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你知道的「有趣的心理学实验」有哪些? 第1页


user avatar   fei-li-pu-jin-ba-duo 网友的相关建议: 

I must admit that of all the research that I have done, I am most proud of this shyness program, much more so that I am of the Stanford prison experiment. I got a unique idea while teaching about the SPE to my Stanford students the next year, then began a systematic study of shyness, then shared with the general public what I had learned about shyness in adults and also in children, and finally translated this research and these new ideas into clinical practice has been remarkably effective, and it's still in operation at Palo Alto University 40 years later.


My unique conception was to think about shyness with the metaphor of a self-imposed psychological prison in which shy individuals were both their own prison and guard. They chose to limit their freedom of speech as well as their freedom of association with others, out of the fear of being rejected or found unworthy. My Stanford shyness inventory was able to identify the different aspects of shyness, such as lack of social skills, negative cognitions about oneself, an emotional/physiological reactions.


Therefore, we can design a therapy to help correct each of these different aspects of shyness. Our program has been universally successful in doing so.


One of the interesting parts of our research was discovering cultural differences in shyness. When we began our research in the 1970s about 40% of thousands of participants in America reported being personally shy. However, among Asian American students the percentage rose to 60%, but fell 25% among Israeli American students. I then handed a team that collected shyness information in Taiwan among Chinese students to be compared with similar aged Israeli students. That cultural difference was even more striking, with two out of every three Chinese students reporting being shy compared to only one of five Israeli students reporting experiencing shyness. We found that one of the reasons for this difference was the way in which they were treated when they tried something and either succeeded or they failed. In Israel when the child failed at any activity, everyone else took the blame, parents, grandparents, teaches coaches; but when that child succeeded, he or she got full credit. Therefore, among Israelis it always pays to take a chance, take intellectual or social risks, because you can't lose! We found that the exact opposite was true among the Chinese that we studied. When the child succeeded everyone else got the credit for his or her performance, but when the child failed he or she got the full solo blame. Therefore, in such a culture it never pays to take a chance or risk or to do something creative or unusual, because the consequences of failing our too great.

一项有趣的发现是害羞存在文化差异。1970 年研究刚开始时,在数千个美国被试中约有 40 %报告他们属于害羞的人。但对于其中的亚裔美国人,这一比例高达 60 %,而在以色列裔美国人中只有 25 %。我和我的团队又调查了台湾和以色列相同年龄层的学生。这两个群体的文化差异更为惊人,2/3 的中国学生报告自己害羞,而只有 1/5 的以色列学生如此。我们发现这一差异的其中一个原因是当他们成功或失败时受到了不同的对待。在以色列,当儿童在任何活动中失败时,包括父母、祖父母、教师、教练等其他人承担了责任;但当他们成功时,儿童自己获得了全部的功劳。因此,在以色列冒智力或社会风险尝试新事物总是值得的,你怎样都不会输!而在中国学生中我们发现了相反的情形。当儿童成功时是他人的功劳,失败时则是自己的过错。因此,在这样的文化中尝试和冒险总是不值得的,失败的代价太大了。

I do think that it is important in every culture to limit the extent to which shyness has a negative impact on restricting the behavior of individuals and groups so that it becomes a self-handicap. I also believe that it should be possible to re-create the essentials of our shyness clinic in China, and perhaps even on an online therapeutic program.


Thanks @Mon1st for translating the article for me, enabling my communication with friends on Zhihu.

This is the link to my Zhihu Live, in which I will talk more about my past experience.

这是我即将在 7 月 6 日举行的知乎Live。到那时我会与大家分享更多有趣的经历。

Live 入口:






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