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地理大发现时期,奥斯曼帝国有没有到访过新大陆?奥斯曼与美洲的欧洲列强殖民地有没有经贸文化联系? 第1页


user avatar   liang-gong-chun-ri-xiao-shun-nu 网友的相关建议: 

1521年,奥斯曼海军将领Piri Reis把从西班牙人手里缴获的美洲地图画在了自己的世界地图集《Kitab-ı Bahriye/海之书》里。

为了阐明来源,Piri Reis 还特地在地图注释6上写上了

also from a map drawn by Qulūnbū [Columbus] in the western region 并依据由Qulunbu/哥伦布所绘的西方诸地地图


但这仍阻止不了后来,茫茫多的民科历史发明家利用人们对奥斯曼土耳其文字的不熟悉,依据Piri Reis地图胡编乱造一些“某某发现了新大陆”的东西。


user avatar   wibg-star 网友的相关建议: 




他的名字叫扬詹森.凡.哈勒姆或穆拉德.里斯( Jan Jansen Van Haarlem or Mourad Reis)。 他是改宗成为穆斯林的荷兰佬。 但他为奥斯曼/摩尔效力。 他攻击过冰岛和rland,或者和任何其他的欧洲海盗一样驶向北大西洋(甚至也许美国)? 从17世纪初开始,奥斯曼舰队开始进军到大西洋 (早期, 在1501年曾航行到加那利群岛 ,而穆拉德.里斯于1585年夺取了兰萨罗特中的加那利群岛 )。1617年奥斯曼帝国舰队占领大西洋马德拉,袭击前苏塞克斯 , 普利茅斯 , 德文郡 , 哈特兰 , 在1625年8月康沃尔郡和西部英格兰的其他县遭到奥斯曼海盗袭击。 1627年奥斯曼海军舰艇的陪同下,巴巴里海岸的海盗,袭击了设得兰群岛 , 法罗群岛 , 丹麦 , 挪威和冰岛 。 1627和1631相同的,奥斯曼帝国的力量还袭击的爱尔兰和瑞典海岸 。1655年40艘奥斯曼艘舰队在布里斯托尔海峡占领小岛伦迪 ,这里曾担任北大西洋奥斯曼海军和私掠业务的主要基地,直到1660年,奥斯曼船舶出现在北美东部沿海 ,尤其是被看见在像英国殖民地纽芬兰和弗吉尼亚州。

Jan JanszoonFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis article is about the 17th century Dutch pirate. For the Dutch cartographer, see Jan Janssonius. Jan Janszoon

Grand Admiral of Salé In office


Governor of Salé (ceremonial) In office


Appointed by Sultan Zidan Abu Maali Governor of Oualidia In office


Appointed by Sultan Mohammed esh Sheikh es Seghir Personal details Born Jan Janszoon van Haarlemc. 1570Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands Died 1641 or laterMorocco Nationality Dutch, Moroccan Children Lysbeth Janszoon van Haarlem, Anthony Janszoon van Salee, Abraham Janszoon van Salee, Philip Janszoon van Salee, Cornelis Janszoon van Salee Occupation Pirate Religion Islam Military service Allegiance Morocco Rank Grand Admiral (Reis) Jan Janszoon van Haarlem, commonly known as Murat Reis the Younger (c. 1570 – c. 1641) was the first President and Grand Admiral of the Corsair Republic of Salé, Governor of Oualidia, and a Dutch Barbary pirate, one of the most famous of the "Salé Rovers" from the 17th century.

Contents [hide] 1Early life 2Privateering 3Capture by Barbary corsairs 4Republic of Salé 4.1Plea from Dutch family

5Diplomacy 5.1Dutch captives 5.2Franco-Moroccan Treaty of 1631

6Notable raids 6.1Lundy 6.2Grindavík 6.3Sack of Baltimore, Ireland 6.4Raids in the Mediterranean Sea

7Capture by Knights of Malta 8Escape and return to Morocco 9Marriages and issue 10Popular culture 11Names 12See also 13External links 14Notes 15Works consulted

