Cable: 10STATE2126_a“......as soon as possible on Monday, January 11, 2010, given that the intercept flight-test is expected imminently.尽快在周一就通知驻在国有关部门,因为反导拦截试验预计很快就会进行。”
The U.S. Intelligence Community assesses that China may conduct an intercept flight-test using an SC-19 missile from the Korla Missile Test Complex against a CSS-X-11 medium-range ballistic missile launched from the Shuangchengzi Space and Missile Center in the next several days. An SC-19 was used previously as the payload booster for the January 11, 2007 direct-ascent anti-satellite (DA-ASAT) intercept of the Chinese FY-1C weather satellite. Previous SC-19 DA-ASAT flight-tests were conducted in 2005 and 2006. The United States does not expect China to provide any prior notification of its imminent intercept flight-test, post-test announcement, nor do we expect any post-event explanation without China being asked or questioned in a demarche.
The need for such close coordination was underscored in the aftermath of China's first successful SC-19 DA-ASAT flight-test on January 11, 2007 (UTC). Although UK analysts had provided key contributions to monitoring this program, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Cabinet Office officials said they had been "personally unaware" that China had been developing a DA-ASAT system until they were informed by Embassy London on January 14, 2007, three days after China's flight-test.
We anticipate that the SC-19 will launch from the Korla Missile Test Complex (a new location for SC-19 activity) in western China. The CSS-X-11 will launch from Shuangchengzi Space and Missile Center, approximately 1,100 kilometers east of Korla.
-- The SC-19 was used previously as the payload booster for the January 11, 2007, direct-ascent anti-satellite (DA-ASAT) intercept of the Chinese FY-1C weather satellite, as well as in DA-ASAT flight-tests conducted in 2005-06.我们预计一枚SC-19导弹将从中国西部的库尔勒导弹试验中心发射,SC-19导弹这次是首次出现在库尔勒导弹试验中心。一枚CSS-X-11中程弹道导弹将从双城子太空与导弹试验中心发射,双城子太空与导弹试验中心在库尔勒以东大约1100千米处。
-- Since the national security imperative is not to jeopardize sensitive intelligence "sources and methods," as well as enable collection on this event, Washington has decided not to demarche Beijing prior to this expected flight-test. Furthermore, it is our assessment that any demarche transmitted prior to the launch event will not dissuade China from conducting the SC-19 flight-test.
-- U.S. diplomatic and public diplomacy strategies will be shaped by the observables of the event, China's diplomatic/public explanations (if any), and upon our post-test analysis of risks to "sources and methods."根据国家安全的要求,我们不能危害到情报收集的敏感“来源与方法”,也为了便于对本次反导试验进行情报收集,华盛顿决定不在试验前照会北京。我们认为,提前照会北京也无法阻止SC-19飞行试验的进行。
Cable: 10STATE2634_aThe U.S. Intelligence Community assesses that on 11 January 2010, China launched an SC-19 missile from the Korla Missile Test Complex and successfully intercepted a near-simultaneously launched CSS-X-11 medium-range ballistic missile launched from the Shuangchengzi Space and Missile Center. The CSS-X-11 was launched from Shuangchengzi at 1150:00Z; the SC-19 was launched from Korla at 1152:42Z. U.S. missile warning satellites detected each missile's powered flight as well as the intercept, which occurred at 1157:31Z at an altitude of approximately 250 kilometers. No debris from this test remains on-orbit.
美国情报机构研判显示,2010年1月11日,中国使用一枚从库尔勒导弹试验中心发射的SC-19导弹,成功拦截一枚几乎同时从双城子太空与导弹试验中心发射的CSS-X-11中程弹道导弹。CSS-X-11中程导弹于ZULU 1150:00(北京时间1月11日19点50分)从双城子发射,而SC-19导弹于ZULU 1152:42(北京时间1月11日19点52分42秒)从库尔勒导弹试验中心发射。美国导弹预警卫星探测到两枚导弹的助推段飞行,以及拦截事件,拦截事件发生于ZULU 1157:31(北京时间1月11日19点57分31秒),高度为250千米左右。没有留置在轨道上的碎片。
SC-19(库尔勒,飞行289秒)拦截CSS-X-11(?中程导弹? 酒泉,飞行451秒).
An SC-19 was used previously as the payload booster for the January 11, 2007, direct-ascent anti-satellite (DA-ASAT) intercept of the Chinese FY-1C weather satellite. Previous SC-19 DA-ASAT flight-tests were conducted in 2005 and 2006. This test is assessed to have furthered both Chinese ASAT and ballistic missile defense (BMD) technologies. (S//NF) Due to the sensitivity of the intelligence that would have to be disclosed to substantiate the U.S. assessment, the U.S. Government in its demarche to the PRC Government will not associate the January 2010 SC-19 intercept flight-test with past SC-19 ASAT flight-tests.
according to Taiwanese government officials, China has recently started to deploy a new SRBM known as the Dong Feng16 (DF-16/CSS-11 Mod 1)
中国最近开始部署代号东风16的短程弹道导弹(DF-16/CSS-11 Mod 1)
- CSS-11 Mod 1
- 固体燃料Solid
- 公路机动Road-mobile
- 最大射程:800千米以上800+
“what we could say in response to the test given that the test would likely not break any rules or, like the last test, leave debris.”
