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如何评价图中这艘航空战列舰的可行性和战术价值? 第1页


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至于打击能力,即便是TBF这样起降性能优秀的轰炸机,顶着25节甲板风,在挂上鱼雷之后也至少需要140米的跑道才能飞起来,而即便是卡萨布兰卡的飞行甲板长度也只有145米(博格130)。这也是护航航母在火箭助推投入使用之前无法运作重载机的原因。而SBD就更别想了,即便是只挂一颗500磅,也需要150米的跑道。这就别说deck load了,总不能一个deck load就两架鱼雷机带几架轻载战斗机吧?







反正都“不要输掉巴黎”了不是吗 ╮(╯▽╰)╭

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档案号ADM 1/11324,看看人家是如何论述的,当然你们也可以试着反驳一下人家的这些观点。

另外做一点补充:1936年RN讨论了航母用于贸易保护任务的相关问题,当时认为一个中队15架TSR飞机就已经够用。可以作为【On the trade routes a T.S.R. squadron could be carried, thereby turning the ship into a self-contained hunting group】这句话的一个补充,帮助理解。


3. To build additional small carriers for service with the battle fleet is in many ways the simpler solution from the constructive point of view, but it involves a number of marked disadvantages:–

(i) Vulnerability of small carriers to surface, air or submarine attack, owing to their inability on the displacement to carry the deck armour or underwater protection of the capital ship.

(ii) Necessity for additional screening destroyers, due to the increase in number of units in the battleship group.

(iii) Probability of carriers and heavy ships becoming separated under difficult flying or navigational conditions, resulting in danger to the carrier from surface attack, and less effective operation of the protective fighter.


Projected design of a Battle Carrier

Modern conditions of warfare, under which capital ships may

frequently be called upon to operate within reach of enemy shore-based

aircraft, require fighter protection to be immediately available at all times,

on notice equal to the warning which can be given by up to date R.d.f.

equipment as there seems no reason to assume that a.a. fire alone will

ever be able to provide the full measure of security required.

2. there are clearly two ways in which such fighter protection can be


(i) from a carrier in company with each capital ship or group of

capital ships.

(ii) by carrying fighters in each capital ship.

3. To build additional small carriers for service with the battle fleet is in many ways the simpler solution from the constructive point of view, but it involves a number of marked disadvantages:–

(i) Vulnerability of small carriers to surface, air or submarine attack, owing to their inability on the displacement to carry the deck armour or underwater protection of the capital ship.

(ii) Necessity for additional screening destroyers, due to the increase in number of units in the battleship group.

(iii) Probability of carriers and heavy ships becoming separated under difficult flying or navigational conditions, resulting in danger to the carrier from surface attack, and less effective operation of the protective fighter.

4. all these considerations point to the necessity for including fighters

in the defensive equipment of future capital ships, if this can be achieved

without serious prejudice to the offensive power of the main armament.

5. on a.M. 7444/40 it was proposed to investigate the question of

carrying not less than twelve fighters in a future capital ship. an

investigation has now been carried out by d.n.c. of the application of the

principle to vessels of the lion class, accepting the existing hull design

and positions of main armament turrets.

6. from this investigation it appeared that the maximum possible length

of flying deck which could be provided between b and X turrets would

fall short by nearly 100 feet of the minimum length required for operating

fighters or, with assisted take off, reconnaissance aircraft.

7. the next expedient suggested was to group the main armament as in

nelson class, and this proposal is in fact being worked out. With this

arrangement however the flying deck battleship seems likely to reach a

displacement of 50,000 to 55,000 tons which, both on grounds of

manoeuvrability and of docking facilities, is considered to be out of the


8. in fact it appears that neither of these arrangements, i.e. three turrets

in two groups or three turrets in one group, will meet requirements on a

reasonable displacement, and that to solve this problem the fact must be

accepted that the number of main armament turrets must be limited to


9. if only two main armament turrets are carried it is clear that they

would have to be quadruple in order to maintain a minimum of eight guns.

this leads to a layout somewhat similar to the french battle cruisers, all

of which have two quadruple turrets forward, dunKeRQue class 13.4ʺ

and Richelieu class 15ʺ. Given this arrangement there seems no

reason why the entire after part of the ship should not be built on island

carrier lines, the secondary armament being of a type suitable for

arranging in carrier fashion.

10. an outline sketch, which is of course in no sense a design, is

attached (see p. 368), to show the proportion of two 15ʺ quadruple turrets

on a standard displacement of 35,000 tons. a flying deck and island have

been added to give some impression of what a ship of the type under

consideration might look like.

11. as far as calibre is concerned, 16ʺ was chosen for lion class in

view of its superiority in hitting power over the 15ʺ, once the Japanese

had made it clear that they had no intention of following our lead in

reducing to a future maximum of 14ʺ. furthermore, the americans have

made it clear that they intend to stick to the 16ʺ for their future


12. in view of our new relationship with the u.s.a. it might perhaps be

concluded that we have no need to build 16ʺ ships in addition to theirs

and that we could confine ourselves to 14ʺ, which would render our future battlefleet homogeneous as regards ammunition, or to 15ʺ which would

enable us to employ our largest ammunition reserves to advantage.

13. as regards mounting design, the 14ʺ quadruple is immediately

available and is understood to be satisfactory. the french have developed

a 15ʺ quadruple which was inspected and favourably reported upon by

the c.i.G.M., engineer Rear admiral little, in March, 1940. no 16ʺ

quadruple design as yet exists, but it does not at first sight seem out of the

question, provided the weight, about half as much again as a 14ʺ

quadruple, can be supported. as regards size the estimated barbette

diameter is of the order of 44ft compared with 41ft. 6 ins. for the 14ʺ quad.

and 39ft. for the 16ʺ triple.

14. The flight deck and hangar arrangement should enable at least 12 fighters and 2 T.S.Rs as fleet spotters to be operated when the ship is in narrow waters and exposed to air attack. On the trade routes a T.S.R. squadron could be carried, thereby turning the ship into a self-contained hunting group.

15. to sum up the advantages and disadvantages of such a ship

compared with the lion design:–


(i) fighter protection, air reconnaissance or an air striking force

would always be immediately available.

(ii) the highly vulnerable carrier would acquire the deck and

underwater protection of a capital ship.

(iii) Requirements for screening craft would be reduced.


(i) astern fire from the main armament would have to be sacrificed.

(ii) the number of main armament guns would be reduced by one,

and the calibre might have to be reduced.

(iii) the main armament ‘eggs’ would be in two ‘baskets’ only

instead of three. this is discounted to a certain extent by the heavy

protection and internal sub-division of, for example, the french 15ʺ

quadruple turret.

(iv) the risk of fire might be increased, though hangar fires neither

in aRK Royal nor in illustRious gave rise to serious risk to

the ship.

16. on balance d. of P. prefers a squadron of aircraft to the 9th main

armament gun, and, now that a further delay has had to be accepted in the

construction of the lion class, recommends that the possibility of a

complete re-design should be seriously considered.

17. such re-design should be based on 2 quadruple turrets, 16 ha/la

guns and a 400ft. flying deck, on a standard displacement of the order of

40,000 tons. scale of protection to be against 16ʺ attack and alternative legends to be prepared with main armament calibres of 14ʺ, 15ʺ and 16ʺ.

in addition it would be desirable to have a legend embodying two 16ʺ

triple mountings for which new designs are already well advanced.

secondary armament should be 5.25 calibre, but 4.5 might be considered

if it made all the difference between success and failure of the design.

18. submitted for consideration, d.n.a.d. and d.t.s.d. having concurred in the proposals advanced.


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