在澳大利亚,不只是书籍本身是禁书,连描写这本书在英国的审判过程的The Trial of Lady Chatterley一书也被【此处省略 2汉字】。这本书的拷贝版本被走私进入澳洲,并广泛的发行。由于走私版本发行程度的广泛,最终导致澳洲放松【此处省略 2汉字】制度。
联系一下您可能学过的中文, 其实有很多相似的情形。
中文里面有很多形似而神不是音也不是的字, 比如阈值的“阈”不念“伐”(阀); 中文里面有很多形是而音也不是的字比如龟裂的龟念皲裂的“军”而不念龟头的龟。
在英文里面有很多形似而神不是音也不是的词, 比如 Tire (轮胎) 和 Tier(等级); 有很多形也似神也似音不是的词, 比如 Liquid (液体) 和 Liquor (烈酒例如 Vodka), 比如 Pedestrian (行人)和 Pediatrician(儿童医生);有很多形也似神也似音也似的词, 比如 Etymology(字源学)和 Etiology (病原学)。
如果您喜欢琢磨字根, 找一本 Etymology 的专著或者字典, 可以学到很多东西。
就象俺买了《牛津高级英语学习字典》和《查泰莱夫人的情人》以后学到了很多东西,虽然祖国有很多古籍, 例如《洞玄子》和《素女经》。
当然, 如果您的学术目标是琢磨造人,遗传学、妇产科学和泌尿外科学也有很多一车车的专著。。
跑题了, 跑题了, 跑题了。。
俺觉得可以借用 Ali G 在某届哈佛学生开学典礼的演讲里面的一句话来回答:
“We all came from the same place: punani.”
*Ali G, is a satirical fictional character created and performed by British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen.
必须得要输出 (Applying / Creating)。
不总结一下, 恐怕浪费了您的时间。
记忆曲线/遗忘曲线大家都知道。遗忘曲线告诉您的东西就是死记硬背是一腚会忘记的,要留住记忆就要不断地复习。 了解记忆曲线/遗忘曲线可以帮您卸下心理负担。遗忘是有好处的, 带来伤痛的东西, 咱们的大脑会选择抑制它。 背单词如果成了负担, 就会更快地被忘记。这是一个两难, 您要自己寻找平衡点。
当然, 还有心理学的研究结果, 提示大家知识的留存最好是通过交流(应用)来完成, 特别是相互教学的时候。
所以, 最好找个伴一起学。 男女搭配, 干活不累。
从 SEL 的角度来看, 您已经进入了红/黄区。
What is SEL?
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions
【此处省略 5 汉字】很关心大家的英语学习, 在下面的网址/网站提供了十分详细的慕课
如果您不需要爬梯子的话, 看看无妨。当然, 资产阶级那一套咱不学。 咱只学英语而已。
学习可以不管政治。 取其精华吧。
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
【此处省略互联网链接 1 个】【此处省略 200 汉字】
"Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence."
— Louis Pasteur
虽然科学是没有国界的,人类的共同财产,但是作为一个法国科学家,巴斯德不能接受侵略者颁发的奖项。 因此, 大家在读书的时候应该立场鲜明地抵制资本主义的糟粕。
【此处省略 5 汉字】也建议大家, 使用【此处省略 4 汉字】特别英语节目来提高英语水平:
Using *** Special English To Improve Advanced English
Learners’ Productive Use of High Frequency Words
俺没啥文化, 初中毕业, 大家都知道。
俺大约是 16 岁的时候过的大学英语六级 CET6.
