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战列舰齐射会倒退吗?比如一米这样? 第1页


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Projectile Weight (弹重): Wp = 2,700 lbs.
Charge Weight(药包重): Wc = 650 lbs.
Muzzle Velocity(炮口初速): Vo = 2,500 fps.
Weight of Recoiling Parts(后座部件重): Wr = 250,000 lbs.
g (重力加速度)= 32.174 fps^2

Projectile Kinetic Energy (弹丸动能)= 0.5*((Wp/g)/2)*Vo^2 = 2.622*10^8 ft-lb.

To compute the kinetic energy of the propellant gases we must know the average velocity of the gases as they escape the muzzle. Experiments have shown that this velocity varies between 1,200 and 1,400 mps. depending on the muzzle velocity of the weapon. For purposes of these calculations we will use 1,200 mps or 3,937 fps.


Average outflow velocity of propellant gases(平均燃气喷射速度): w = 3,937 fps

Gas Kinetic Energy(燃气动能) = 0.5*((Wc/g)/2)*w^2 = 78.29*10^6 ft-lb

To compute the Kinetic energy of the recoiling parts, we must determine the velocity that they would achieve if allowed to recoil with no retarding force. This is commonly referred to as the free recoil velocity. To account for the difference between the velocity of the projectile and that of the propellant gases, we will use the aftereffect coefficient B which is defined by the relationship:

w = B*Vo, therefore B = 1.5748

Free Recoil Velocity(自由后座速度): Vre = (((Wp/g)+B*(Wc/g))/(Wr/g))*Vo = 37.236 fps

Recoil Energy (后座能量)= ((Wr/g)/2)*Vre^2 = 5.387*10^6 ft-lb

The rotational energy of the projectile is small by comparison and can be neglected.


The overall mechanical energy is only a part (40 to 50%) of the chemical energy of the propellant, since a considerable portion of the energy is carried off as heat by the propellant gases, or transmitted to the gun barrel.

Ref. Rheinmetall Handbook on Weaponry, 1982, chapter 9.

Now, with these factors in mind, here are some additional calculations.

The momentum of a single projectile can be calculated as follows:

Projectile momentum (弹丸动量)= (Weight of projectile/g) * Muzzle velocity of projectile (弹丸重量/重力)×炮口初速
= (2,700 / 32.174) * 2,500
= 209.80 x 10^3

Momentum of the propellant gasses can be calculated from Leo's numbers as follows:

Propellant gas momentum (燃气动量)= (Wc/g) * w
= (650 / 32.174) * 3,937
= 79.54 x 10^3

Summing these:
Projectile momentum + Propellant gas momentum = 209.80 x 10^3 + 79.54 x 10^3
= 289.34 x 10^3

The Free Recoil momentum calculation can be used as a check, as it should be about equal to the sum of the momentums of the projectile and propellant gasses.
Free Recoil momentum = (Wr/g) * Vre
= (250,000 / 32.174) * 37.236
= 289.33 x 10^3

The Broadside Momentum for 9 projectiles can now be calculated as follows:
Broadside Momentum = 9 * (momentum of projectile + momentum of propellant gasses)
= 9 * (209.80 x 10^3 + 79.54 x 10^3)
= 2.60 x 10^6

Using Greg's formula, the velocity of an Iowa firing a 9-gun broadside can be recalculated as follows:

Mass of broadside * Velocity of broadside = Mass of ship * Velocity of ship

As the Mass of broadside * Velocity of broadside term is equivalent to Broadside Momentum, this formula can be restated as follows:
Broadside Momentum = Mass of ship * Velocity of ship

Solving for the velocity of the ship and using the above calculated momentum figures:
Velocity of ship (船横移速度)= Broadside Momentum / [Mass of ship] (齐射动量/船质量)
= 2.60 x 10^6 / [58,000 * (2,240 / 32.174)]
= 0.64 fps

So, the ship's velocity ON ICE with the guns firing at zero degrees elevation would be about 7.7 inches per second rather than the 6 inches per second calculated above. When one considers that any sideways motion of the ship through water is actually resisted by the wall created by the hull of the ship, whose wetted surface is about 860 feet long and 38 feet deep, then it can be easily understood that Dick Landgraff's comment above, "theoretically, a fraction of a millimeter," is closer to the truth.


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我国累计建设 5G 基站 91.6 万座,占全球 70% ,有何实际意义?

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