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德意志和奥地利在未来是否可能合并? 第1页


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user avatar   gunter-schoech 网友的相关建议: 

As a German, I think there is close to zero chance of a German-Austrian merger. Unless you count further European integration, but that doesn't seem to happen either, and would concern all member states, or at least larger groups, alike.

There was a similar question with a good answer. I agree with 执伞者孙羽

悉尼大学亚洲研究系,共党中的修正主义 's answer. I just want to add something:

Germans in general are Christians (including Austrians). But the more you go north, the more protestants are there (after Martin Luther's reformation, exactly 500 years ago in 2017). The South is catholic, e.g. Bavaria. The same is true for Austria.

In fact, the bloodiest war ever fought on German soil was not WW 1 (outside Germany) or WW 2. It was the 30-years war from 1618 - 1648. No other war cost so many lives / population. Entire provinces were deserted, animals like wolves came back....

Light brown: areas with at least 1/3 of population dead

Dark brown: at least 2/3 of population dead.

As so often, many reasons and power struggles were mixed, but it was fought strictly along religious lines, Catholics against Protestants. The main Catholic leaders were the the Austrian Emperor of the house of Habsburg, the arch duke of Bavaria, and of course their generals (Wallenstein and Tilly respectively).

On the Protestant side, there was no such clear leadership at first within Germany, so at first, Denmark's king got involved, later the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf became the dominant leader of the Northern Protestants.

On this map you can see that "Germany" was really a big mess of small and smallest states.

Austria is the big yellow thing in the bottom right corner. Prussia is the tiny blue island inside the red Poland-Lithuania in the upper right hand corner. Of no significance at the time!

When this was over, after 30 years of bloodshed, without a winner, only losers, it was clear that the religious division would remain (much had been about freedom to exercise the protestant faith).

The patchwork Germany continued to Bismarcks age. In the meantime, Prussia grew into a major European power, to rival England, France, Spain Austria and Russia. But it was always much much smaller than all of these. Nonetheless, it's king Friderich II (called the Great for his talent as general) fought aggressive wars against Austria, for pure lust of conquest.

The religious divide continued to be so strong, that the French Emperor Napoleon III (Himself a catholic like all French) thought still in 1870, when he attacked Prussia (and the northern German states), that the Southern, Catholic, German states would actually side with France, not with Germany/Prussia, and this even after the liberation wars to kick out the French of Napoleon I (Bonaparte) out of Germany which were still in the living memory of the people back than.

For Bismarck, holding together Germany (even without Austria) was more realistic to achieve than to have the eternal internal power struggle with Austria. Bavaria, the next largest catholic state, was already enough to handle. Bismarck wanted and forced the war with Austria to mark the dividing line.

Later, for Hitler, it was an entirely different story. Hitler was thinking in world politics dimensions. Austria had become a "nobody" on the map after the break down of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire after WW 1. But he was Austrian himself. Already in WW 2 he fought for Germany, not for Austria. And once he could, he united his homeland Austria with his elected land Germany, trying to bring together all German-speaking people, or even all he considered Arian.

It must be said that the Austrians in their big majority felt truly happy when this happened, and as far as I can tell, the Germans also approved of this. People were thinking in bigger dimension then.

Today, the situation is very different. I am not aware of ANY meaningful movements either in Austria or Germany for a merger. (ok, you will always find a handfull of idiots no matter for what. )

Germany will not develop any desire to a greater Germany ("Gross-Deutschland"). Already the re-unification after the cold war, which was totally self-evident, was eyed very skeptically by the other larger European countries like France and UK, although it only added 16 million people of a bankrupt state. So basically 1 larger Chinese city, and we are talking about a poor one. Austria is just half of that, but quite rich.

For above reasons, maybe Bavaria would be favorable, the other federal states would not.

And you are right, Germany agreed at the moment of the reunification to accept the outer borders of the 2 Germanies as the definitive new border. That this was not already settled had nothing to do with Austria though. It was about the former German territories which now belong to Poland. In that case, the Allies had even made a mistake when they drew these lines against Germanies will, confusing 2 rivers of the same name, and making Germany even smaller than they themselves had wanted to...

The idea of Europe is not to favour big nation states. On the contrary. It is those which got us centuries of wars. A well funtioning Europe would see more powers delegated to a central European Government (which we don't really have, not even in name). At the same time, the local regions would gain in importance, as people would identify more with "Jiansu Province" or "Guangdon", or their city, just like you do in the huge China, rather than with a heterogeneous Europe. At that moment, all the similarities of e.g. Austria and Bavaria would play out, they might cooperate even more than they already do.

Besides: If you live in Europe and have EU passport, like I do, in certain respects, it is already like one country (but also with France, or Portugal and so on).
I can live where I want (I live in France and Germany), work where I want (I work in Germany mostly), buy real estate where I want (I have in Germany, France, Poland).
Ok, I can only vote in Germany for federal elections. I could even vote in France in local elections. But besides that?

So I honestly hope that history is past your question. It is becoming increasingly irrelevant.
People might be unhappy with Europe in many ways. I am too. But it has brought us THE LONGEST PERIOD OF PEACE EVER in our history. That is worth every bureaucracy and useless European standard etc.





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