这个问题在《元照英美法》和《Black’s Law Dictionary》其实有权威答案,笔者这里再对rule of law增补几句。
rule of law与rule by law的区别在于,在“rule of law”中法律已被视为一种价值取向而不仅仅是一种治理的工具。
“rule of law”即法治,是一个极端重要的概念,其历史与西方文明差不多同样悠久。但其具体含义依语境的变化而有所不同。
第二个含义是指“法律之下的治理”(rule under law),即无任何人或政府机构凌驾法律之上或者超越于法律许可之外。
第三个含义是指治理应符合更高的法律(rule according to a higher law),即任何成文法律如果不符合某些非成文的,然而普遍存在的公正,道德性和正义等原则,则政府不得强制执行。
而在《Black’s Law Dictionary》中rule of law则释义如下:
1. A substantive legal principle…
2. The supremacy of regular as opposed to arbitrary power…
3. The doctrine that every person is subject to the ordinary law within the jurisdiction…
4. The doctrine that general constitutional principles are the result of judicial decisions determining the rights of private individuals in the courts…
5. Loosely, a legal ruling; a ruling on a point of law…
rule of law实际上暗含了对于公民个体的至上价值和尊严的尊重。
至于rule by law,经常有人说Rule by law is despotic. 则意味着此时法律被用作强制工具。