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HiFi是追求音染还是高保真? 第1页


user avatar   dai-yu-xiao-72 网友的相关建议: 







As it turns out, this is where my investigations started, many years ago. I required listeners to report their summary opinions, their “Gestalt,” as a number on a 0 to 10 “Fidelity” scale. The number 10 represented the most perfect sound they can recall, and 0 was unrecognizable rubbish. When these tests began, it is fair to say that some of the loudspeakers approached “rubbish” and none came close to perfection. Consequently, scores extended over a significant range. To help listeners retain an impression of what constituted good and bad sound, the Fidelity scale was anchored by always including in the population of test loudspeakers at least one that was at the low end of the scale and one that was at the high end, usually the one we dubbed the “king of the hill,” the best of the test population to that date. A parallel scale was provided, called “preference,” thinking that there might be a difference, but the two ratings “fidelity” and “preference” simply tracked each other.




Your comments and questions relate to a 50 year research effort that I began as a government research scientist at the National Research Council of Canada. After 26 years of research and publications - not funded by a specific corporation or brand, I accepted an offer to join Harman International as Corporate VP Acoustical Engineering in 1991, and incorporate the scientific method into product design. As an unexpected bonus I was allowed to set up a corporate research group - not attached to any brand - to continue the scientific investigations, and to publish the results for all to see. You will find many papers by me and my colleagues in AES journals and preprints. The product of the research group was knowledge, not products. Remarkably, not all Harman products over the years have taken advantage of the science - such is the short sightedness of sales and marketing. Revel is a brand that believes in the scientific method, where double-blind listening provides guidance - how things sound is the driving force - and detailed correlations with comprehensive and accurate measurements follow that guidance. Starting with "neutral" loudspeakers is essential. Resonance and distortion free sound is a necessary foundation. Beyond that tone controls can provide compensation for variable recordings, personal preferences, etc.
So, yes, Revel loudspeakers figure prominently in these discussions because they exemplify the results of 50 years of research. The results of that research is in my books and numerous AES papers - it is in the public domain. Anyone can follow it if they choose to and thereby join the growing population of excellent, i.e. neutral, loudspeakers.
I have been accused in these forums of being a salesman for Revel, JBL, etc. Truly, as a scientist, I am a salesman for the scientific method, and the reproducible data that issue therefrom; something that is forever. Opinions come and go, but everybody is welcome to one
Although Samsung owns Harman, Harman still operates substantially independently - including budget, so the mass of money in Korea is not accessible to loudspeaker engineers in Northridge California. Things may or may not change.

您的评论和问题涉及我自加拿大国家研究委员会的政府研究科学家开始的50年的研究工作。在持续26年的研究和发表论文——没有得到某个公司或品牌的资助,我于1991年接受了加入哈曼国际公司并担任声学工程副总裁的邀请,将科学方法融入产品设计中。作为一个意外的奖励,我被允许成立了一个联合研究小组——不隶属于任何品牌——继续进行科学研究,并将结果公布给所有人。你会在AES杂志上找到我和我同事的许多论文。研究小组的成果是知识,而不是产品。值得注意的是,并非所有哈曼产品多年来都利用了科学技术——这就是销售和营销部门的短见。Revel是一个相信科学方法的品牌,在这种方法中,双盲听提供指导——声音是驱动力——与全面而准确的测量相关的详细信息遵循这一指导。从“中性”扬声器开始是必不可少的。无谐振和无失真的声音是必要的基础。除此之外,tone control还可以为多变的录音、个人喜好等提供补偿。




I think you misunderstand the results of the double-blind listening tests as correlated with anechoic data. If you read my book, it is all there. The simple interpretation is that listeners for 50 years have shown that they give the highest sound quality scores to loudspeakers with the least evidence of resonances (requiring a smooth, flat amplitude response), the most extended low-frequency bandwidth, and the least irregularities in off-axis frequency response (i.e. a relatively smooth and slowly changing directivity index). Since all of the voices and musical instruments we are entertained by consist of collections of resonances it is only logical that we notice when loudspeakers add their own to every sound they reproduce. This is what shows up very quickly in multiple-comparison double-blind tests. No special training is required.
The "best" loudspeaker, therefore can be interpreted as "the least colored".
Now, what about personal preferences in general spectral balance, and compensating for sometimes unfortunate spectral colorations in recordings? That is what equalizers and tone controls are for, and the best news is that starting with "neutral' loudspeakers allows those controls to be most effective. The next best news is that they can be turned off, in the event that you may want to hear what actually is in the recording. Check out the "circle of confusion".







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user avatar   da-pao-she 网友的相关建议: 




广电系统采购声学设备的时候,是要看指标,注意:是测试指标。是需要由第三方质检机构对设备进行测试,得到的客观的性能参数,而不是厂家自己说,我这个喜马拉雅分立器件R2R能到-120dB信噪比。你听听多扯淡,故意不说清楚是SINAD还是SNDR SFDR,就算你是6.02N+1.76的理论极限信噪比前面也不能有负号啊~~~


与此不同的是普通的消费电子设备,什么家用蓝牙音箱,5.1环绕影音音箱,游戏耳机,随身听耳机之类的,可以完全以“好听" "讨喜"为设计目标,这个在民用产品市场非常普遍。


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