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如何看待浙江大学进行道教内丹的人体研究实验? 第1页


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我们用“meditation fMRI”在谷歌学术上搜索,有15100个结果。第一篇文章就是这样的Case Study;2013年,加州大学和华盛顿大学的研究者使用脑电和磁共振为研究手段,选取了一位修炼了17年、6000小时以上的斯里兰卡佛教修行者作为被试,以研究南传佛教中禅定状态(原文为“Jhanas”,或者按这本书应该翻译成禅那?安止定禅那 | 四念处内观禅法)的大脑状态(PS:文章里谈到,做研究时全美帝就这一个人既符合条件又愿意参加实验)。

Hagerty, M. R., Isaacs, J., Brasington, L., Shupe, L., Fetz, E. E., & Cramer, S. C. (2013). Case study of ecstatic meditation: fMRI and EEG evidence of self-stimulating a reward system. Neural plasticity


We report the first neural recording during ecstatic meditations called jhanas and test whether a brain reward system plays a role in the joy reported. Jhanas are Altered States of Consciousness (ASC) that imply major brain changes based on subjective reports: (1) external awareness dims, (2) internal verbalizations fade, (3) the sense of personal boundaries is altered, (4) attention is highly focused on the object of meditation, and (5) joy increases to high levels. The fMRI and EEG results from an experienced meditator show changes in brain activity in 11 regions shown to be associated with the subjective reports, and these changes occur promptly after jhana is entered. In particular, the extreme joy is associated not only with activation of cortical processes but also with activation of the nucleus accumbens (NAc) in the dopamine/opioid reward system. We test three mechanisms by which the subject might stimulate his own reward system by external means and reject all three. Taken together, these results demonstrate an apparently novel method of self-stimulating a brain reward system using only internal mental processes in a highly trained subject.

我不知道道教的“内丹”、“出神”究竟是什么样的体验,但是应该和这里的“褝定(禅那)”一样,属于一种Altered States of Consciousness (ASC,意识替换状态?) 。所以说用fMRI来研究应该是完全有可行性的。

关于冥想改变意识/认知状态的研究中,最高一篇文章引用1540次,发在公认的高水平期刊Psychological Bulletin上:

Cahn, B. R., & Polich, J. (2006). Meditation States and Traits: EEG, ERP, and Neuroimaging Studies. Psychological Bulletin, 132(2), 180-211.


Kozasa, E. H., Sato, J. R., Lacerda, S. S., Barreiros, M. A., Radvany, J., Russell, T. A., ... & Amaro Jr, E. (2012). Meditation training increases brain efficiency in an attention task. Neuroimage, 59(1), 745-749. 引用170次

Lazar, S. W., Bush, G., Gollub, R. L., Fricchione, G. L., Khalsa, G., & Benson, H. (2000). Functional brain mapping of the relaxation response and meditation. Neuroreport, 11(7), 1581-1585. (杂志一般,但引用864次)


任俊, 黄璐, & 张振新. (2010). 基于心理学视域的冥想研究. 心理科学进展, 18(05), 857-864.






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