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美国人真的写下了这段评语吗? 第1页


user avatar   chi-cheng-ling-shang 网友的相关建议: 


Tank Archives原文:

Consensus: the gun sights are the best in the world. Incomparable to any currently known worldwide or currently developed in America.






The general opinion is that the sight is the best in the world. There is no comparison with any existing (as far as is known here) one or anything being developed in America.


《Once Again About the T-34》里引用的《Experimental Report No. WAL. 640/91. Armor and Welding. Metallurgical Examination of Armor and Weld Joint Samples from Russian Medium Tank T-34 and Heavy Tank KV-1》实际讲的是金属和装甲方面的内容。

另外,根据《Once Again About the T-34》:

Testing began in the United States on 29 November 1942 and continued for a year. They were conducted in Maryland, just north of Baltimore, at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, the best testing area at that time in the US Army. A KV that had been produced at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Factory was also tested there. After tests on both tanks were completed voluminous reports were made, copies of which the USSR received. The Brits also sent a copy of their T-34 testing report. Unfortunately, however, these materials have not yet been published in their entirety. There is only fragmentary information about their content. The most widely disseminated among armored vehicles’ dabblers was ‘Assessment of T-34 and KV Tanks by Workers from the US Aberdeen Proving Ground, Business Representatives, Officers, and Members of Military Committees Who Conducted Tests of the Tanks’, signed by General-Major of Tank Troops V. E. Khlopov, Chief of the 2nd Directorate of the Red Army’s Main Intelligence Directorate (Glavnoe razvedyvatel’noe upravlenie or GRU), in August 1943 (TsAMO D. 1712, pp. 91-99). Many accept this document as a brief summary of the results of the testing of the Soviet tanks in America, but this is not so. From the text and the responsibilities of the man who attested to it, it is immediately obvious that this is not at all an American report, not even the extracts from it. After all, at the time the ‘Assessment’ appeared, tests had still not been finished.
So what is it, really? This question was clarified by General-Lieutenant I. I. Il’ichev, Provisional Chief of the GRU, who distributed copies of the ‘Assessment’ to Stalin, Head of the NKTP V. A. Malyshev, and GeneralColonel Ia. N. Fedorenko, Commander of the Red Army’s Armor and Mechanized Forces. In an accompanying letter Il’ichev reported to the addressees that the attached document was a summary of a conversation between a GRU officer and one of the workers from the Aberdeen Proving Ground. This American expressed not only his personal opinion, but also assessments by others of his colleagues, as well as those of officers, specialists, members of military committees, and representatives of concerned US companies he had heard during the tests (TsAMO D. 1712, p. 90a). Let us try to determine how objective they were. For this, let us take the ‘Assessment’ point by point (in italics) and then comment on each.
  1. 美国与英国方面收到车辆后进行了测试,且将大量测试报告发回苏联,但这些报告目前仍未公开
  2. 《Assessment of T-34 and KV Tanks by Workers from the US Aberdeen Proving Ground, Business Representatives, Officers, and Members of Military Committees Who Conducted Tests of the Tanks》,俄语原名《Оценка танков Т-34 и КВ работниками Абердинского испытательного полигона США, представителями фирм, офицерами и членами военных комиссий, проводивших испытания танков》,实际并非美方报告,只是参与了测试的美方人员在测试期间表达的评价

换而言之,《Оценка танков Т-34 и КВ работниками Абердинского испытательного полигона США, представителями фирм, офицерами и членами военных комиссий, проводивших испытания танков》并不是阿伯丁试验场对于T-34和KV-1所给出的正式报告,只是当时的试验场工作人员对于他人评价的转述而已。



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