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索尼为什么在PS5上仍旧坚持对称摇杆设计? 第1页


user avatar   Hypothetical 网友的相关建议: 

这个问题 SCE 策略及产品设计部经理青木俊雅在 PlayStation 4 时代回答过。


Sony tried just about every combination of analog-stick placement possible. Two sticks on the bottom, like current PlayStation controllers. Two sticks offset, like with the Xbox 360. Even two sticks on top, mirroring what Nintendo’s doing now with the Wii U GamePad and Pro Controller.

开发原型有类似 Xbox 360 和 Wii U 摇杆布局。

In the end, Sony stuck to tradition as far as analog-stick placement goes. “The feedback from the user test team said that we needed to test this version, the Xbox version, and this version,” said Aoki. “[But having the two sticks symmetrical on the left and right sides] is kind of in our DNA. The prototype team, myself, and also the management team really felt that having this look is the PlayStation look, and we had to keep that.”

最后还是认为对称摇杆布局是 PlayStation 的传统。

采访中提到 Sony 在业内征求过意见,一半的开发人员希望改进,另一半则持“你们随便”的态度。同时 FPS 之外其他类型的游戏对摇杆布局改变的需求并不强烈。除非开发人员支持比率达到 80 %,Sony 才会认真考虑。

简单地说 Sony 觉得现阶段没必要改,为数众多的用户和开发人员也没有觉得非改不可。

PlayStation 5 时代亦同。假如下置对称摇杆导致新一代主机开局剧崩 Sony 马上就会改......



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