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奥里奥尔·保罗导演的《海市蜃楼》比起前作《看不见的客人》有什么改变? 第1页


user avatar   oriolpaulo 网友的相关建议: 


The Invisible Guest was about revenge, justice. This one is is about love. It also has elements of revenge and justice, but the love is the strongest feeling in this film. Not only for Vera, the main character, but also for the killer. Everybody is moving for love in this film.

I think they both share the complexity of the structure in the story telling, in how you tell the story. But I think this one is much more emotional. I think it pushes the audience to a higher emotional level. For The Invisible Guest, we had a strong plot twist at the end. And then this movie, we had a strong emotional plot twist. It’s in the basis of the story.

The Invisible Guest was like an investigation movie, like you have to guess what's going on. And in this one, you also have to guess, but you have the element of a mother looking for her lost daughter in time and space, which makes, the audience putting the situation of this mother and look for an answer. It's more emotional because you need to get that answer. Otherwise you’ll lose your daughter forever. So that's how we pushed the emotions. And also this movie somehow based on some personal experiences which make me know how to push the emotion.

This film is not just a thriller. It's also have some science fiction elements inside of it. For example, like the time traveling and also the alternate reality. For the shooting, it was a mess. Because everything you do, you have to do it twice, meaning you have two different timelines, which is the present time and 1989. And in these two different timelines, you have two realities. That means that every time you were shooting one timeline, you have to change it. When you change reality. And when you're shooting the other timeline, you have to change everything, meaning how the characters are dressed, the production design, the houses and everything. We had to change everything all the time. That meant that our schedule was really tight because were maybe shooting one scene in the present timeline. And the next day we're shooting another scene. But the timeline has changed, meaning that we had to change for that, like the production or the house, or how the protagonist looks. So it was kind of a mess to organize the shooting, but it's okay.

Is it possible to just shoot one timeline all together and then another? Yes, but it's much more expensive. Because I'm lucky to work with very famous Spanish actors and they have a very, very tight schedule sometimes. So you have to adjust to them, not them to me.

Actually it took ten weeks for me to shoot this film. But if to shoot the first reality first and then the other one, Maybe it would be twelve of fifteen weeks to do it. All the crew needed to adjust themselves. And also for the actors to be ready for every timeline. In fact, I think nobody shoots from the beginning to the end, just to follow a timeline. We always make the movies in different parts, not in order, but in this case, it was even harder because of the change of reality. For example, the way the character is dressed. For example, the killer, in one reality, he is young and in the other one he's older. So that means for the makeup, in one reality, he is a poor guy, and then in the other one, he's just happy. We needed to adjust all these things. It was kind of messy for the crew.

In terms of makeup, making it older and younger, making it older is more difficult to do. I didn’t apply any special effects. I just makeup. That's why it was a mess. Because I didn't want to use fake makeup. I wanted them to look real, but that means they needed time at the makeup room. In order to look like the age they are supposed to have. The neighbor was the most difficult part, the two of them, maybe four hours, every day.

The movie has the science fiction element, but I didn't want the movie to look like it’s done with a lot of effects. I thought that the fantasy was there, and I wanted the rest to look real. That's why I didn't want to use special effects. Probably the Nolan films, like Inception and the Interstella, what I like about Inception, I think is also a good reference for this film, is that the science fiction, is a conceptual science fiction. You don't see special effects, or a spaceship falling from the sky, or aliens. It's just a concept.

The movie doesn't really have a happy ending. It's open. She’s suffered so much that we need to give her something at the end of the film. Otherwise, audience goes home and says, wow, this is very depressing, but the end it's open. You don't know what's next. I mean, you can guess, and that's what I like about the ending, you can decide what happens next. But I think in my opinion, every movie needs an end according to the story you're telling. The audience needs to understand the statement of the film.

I think what I like about this film is that at the end, you can go to a bar and just talk about the timelines. And people just start to guess and wander around what they have seen. I think is good because it’s about alternate realities, it means that we present different realities and there is a gap between the two realities. And I like the audience to fill this gap between the two timelines and just guess what might have happened. When we wrote the script. We had this gaps, written for us to have them cleared. I had the board and everything, but for instance, we cut some scenes of the film like at the end Vera just leaves her husband, but we thought it's obvious she will leave her husband. So we didn't add it to the final cut. I think the audience can guess, or they can tell that she will leave the husband.

It's part of the game. It's part of the fun to guess all the time and like brainstorm all the time while you watch the film. In The Invisible Guest, I had the same deal with the audience. I don't like people just to go to the films and just say thay “let's see what's going on”. I like audience to be like okay, I need to be pay attention, and be careful about what they are presenting to me because everything is important. This is like twice of The Invisible Guest, because we have two timelines. So the effort is double, you have to think it twice all the time. One character belongs to one timeline, and the other belongs to another timeline. And you can see that they are different people in every timeline. It's right there, in the screen. You have to be careful and pay attention. It feels like treasure hunting. And it's like with The Invisible Guest, when you watch the movie for the second time, then everything becomes much more clear. And you can say, that’s how it happened.
















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