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为什么1858年美日签订的《通商条约》中会有“禁止鸦片贸易”? 第1页


user avatar   penguin_king 网友的相关建议: 



……opium has been the cause of the troubles in China. Thirty years ago opium was used only at one place, near Canton, in China, but now it is used in many parts by millions of people, who spend vast sums to obtain it. I have heard that two years ago China imported opium to the amount of $25,000,000. Opium is the one great enemy of China. If it is used it weakens the body and injures it like the most deadly poison; it makes the rich poor and the wise foolish; it unmans all that use it, and by reason of the misery it brings robbers and acts of violence increase. About one thousand criminals are executed annually for crimes committed while under the influence of opium; but not withstanding this punishment crimes are on the increase. The uncle of the reigning Emperor of China died from the effects of opium.



The opium used in China comes from India, which is subject to England……Though opium is, as I have said, a very bad thing for China, England will not prohibit it, because the trade is profitable……China has prohibited the importation of opium; but the English bring it in armed vessels and smuggle it in……It appears that the English think the Japanese, too, are fond of opium, and they want to bring it here also.



The President of the United States thinks that for the Japanese opium is more dangerous than war. The expense of a war could be paid in time; but the expense of opium, when once the habit is formed, will only increase with time.


The President wishes the Japanese to be very prudent about the introduction of opium, and if a treaty is made, he wishes that opium may be strictly prohibited……The President assures you that if you have intercourse with other countries, and allow agents to reside in the capital, the country will be quite safe. I must congratulate your country that no war has taken place for hundreds of years; but peace, when continued too long, may be injurious, as thereby the military power may become weak and inefficient.



The President regards the Japanese as a brave people; but courage, though useful in time of war, is subordinate to knowledge of arts……In time of war steamships and improved arms are the most important things. If war should break out between England and Japan, the latter would suffer much more than the former……If Japan had been near to either England or France, war would have broken out long ago. The great distance between the countries is the reason why peace has been preserved thus long. In case of war, a treaty would have to be made at the end of the war. The President wants to make a treaty without any war, and with mutual goodwill and respect.



If I write in my name to the agents of England and France residing in Asia and inform them that Japan is ready to make a commercial treaty with their countries, the number of steamers will be reduced from fifty to two or three.







Stelee M. William (2009) "Townsend Harris on the art of diplomacy: some documents in translation". Asian cultural studies. vol.35



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