英语语法是对英语语言的系统研究后,总结归纳出来的一系列语言规则, 还有很多例外。掌握这些语言规则, 可以帮助学习者理解英语的语言现象。
1 语序
1.1 英语五大句型
2 各词类
2.1 名词
2.1.1 可数名词复数形式的构成
2.1.2 名词的限定和名词的数
2.1.3 人称代名词的格变化以及第三人称代词的性
2.2 动词
2.2.1 动词的人称
2.2.2 动词的语态
2.2.3 动词的语气
2.2.4 动词的时和体 虚位与类助动词 其他
2.2.5 不规则动词
2.3 形容词与副词
3 否定
4 子句和句子结构
4.1 疑问词
4.2 关系子句
俺高考英语是 98/100, 少一道选择题的分, 因为俺对该题意见很大,俺确实在交卷前(还剩下 30 分钟),双手比划着六脉神剑的中冲剑 。最后俺选择留空以示抗议。CET4 也是 98/100, 少一道选择题的分, 因为俺不希望拿满分被抓典型,俺在交卷前计算了所有的得分, 最后选择答错一道题。不免有的同学会评论说, 你扯蛋吧, 四级哪有 98/100 这种分数? 好吧, 俺托福是 600 来分, 您也是没见过的。您不妨问问您的老师, 或者老师的老师他们当年的四级六级是什么分数。 有的事实会因为时间这个变量,从事实变成笑料, 这不奇怪。 就象精原细胞和卵细胞最后会变成四六级考生一样令人难以置信。
俺倒是看得很透, 大家都是逼出来的。
四级 100 分 大致相当于英语国家的小学四年级水平。因此, 如果您认为俺英语四级98/100 是种炫耀, 您就误解俺了, 英语四级98/100 根本不值一哂。尽管有时候例如您的天花板是别人的地板,也不需要太在意。 您总会有别人看不到的长处, 请不要认为俺在说反话。 冯惟敏《玉抱肚·赠赵今燕》曲:“琵琶轻扫动人怜,须信行行出状元” 。
俺必须得坦白, 俺从来没有系统地学过语法。 但是俺不反对您系统地学习语法。俺观察到的现象是老老实实学习语法的同学被俺这样不好好学习的老鼠屎弯道超车了。这就是祖国现存考试制度的漏洞,令人发哂。 【此处省略 50 汉字】
所以, 俺的经验也许您看看就算了, 别太当真。万一您试用以后有效, 也敬请别外传。 别人会以为您是在放毒!
对了, 您也许会问老麦你是咋钻的漏洞呢?我也想学一学。
如果学英语语法有漏洞可钻, 那不就证明了学英语语法不重要了?那不就变成给学英语语法打脸了?
二战期间的1941年,哥大统计学教授亚伯拉罕·沃德接受【此处省略 2 汉字】请求,用他的专业知识给出【此处省略 20 汉字】的几率的建议。
【此处省略 200 汉字】
俺十分明白, 俺就是屡次考试的幸存者。
上世纪 80 年代, 学英语的书是说多不多说少其实也不少。
这是有历史原因的。商务印书馆是祖国第一家现代出版机构,成立于光绪二十三年(1897年)。创办人夏瑞芳、鲍咸恩、鲍咸昌、高凤池。创办于上海。秉承 “倡明教育,开启民智” 之宗旨,在上百年的漫长岁月中,对中国现代的文化与教育事业产生了巨大而深远的影响。1898年时社会上有学习英语的热潮,商务印书馆开始译介英语教材《华英初阶》、《华英进阶》热卖一时。1903年,商务印书馆出版林纾等译《伊索寓言》(俺家有一本不过已经丢失了) 。1915—1937年出版《英语周刊》,胡哲谋主编。
从这些史料您可以猜测, 英语语法书应该从来都不缺。
俺读中学的时候, 同学喜欢用一本 5 块人民币的红色封面的中学英语语法书。 但是俺发现那本书不合俺的脾胃。 于是俺就自行购买了 5块多的中译本《牛津实用英语语法》和 Practical English Usage,依稀记得是蓝白封面的。 以及另外一本4块多国产的简明英语语法书(具体书名忘却了), 有用的程度不亚于《牛津实用英语语法》, 应该也是蓝色封面的。 这一土一洋双剑合璧就差不多无敌了。 俺的《牛津实用英语语法》是没有涂塑的早期版本,上图中的《牛津实用英语语法》应该是版权法颁布以后出版的,所以比较贵。 俺那时候喜欢买外文书店官方翻印的英文书, 价格是 0500 这样的, 例如 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English for Advanced Learners .
