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从古到今,法国人怎么看待贞德? 第1页


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法国国王查理七世(Charles VII)及其枢密院《1429年5月告臣民信》:始终亲身参与这些战事,功劳累累,对战争胜利的贡献无与伦比(especially by the Maid, who "had always been present when these deeds were done." Thus did the royal power describe Jeanne's share in the victory)。

战友阿朗松公爵让二世(Jean II d'Alençon):她擅使长枪,也擅长集结军队、指挥战斗、布置火炮,她在军务上表现得如此睿智和远见,像是个打了二三十年仗的老兵一样(In all her acts, aside from the facts of war, she was just a simple girl. But in war she was very expert, whether to carry a lance, to assemble an army, to order a battle, or to dispose the artillery. All marveled to see how in military matters she acted with as much sagacity and foresight as if she had been a captain, making war for twenty or thirty years. It was especially in the placing of artillery that she well understood herself.)。

阿朗松公爵请求查理七世将贞德暂借给他去诺曼底收回自己被英国人夺走的领土:很多人追随她,如果她不来(作战),追随者们就按兵不动(who would willingly come with her, while without her they will not stir from their homes)。

王家财务总监的夫人玛格丽特·拉图鲁尔德(Marguerite La Touroulde):贞德像最好的骑士那样骑马疾驰、挥舞长枪,让军中之人惊叹不已(Jeanne rode a horse and handled a lance as well as the best of knights and so well that the army marvelled)。

里夏尔神父(Friar Richard):······我深信贞德有能力洞察神的旨意,我认为除了施洗者约翰以外,天堂里任何圣人都比不上她("God is preparing his way," he said. "To accompany him and to lead him to his anointing God hath sent him a holy Maid, who, as I firmly believe, is as able to penetrate the mysteries of God as any saint in Paradise, save Saint John the Evangelist.")。

法国民众的想法:既好战,又爱好和平的修女、预言家、魔术师、神的天使、吃人妖魔,民众中各有各的看法,各有各的想象。虔诚的信徒说她具有无坚不摧的温和性格和天使般的仁慈,朴实的人说她和他们一样朴实无华,暴烈粗暴的人把她说成是可笑又可怕的巨人(······at once a warrior and a lover of peace, béguine, prophetess, sorceress, angel of the Lord, ogress, every man beholds her according to his own fashion, creates her according to his own image. Pious souls clothe her with an invincible charm and the divine gift of charity; simple souls make her simple too; men gross and violent figure her a giantess, burlesque and terrible)。

布尔日市民:民众相信神派贞德来不仅仅是为了振兴百合花王室,也是为了医治国家的疾病,例如谋杀、抢劫、冒犯天主。神秘主义者们希望她改革教会,建立耶稣基督在尘世间的统治。她被群众推奉为圣人,在忠于查理七世的省份里可以看到她的画像和木雕受到信徒供奉,可以说她活着的时候就享受到了被封圣者的特权(When the multitude heard such words they were led to believe that this Maid of God had been raised up for something more than the glorification of the Lilies, and that she was come to dispel such ills as murder, pillage and other sins grievous to God, from which the realm was suffering. Mystic souls looked to her for the reform of the Church and the reign of Jesus Christ on earth. She was invoked as a saint, and throughout the loyal provinces were to be seen carved and painted images of her which were worshipped by the faithful. Thus, even during her lifetime, she enjoyed certain of the privileges of beatification.)。

勃艮第骑士编年史:她总是出尔反尔,一会儿愿意打仗,一会儿又不愿意[1](swayed to and fro, at one moment wishing to fight, at another not)。

法国皇家占卜者、女权主义先驱、意大利籍女诗人克里斯蒂娜·德·皮桑(Christine de Pizan)1429年7月31日所著赞美诗《贞德之歌(Le Ditié de Jehanne d'Arc)》:

  • 一个甚至没有注意到自己能承受多重武器的十六岁小女孩——事实上,她的人生似乎都是为了这一刻而准备,她如此强壮、果断,她的敌人在其面前崩溃,无人可挡。她所做的一切,每个人都尽收眼底......(A little girl of sixteen who does not even notice the weight of the arms she bears—indeed her whole up bringing seems to have prepared her for this, so strong and resolute is she! And her enemies go flfleeing before her, not one of them can stand up to her. She does all this in full view of everyone....)
  • 备受神明推崇的贞德!你解开了捆绑法兰西的绳索!你给予被战争侮辱的土地以和平,怎样赞扬你也不为过!(And thou, Maid most happy, most honoured of God, thou hast loosened the cord with which France was bound. Canst thou be praised enough, thou who hast brought peace to this land laid low by war?)
  • 当奥尔良被围困时,贞德的力量显现了出来。这是从未见过的神迹,神帮助服侍他的人,敌人像死狗一样被俘或被杀(It was made manifest, when at the siege of Orléans her might revealed itself. Never was miracle plainer. God did so succour his own people, that the strength of the enemy was but as that of a dead dog. They were taken or slain)。
  • 她收复宫廷和城市,她是我们人民的第一首领,连赫克托尔和阿基琉斯都没有她这么强大的力量,这一切都是神的旨意(She goeth forth capturing towns and castles. She is the first captain of our host. Such power had not Hector or Achilles. But God, who leads her, does all)。

