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如何自学欧陆哲学? 第1页


user avatar   zhepujun 网友的相关建议: 

关于自学当代欧陆哲学的方法,我发邮件询问了新墨西哥大学哲学教授、Philpapers的欧陆哲学总编辑保罗·利文斯顿(Paul Livingston)。我问了他三个问题:

  1. 自学当代欧陆哲学,是否必须阅读法语或者德语文本?
  2. 如何了解欧陆哲学的最新研究?
  3. 应该按照什么顺序阅读欧陆哲学?


Thank you very much for your letter, and thank you also for your interest in my work! Let me try to address your questions in order. First, no, I think it is not necessary to read in French and German if you have a good command of English, since almost everything is translated into English these days. Only if you are working with texts at a high specialist level is it really necessary.


For new work, I would look at a few journals that are good and are publishing a lot of contemporary discussion. One would be Continental Philosophy Review which is a general continental phil. journal with lots of perspectives represented. I believe it is still not available open-access online, but if you are connected to a university library you should be able to get access to it. Two others that I would mention (that I believe are online) are Cosmos and History and Philosophy Today. For new books, both Bloomsbury bloomsbury.com/us/acade and Edinburgh U. Press ed.ac.uk/ppls/philosoph are publishing a lot of good ones recently.


The last question is harder since the answer will vary a lot depending on what branch or area of continental you are interested in working on, and also how far back into the history you want to go. I would say that a lot of discussions these days still presuppose at least some knowledge of Heidegger's Being and Time, so that is probably a good place to start if you haven't worked through it yet. Sometimes (and more and more these days) people also go back to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and so that is another one to master in the history. More recently though, of course, there are different approaches and schools. If you look at philpapers.org under "Continental Philosophy" philpapers.org/browse/c you can see a structure of figures and movements that I think is representative (or, was when I wrote it :-) ). So I would suggest you look around there and see what seems interesting.

All best,









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