这本翻印的字典和大陆第一版《牛津英汉双解高级英语学习词典》就变成了俺最常用的工具。 尽管后来陆续买了很多词典例如 Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English,
为了查找一些难解的介词问题买的几本介词词典(翻印的), 为了了解美国文化买的两大本16开的 Two Volume Set, Webster's Universal Unabridged Dictionary (比希氏内科学还厚),36 人民币。 当然在那个年代, 这些书都是节衣缩食吃涪陵榨菜和豆腐乳泡饭换来的。
除了老师发的试卷, 俺把外文书店以及学校图书馆的所有的习题都刷了,也包括耶鲁大学回来的大叔送的 Barron's TOEFL (复刻本)也刷了。 参见:
时至今日大家都知道刷题, 这已经不是啥秘密了。或者也可以这么说,在中学俺已经把祖国普通大学本科大纲要求的英语都学完了。祖国硕研英语的难度和六级相差无几,而俺16岁就过了大学英语六级 CET6.
俺虽然从来没有系统地学过语法,因为上课的时候总是在看武侠小说, 但俺觉得系统地学语法并非不重要。 也许俺就象游坦之逆练《易筋经》一样懵懵懂懂打通了英语学习的奇经八脉而不自知,对吗?很多人不相信俺一晚上或者一下午就能看完《鹿鼎记》, 但大家都是逼出来的。 同学花了钱租的书,必须得在别人看完一本之前看完一套书, 你们真的没试过吗?尽管语法书是枯燥的, 借着看武侠小说的劲,《牛津实用英语语法》和 Practical English Usage 以及国产的简明英语语法书, 俺都真的过了一遍, 翻了无数遍。或许这个过程和别人系统地学习英语语法也没啥两样。 所以殊途同归了, 逆练《易筋经》也没有七窍流血走火入魔。
俺小时候是很乖巧的,小学大考从来就是双百的。 而这种情况恐怕也是知乎常态, 更不用说刚下灰机了。到了中学,中了武侠小说和《查泰莱夫人的情人》(lady chatterley's lover)里面的糟粕的毒。学习成绩江河日下一泻千里,十多分的差踞与清华北大失之交臂 。因此,俺是支持书籍内容分级的。 同时, 俺也支持大家移民北美, 以便将来孩子可以弯道超车用外籍华人的身份回来报考清北,不要去上 UBC、UofT、McGill、MIT 或者普林斯顿。
跑题了, 跑题了, 跑题了。
知乎上有个不那么热门的问题 “为什么我背了4000多个单词了,阅读理解还是翻译不出来?”
如果对语法一窍不通也许就会撞墙。 就象武侠小说里边练功岔气一样。
**题外话: 别再把中文书名号《》用在英文歌名、书名以及作品名上了好吗?
有时候, 尽管您每个字都懂, 但是文字后面的意思您不懂也是正常的。
比如, 什么是 To be or not to be ?