Early life[edit] Jan Janszoon van Haerlem was born in Haarlem, North Holland, Republic of the Netherlands in 1575. The Eighty Years War had started seven years previously and lasted all his life. Little is known of his early life, except that he married Soutgen Cave in 1595 and had two children with her, Edward and Lysbeth. He married Margarita, a Moorish woman, in Cartagena around 1600. They had four children; Anthony, Abraham, Phillip, and Cornelis. Privateering[edit] In 1600, Jan Janszoon began as a Dutch privateer sailing from his home port, Haarlem, working for the state with letters of marque to harass Spanish shipping during the Eighty Years' War. Working from the Netherlands was insufficiently profitable, so Janszoon overstepped the boundaries of his letters and found his way to the semi-independent port states of the Barbary Coastof north Africa, whence he could attack ships of every foreign state: when he attacked a Spanish ship, he flew the Dutch flag; when he attacked any other, he became an Ottoman Captain and flew the red half-moon of the Turks or the flag of any of various other Mediterranean principalities. During this period he had abandoned his Dutch family.[1] Capture by Barbary corsairs Sail plan for a Polacca, first built by the Barbary pirates around the 16th century, many scholars believe the Polacca was extensively used by Jan Janszoon. The ship could sail with a large crew of 75 and was armed with 24cannons Janszoon was captured in 1618 at Lanzarote (one of the Canary Islands) by Barbary corsairs and taken toAlgiers as a captive. There he turned "Turk", or Muslim (as the Ottoman Empire had some limited influence over the region, sometimes Europeans erroneously called all Muslims "Turks"). It is speculated by some that the conversion was forced.[2] Janszoon himself, however, tried very hard to convert his fellow Europeans who were Christian to become Muslim and was a very passionate Muslim missionary.[3] The Ottoman Turks maintained a precarious measure of influence on behalf of their Sultan by openly encouraging the Moors to advance themselves through piracy against the European powers, which long resented the Ottoman Empire. After Janszoon's conversion to Islam and the ways of his captors, he sailed with the famous corsair Sulayman Rais, also known as Slemen Reis (originally a Dutchman named De Veenboer[4] whom Janszoon had known before his capture and who,[5] as Janszoon himself, had chosen to convert to Islam) and with Simon de Danser.[citation needed] But, because Algiers had concluded peace with several European nations, it was no longer a suitable harbor from which to sell captured ships or their cargo. So, after Sulayman Rais was killed by a cannonball in 1619, Janszoon moved to the ancient port of Salé and began operating from it as aBarbary corsair himself.

Republic of Salé Salé in the 1600sMain article: Republic of Salé In 1619, Salé Rovers declared the port to be an independent republic free from the Sultan. They set up a government that consisted of 14 pirate leaders, and elected Janszoon as their President. He would also serve as the Grand Admiral of their navy.[6]The Salé fleet totaled about eighteen ships, all small because of the very shallow harbor entrance. Even the Sultan of Morocco, after an unsuccessful siege of the city, acknowledged its semi-autonomy. Contrary to popular belief that Sultan Zidan Abu Maali had reclaimed sovereignty over Salé and appointed Janszoon the Governor in 1624, the Sultan merely approved Janszoon's election as President by formally appointing him as his ceremonial governor.[7]

The walls of Marrakesh and El Badi Palace, by Adriaen Matham, 1640. Under Janszoon's leadership, business in Salé thrived. The main sources of income of this republic remained piracy and its by-trades, shipping and dealing in stolen property. Historians have noted Janszoon's intelligence and courage which reflected in his leadership ability. He was forced to find an assistant to keep up, resulting in the hiring of a fellow countryman from The Netherlands, Mathys van Bostel Oosterlinck, who would serve as his Vice-Admiral.[8] Janszoon had become very wealthy from his income as piratical admiral, payments for anchorage and other harbor dues, and the brokerage of stolen goods. The political climate in Salé worsened toward the end of 1627, so Janszoon quietly moved his family and his entire piratical operation back to semi-independent Algiers.

还有17世纪冰岛人Gudridur Simonardottir 的奇遇

1627年,北欧带路党 Jan Janszoon 等人,伙同北非柏柏里海盗,洗劫冰岛沿海村镇,掳走数百人。 其中有人妻人母Gudridur Simonardottir,被贩至北非为奴,受屈受辱。十年后与若干同胞一道被丹麦王克里斯蒂安四世赎回。丹麦有为这批身心受创伤者设立的康复中心和改造课程,负责人是神学院学生Hallgrimur Petursson。 Simonardottir比他年长16岁,日久生情,珠胎暗结。Petursson 放弃前程,随Simonardottir回归故里,得知Simonardottir前夫已死,两人随即完婚。婚后要忍受当地人各种闲话,从她在北非失身失节到年龄差距伤风败俗等等。 七年后Petursson时来运转, Skalholt主教授予他圣职,从此蒸蒸日上,大展宏图,青史留名。 两人白头到老,Simonardottir比小她16岁的Petursson还多活8年。


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