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统计学课本很无聊。有什么好的统计学书目推荐吗? 第1页


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强烈安利StatQuest!系列视频课程,幽默风趣,讲者自带 配BGM;

讲者为北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)的遗传系前辈「Josh Starmer」所创,发在油管上,「StatQuest课程涵盖以下几个部分」

  • 「统计学基础」Statistics Fundamentals – These videos give you a general overview of statistics as well as a be a reference for statistical concepts. Topics include:
    • Histograms
    • What is a statistical distribution?
    • And many more!!!
  • 「线型回归和线型模型」Linear Regression and Linear Models – These videos teach the basics relating to one of statistics most powerful tools. Linear Regression and Linear Models allow us to use continuous values, like weight or height, and categorical values, like favorite color or favorite movie, to predict a continuous value, like age.
  • 「逻辑回归」Logistic Regression – These videos pick up where Linear Regression and Linear Models leave off. Now, instead of predicting something continuous, like age, we can predict something discrete, like whether or not someone will enjoy the 1990 theatrical bust Troll 2.
  • 「机器学习」Machine Learning – Linear Models and Logistic Regression are just the tips of the machine learning iceberg. There’s tons more to learn, and this playlist will help you trough it all, one step at a time.
  • 「NGS」High Throughput Sequence Analysis – If you do high-throughput sequence analysis, this playlist is for you!
  • 「R中的统计学」Statistics in R – If you want to do any of this stuff in R, this playlist is for you, and you only. No one else is allowed to watch it.





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