比如, 什么是 Calls and puts ? 什么是 Western blot ? 什么是 Greek ? Thank you no thank you 又是啥意思。。
有些很简单的东西在不同的语境里面有不同的意思, 这又和语法、经验/经历有关了。
如果主谓宾句子结构这些东西不熟悉, 背了一大堆单词只不过是学会了搬砖。
Simile明喻、Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻、Metonymy 借喻,转喻、Synecdoche 提喻、Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉、Personification 拟人、Hyperbole 夸张、Parallelism 排比, 平行、Euphemism 委婉,婉辞法、Allegory 讽喻,比方、Irony 反语、Pun 双关、Parody 仿拟、Rhetorical question 修辞疑问、Antithesis 对照,对比,对偶、Paradox 隽语、Oxymoron 反意法,逆喻、Climax 渐进法,层进法、Anticlimax 渐降法。
也许可以这么说, 语法不通, 也许就会变成建造空中楼阁,总有一天要倒塌的。
就象俺胡乱写的散文一样, 语法错误百出, 碰到懂行的,
俺写的段子, 中英对照。两个段落, 一中一英
对话线材 – 我读书少该怎么玩线材? — 我读书少您别耍我系列
Let's Talk About Audio Cables - Please enlighten me since you are facing an uneducated newbie - Please kindly don't screw me while preaching
发烧音乐也懂人类的厚黑学, 看见贱金属就不往前走。所以发烧线材里面内置谈判专家, 这些内置的谈判专家的职责就是说服发烧音乐信号往前走。因为发烧线材里面内置的谈判专家知道, 喇叭/耳机单元的音圈里面是铝线, 是贱金属。
Music signals played by Hi-End equipment are so intelligent and picky that they follow their owners' opinions. These signals will halt before reaching the spot where high purity copper meets base metal such as aluminium, the main element that consists of enamel wire wound up as the voice coil. Artificial Intelligence (AI) had long been integrated into Hi-End audio cables and every such cable incorporates a negotiation expert under its snake skin for application of snake oil. The built-in negotiation experts will talk the Hi-End music signals into proceeding because they can come up with at lease one good cause.
如果谈判专家偷懒,喇叭/耳机单元就会不响。发烧线材里面内置的谈判专家一上场, 就会告诉发烧音乐信号:”19世纪的时候铝不是贱金属, 血统也是贵金属。 1827年弗里德里希·维勒用金属钾还原熔融的无水氯化铝得到较纯的金属铝单质。由于取之不易,当时铝的价格高于黄金。" 这样一来, 讲道理的发烧音乐信号就肯往前走了。
If the built-in negotiation experts choose to lay back, speaker drivers and/or headphone drivers will stop working. Once the built-in negotiation experts get back on track, they will tell the Hi-End music signals a story:
"In 1827 German chemist Friedrich Wöhler conducted an experiment by mixing anhydrous aluminium chloride with potassium and produced a powder of aluminium. Back then aluminium was precious and noble as gold."
Thus, the Hi-End music signals will ponder it a satisfactory reason and agree to move forward into the voice coil in speaker or headphone driver to produce vibrations.
你知道这种调音的 KNOW-HOW, 没有技术储备的厂家是不掌握的。可想而知怎么把能说会道的谈判专家内置到发烧线材里面需要长期的文化沉淀。
You know, this kind of KNOW-HOW is proprietary and unknown to manufacturers that do not have an R&D team of drama writers. You can imagine how hard it is to fabricate negotiation experts into the audio grade cables. That takes centuries.
Why Stinky Fart Makes Headphones Sound Far Better?
吃饱了回来, 老乡放了一个没有声音的臭屁。
俺在听着耳机呢, 没想到不期而遇的臭屁让平时听惯了的音乐更通透, 三频更均衡了, 声场大了一圈, 感觉更宽松了。于是, 俺摘下耳机问:
“瘦子, 你是不是放了个大臭屁? ”
俺接着问, “你说说, 为什么屁会让耳机的音质突然变好?”
瘦子沉吟半晌, 说:
“屁这个东西牵涉到很多【此处省略四个汉字】。你知道吗? 屁里面除了甲烷, 还有超导体。”
“屁里面还有超导体? 你别欺负俺没读过书啊。你说话有没有科学根据呢?”
“硫化氢是无机化合物,化学式为H2S。正常是无色、易燃的酸性气体,浓度低时带恶臭,气味如臭蛋;浓度高时反而没有气味(因为高浓度的硫化氢可以麻痹嗅觉神经)。2015年,物理学者发现,硫化氢在温度203K 极度高压的环境下发生超导相变,是目前已知最高温度的超导体。”
Cartlidge, Edwin. Superconductivity record sparks wave of follow-up physics. Nature News. 18 August 2015 [18 August 2015].