部分忠于英国的阿布维尔城市民:这个女人的言行都是骗人的!······不能相信她,相信她的人都是疯子,身上都有被烧焦的味道(Everything that woman does and says is nought but deception······is not to be trusted. Those who believe in her are mad, and there is a smell of burning about them)。

1430年1月19日,兴高采烈的奥尔良居民为了感谢贞德为他们所做的一切,盛宴款待贞德。市民们敬爱贞德,但并未仔细观察过贞德的样貌,因此八年后有人冒充贞德时[2],奥尔良居民上当了,照样向冒充者敬酒,敬酒者仍是当年的雅克·勒普雷斯特(The folk of Orléans were grateful to the Maid for what she had done for them. Far from reproaching her with the unfortunate conclusion of the siege of La Charité, they welcomed her into their city with the same rejoicing and with as good cheer as before. In good sooth, 'twas a fine feast and a ceremonious. The burgesses loved and honoured Jeanne, but they cannot have observed her very closely during the repast or they would not eight years later, when an adventuress gave herself out to be the Maid, have mistaken her for Jeanne, and offered her wine in the same manner and at the hands of the same city servant, Jacques Leprestre)。

1435年,勃艮第公爵好人菲利普(Philippe le Bon)在阿拉斯召开国会,与查理七世商议勃艮第和法国之间的和平协议,9月21日他和查理七世结束了长达28年的斗争。这一年的冬天非常冷,阿拉斯市镇当局备案中记录了有人在国会中谈及圣女贞德一事,并且在街道两旁整齐并列了两排雪人,其中一个就是贞德的真人雪雕,表现了她在人民心目中的形象(On December 2, 1431, the young Henry VI made his royal entrance into Paris. The pageantry included representations of the Nine Male Worthies, a popular grouping of ancient warrior heroes. More unusual were the Nine Female Worthies, all Amazons. At the coronation two weeks later, Philip the Good was not in attendance. Yet it would be four more years before the reconciliation between Charles VII and his cousin Philip—a mandatory step before the English could be driven out of France—would take place. In 1435 Philip hosted the congress at Arras where, on September 21, the twenty-eight-year-old quarrel between the two princes, which Joan of Arc had tried to end both by pleas and by war, was formally concluded. The duke of Bedford had died eleven days earlier; Isabeau of Bavaria died a few days later. Although there is no record that anyone spoke of Joan of Arc at the congress, the winter of 1435 was especially cold. A memorandum by town authorities recorded the array of snowmen that arose that winter in the streets of Arras, including the notation of a snow sculpture of Joan of Arc at the head of her men)。



2022.1.15 更新

安茹贵族罗伯特·勒·马松(Robert Le Maçon):(我)只听从贞德······因为那是上帝的旨意(solely at the recommendation of Joan the Maid... because it was the desire and the will of God)。

查理七世《告栋雷米村免除税收信》:(感谢)贞德在收复失地过程中的贡献和她无时无刻做出的牺牲(he had formalized a tax exemption for Greux and Domrémy for“the services she has rendered us and renders each day in the recovery of our kingdom.” )。


  1. ^ 1429年8月15日是纪念圣母的节日,贞德不愿意在这一天打仗,但收到冲锋命令后仍然率领先锋部队与来袭的英军交战至天黑。
  2. ^这位冒充者的简单介绍可见这个视频  https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1iQ4y1i7Ls?from=search&seid=2087245314573544861&spm_id_from=333.337.0.0

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Hanna, Martha. “Iconology and Ideology: Images of Joan of Arc in the Idiom of the Action Française, 1908-1931.” French Historical Studies 14, no. 2 (1985): 215–39. doi.org/10.2307/286583.

Wardhaugh, Jessica. 'Un rire nouveau': Action Française and the art of political satire, French History, Volume 22, Issue 1, March 2008, Pages 74–93.

Davies, Peter. “The Front National and Catholicism: From intégrismeto Joan of Arc and Clovis.” Religion Compass 4, no. 9 (2010): 576–87. doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-.

Goy-Blanquet, Dominique. 2003.Joan of Arc, a Saint for All Reasons : Studies in Myth and Politics. Florence: Taylor & Francis Group. Accessed January 15, 2022. ProQuest Ebook Central.




贞德引战炮的起源,应该是20世纪的民族主义保王团体Action Française,把贞德夯起来对抗共和国拟人Marianne。定位是“法兰西民族”女英雄,包含所有“法兰西民族”的传统价值观,并代表“法兰西民族”的悠久历史。


当年很有名的一个贞德像制造大户,是雕塑家Maxime Real del Sarte(1888-1954)。他是AF青年团体“王党员/国王的货郎“(Camelots du roi)创始人之一。

Maxime Real del Sarte造的贞德像:









有个朋友大学时是AF。跟小姐姐交换书签,要来她的Notre-Dame de Chrétienté贞德百年纪念卡。拿回家后发觉我怎么有这么多“政治不正确”物品,决定摆拍下。以下,可以投稿AF脸书页面的桌面:



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