而且英国方面说会去向军方的情报机构通气:“...also said he would consult with Defence Intelligence on the matter”
http:// wikileaks.org/cable/201 0/01/10LONDON49.html “保护情报来源与手段”是套话,但是这一句显示出这次的“来源”会在暴露后消失/中断(?),所以为了保证对拦截试验的持续监视,决定不事前抗议。
Since the national security imperative is not to jeopardize sensitive intelligence "sources and methods," as well as enable collection on this event, Washington has decided not to demarche Beijing prior to this expected flight-test.
U.S. diplomatic and public diplomacy strategies will be shaped by the observables of the event, China's diplomatic/public explanations (if any), and upon our post-test analysis of risks to "sources and methods."
---- The U.S. position on the relationship between missile defense, stability, and deterrence is well-known. In light of China's testing activity, how does China view missile defense and its relationship to the Asia-Pacific military balance, deterrence, and stability?
---- What is the direction of China's BMD program? Will China develop and field BMD systems and capabilities to defend its deployed military forces against short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, as well as for the protection of populations and territory against longer-range ballistic missiles?
---- Which foreign ballistic missile threats are China's BMD development and testing program intended to defend against?
---- 美国关于反导、战略稳定、威慑的关系的立场众所周知。考虑到中国的反导试验活动,中国是如何看待导弹防御的?中国如何理解反导、亚太军事平衡、威慑、战略稳定的关系的?
---- 中国反导项目的未来走向是什么?中国是会研发并部署保护其军队免受中短程弹道导弹打击的反导系统?还是会部署保护人口与国土免受长距弹道导弹打击的反导系统?
---- 中国反导研发试验项目针对的是哪个国家的弹道导弹威胁?
(S//NF) Due to the sensitivity of the intelligence that would have to be disclosed to substantiate the U.S. assessment, the U.S. Government in its demarche to the PRC Government will not associate the January 2010 SC-19 intercept flight-test with past SC-19 ASAT flight-tests.
The Space Review: Through a glass, darkly: Chinese, American, and Russian anti-satellite testing in space (page 1)下图是4月3日,通过商用成像卫星拍摄的西昌卫星发射中心图片
http:// liuqiankktt.blog.163.com /blog/static/12126421120144685431323/其结论中:
美国人认为2010年的试验使用的是与2007年反卫同样的载具SC-19。2007年反卫的拦截高度是856 km,要把导弹打到此高度,即使是垂直向上的弹道关机速度也要至少4 km/s,考虑到拦截弹末端导引机动的需要,SC-19关机速度估计有6 km/s。(作为比较,美国2008年反卫的SM-3 blockI关机速度约3.2 km/s,因此拦截高度只有247 km,对应的垂直弹道关机速度为2 km/s。)而根据我对2010年反导试验的模拟计算和2013、2014年拦截弹脱靶落区的距离(1200~1600 km)判断,这三次试验所用的载具关机速度只有约3 km/s,不可能与SC-19是同一种导弹。美国有多种侦查手段可用来判断中国试验所用的载具,比如通过光学侦察卫星获得试验前发射车的照片,通过SBIRS卫星数据获得导弹的关机点速度。美国为什么会认为中国反导和反卫星试验用的是同一种导弹?笔者对此很困惑。
http://www. nytimes.com/2007/04/23/ washington/23satellite.htmlDubbed the SC-19 by American intelligence, the Chinese antisatellite weapon consists of a solid-fuel medium-range missile carrying an interceptor that is designed to crash into enemy satellites. The weapon is fired from a mobile launcher.
The United States had already detected two previous tests of the system — on July 7, 2005, and Feb. 6, 2006. Neither struck a target. In the second trial, the missile passed near a satellite, leaving American officials unsure whether the goal had been to hit it, or simply to pass nearby. In neither case did the Bush administration complain to the Chinese, a senior official said.
In December 2006 and early January of this year, American intelligence agencies picked up signs that preparations for a third Chinese antisatellite test appeared to be under way. The mobile missile launcher for the SC-19 was repeatedly detected on the Songlin pad, according to American officials familiar with the classified reports.
In early January, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which collects and analyzes reconnaissance information, also warned that an SC-19 test was possible that month, American officials said.
http:// weibo.com/1952884800/E8 cJkgnTw2013年1月26日,美国发射一枚GBI进行CTV-01的飞行试验,试验演练改进型CE-II EKV。
2015年11月1日中午,美军在威克岛进行了FTO-02 E2A反导拦截试验,研究陆基THAAD和海基标准-3BlockIB和标准-3BlockIIIA的多目标协同拦截。