Hack-a-day: Why Stinky Fart Can Make Your Headphones Sound Much More Awesome than Changing Power Chords
Author: BirdyBird
After we came back to our dorm from the McD, my old time buddy Sean cut the cheese in a stealthy fashion.
I was listening to my Hi-end headphones. The unexpected odour of fart suddenly made my listening experience superb. The bass, the mid and the treble became drop dead balanced and a lot more music details were unveiled. Tremendous amount of timbres gushed to my eardrums.
“This is true music”, I thought, “This is unpresidented!!!”
I took off my headphones and asked Sean,
“Hi bro, did you just let out a big fat stinky fart?”
my old time buddy blushed and nodded silently as a shy acknowledgment.
I kept going and asked,
“Tell me why your stinky fart makes my headphones sound awesome, please?”
Sean did not answer before a long break,
“Speaking of the fart, there are some state secrets involved and I am not sure if I am at liberty to disclose. You know, besides methane, there is some superconductor in my fart.”
I almost jumped up in joy,
“Superconductor in your fart? Never heard of it! Is it even scientific?”
Sean replied with a poker face,
“Hydrogen sulfide is the chemical compound with the formula H2S. It is a colorless gas with the characteristic odor of rotten eggs. It is very poisonous, corrosive, and flammable.Being heavier than air, it tends to accumulate at the bottom of poorly ventilated spaces. Although very pungent at first, it quickly deadens the sense of smell, so victims may be unaware of its presence until it is too late. At pressures above 90 GPa (gigapascal), hydrogen sulfide becomes a metallic conductor of electricity. When cooled below a critical temperature this high-pressure phase exhibits superconductivity. The critical temperature increases with pressure, ranging from 23 K at 100 GPa to 150 K at 200 GPa. And it is the superconductor known to human with the highest critical temperature as of now.”
【小标题】老麦, 2019年12月CET四级的“家庭教育” 你会咋翻译?
俺没啥文化, 初中毕业, 大家都知道。俺大约是 16 岁的时候过的大学英语六级 CET6. 如果在15~16岁裸考四级 CET4 的话, 答案很可能会是这样的:
Chinese Families take their children's education very very seriously. Many parents believe that they themslves should work their asses off to guranteed their children getting top-notched or at least better education. Besides investing serious dollars, including donation of billions to ivy leaugue schools, Chinese parents devote their time to supervising their decendants' learning process. The majority of these parents want or hope their kids to go to the top elite schools such as PKU in China, Harvard in the USA or Cambridge in the UK etc. Because of the Reform and Open-up policy, more and more of these parents had been able to send their next generation abroad to study or to participate in international exchange programs, to expand their visions and horizons. Through all these efforts, they expect the children to grow up in a sound way and contribute to the development and presperiry of the nation, eventually.
2. prosperity 错拼成 presperity;
按照字母顺序排列不是太科学, 就打乱了来掰扯一下。
Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻
Metonymy 借喻,转喻
Synecdoche 提喻
Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉
Personification 拟人
Hyperbole 夸张
Parallelism 排比, 平行
Euphemism 委婉,婉辞法
Allegory 讽喻,比方
Irony 反语
Pun 双关
Parody 仿拟
Rhetorical question 修辞疑问
Antithesis 对照,对比,对偶
Paradox 隽语
Oxymoron 反意法,逆喻
Climax 渐进法,层进法
Anticlimax 渐降法
当然, 为了方便查找。 按照字母顺序排一下也是有必要的。
Active and Passive Voiced Sentences 主被动交替
Allegory 讽喻/讲道理/讲古仔
Alliteration 押头韵
Allusion 引喻
Analogy 类比
Anticlimax 突降/反高潮
Antithesis 对偶
Apostrophe 顿呼/穿越
Assonance 押元韵
Climax 层进/正高潮
Consonance 谐音/押辅韵
Couplet 对仗
Ellipsis 省略/隐匿
Epigram 警句
Euphemism 委婉/春秋
Hyperbole 夸张
Inversion 倒装/逆序
Irony 反语
Loose Sentence and Periodic Sentence 散句圆期句配合
Metaphor 隐喻/暗喻
Metonymy 借喻
Onomatopoeia 象声/拟声
Oxymoron 逆喻/矛盾对立
Paradox 隽语/吊诡
Parallelism 排比
Parentheses 插入/括号/画外音
Personification 拟人
Pun 双关
Quotations 引用/名人名言
Repetition 重复
Rhetorical Question 设问/反讥
Ridicule 嘲弄
Sarcasm 讥讽
Satire 讽刺/滑稽
Short and Long Sentences 长短并用
Simile 明喻
Synecdoche 提喻
Transferred Epithet 知错犯错/设局
Understatement 明贬实褒/低调
Zeugma 共轭/异叙
运用比较将一物直接说成另一物, 而两者是不相似的。
辨别隐喻的方法是:隐喻常用 "是"、"就是"(is, are, was, were, have been)等标志性的词。例如 “烧友都是韭菜”, “线材是大湿的命根”。
“狗咬你, 你要不要咬狗?”
提喻大致有 4 四种情况:部分和全体互代;以材料代替事物;抽象和具体互代;以个体代替整个类。
Do you have any red? 你有钱吗?(以对象的颜色代事物,即以红色喻指 百元大钞)
如果您能耐心地看到这里, 俺送您一句老话:
俺知乎阅读总量只有 9000万, 没跨出一小步 (n<1亿)。俺的回答您当笑话看看就算了, 别太当真, 不然会被贴吧网友耻笑。
“老麦, 大家都说你是笑话、论坛孤儿和神棍。”
“没错。 只有万分之0.5的读者赞同俺的观点。”
我认为狭义的QSH state和Z2 topological insulator不是一回事。写在自旋表象【1】下,有一类时间反演对称的哈密顿量可以写作
然而这样的定义依赖额外的“不稳定”对称性【2】——自旋守恒,很显然,在晶体中不打破时间反演但是自旋不守恒的过程有很多,在考虑体系拓扑性质的时候随意的加入额外的对称性会导致预言出很多实验很难观察的现象。如果考虑 ,Kane-Mele, cond-mat/0506581 构造了一个模型,证明了在存在自旋翻转的Rashba SOC的情况下体系依然存在Helical edge state,由于体系打破了自旋守恒,此时这样的edge state无法再定义”自旋霍尔电导“和自旋陈数,代以Z2 拓扑数。由此可知,狭义的自旋霍尔效应只是在Z2拓扑数上进一步添加了自旋守恒的结果,还导致了看起来像新的”自旋拓扑数“。加入Inversion symmetry也可以有类似的”新拓扑数“和Z2对应,Wilson-loop characterization of inversion-symmetric topological insulators。
这样的Z2 topological insulator似乎也开始被”广义的“称作Quantum spin hall insulator或者2D topological insulator,非常迷惑。要注意,和QSH state预言的整数化自旋量子霍尔电导、自旋filtering不同,这样的Z2 topological insulator是由边界上ballistic、disorder-immune的helical edge state在实验上表征的,我给这样的quasi-ballistic transport打上了"quantum spin hall"的引号。事实上,简单的分析transimission matrix就可以轻易的得到,其实这样的Z2 topological insualtor、这样的disorder-immune的边缘态只需要TR,受到时间反演对称性保护,这句话应该如何理解?和U(1)对称性(荷守恒)即可https://topocondmat.org/w5_qshe/fermion_parity_pump.html 。
如上图,这样的quasi-ballistic transport也时常被认为是"QSH"信号,但是狭义的QSH其实需要更多的和spin polarized实验有关的信号。
【1】2D中一般必须是 ,在有衬底影响下我认为可以适当放宽到 表象,其中 可以适当偏离out-of-plane方向。
【2】十重分类的语境下,我把 这类依赖其他稳定的序(超导、磁性)的叫做“稳定”的对称性;晶体对称性等等叫做“不稳定”。