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fate中关于圣杯机理的相关设定有什么现实中的对应或来源吗? 第1页


user avatar   dsfkl 网友的相关建议: 

谢邀,克劳利这里说的圣杯,包括以血充满圣杯,是指的穿越abyss,到达第三原质Binah的initiation法则,和Fate中通过英灵牺牲换取力量应该完全不是同一类的事情,即使后者只是动漫创作。Fate里面这种牺牲,更像是普通的blood sacrifice,自古以来各种宗教祭祀都常见,当然也有应用于魔法仪式的,因为blood is life,这种牺牲所以能够提供大量的magical energy,比如古代宰杀羔羊用于宗教场合召唤God等等。《魔法理论与实践》里的第12章会专门讲这个。顺带提下,《魔法理论与实践》的22章,大体是按照22个塔罗Trump的顺序来定义主题的,所以第12章对应12th key The Hanged Man,所以涉及sacrifice等等的主题。

那么回到《魔法理论与实践》里的圣杯Graal,它是第7章所以对应the Chariot这张塔罗。这张牌里最重要的就是驾车人手里保卫的那个圣杯,以及蓝色穹顶里隐藏在螃蟹上方的ABRAHADABRA法则。由于Cheth(这张牌对应的希伯来字母)连接了Geburah和Binah,所以涉及到克劳利的initiation系统中,从7=4上升到8=3的方法,也就是crossing abyss。

在克劳利或者Thelema中,圣杯是和Babalon联系在一起的,具体可见第11th Key the Lust这张塔罗中,Babalon手中握着的圣杯的形象。Babalon在Thelema中对应Binah,the Mother of All。所以一切生命之树Abyss以下的manifestation,都是来源于Babalon的Womb子宫。因为initiation是和宇宙manifest的顺序相反,所以到了这一步,如果需要cross abyss,就需要把一切还原到Babalon手中的圣杯里。这是一个解散自我个体意识,把自我这个概念消除,融入universal life的很可怕的过程,对应的象征性的表述就是把自己的血融入到圣杯中的血,圣杯中的血就是universal life,一切还未诞生(诞生就是abyss以下)的状态。另外注意到,Binah在king scale下的颜色是crimson,正是血的猩红色。

THelema中有一本Holy Book专门讲这个叫做Liber Cheth,也是《魔法理论与实践》这章提到must read的liber 156。这里引用几句很粗糙的解释下这个概念:

1. This is the secret of the Holy Graal, that is the sacred vessel of our Lady the Scarlet Woman, Babalon the Mother of Abominations, the bride of Chaos, that rideth upon our Lord the Beast.

Babalon这个概念直接来源应该是圣经的启示录,克劳利经常把圣经中很负面的形象重新诠释,达到启蒙的效果。比如被称为whore,是因为Babalon作为Mother of All,当一切回到她体内时,她会接受一切。当然这只是从世俗层面的角度,这些东西的来源本身有着很深的神秘学因素,涉及到克劳利记录在the Vision and the Voice中以诺魔法的30层aethyr的神秘体验。

2. Thou shalt drain out thy blood that is thy life into the golden cup of her fornications.


3. Thou shalt mingle thy life with the universal life. Thou shalt keep not back one drop.


4. Then shall thy brain be dumb, and thy heart beat no more, and all thy life shall go from thee; and thou shalt be cast out upon the midden, and the birds of the air shall feast upon thy flesh, and thy bones shall whiten in the sun.

这些自我意识,自我情绪,自我人格等等都不是真正的True Self,所以他们都被剥落

5. Then shall the winds gather themselves together, and bear thee up as it were a little heap of dust in a sheet that hath four corners, and they shall give it unto the guardians of the abyss.


6. And because there is no life therein, the guardians of the abyss shall bid the angels of the winds pass by. And the angels shall lay thy dust in the City of the Pyramids, and the name thereof shall be no more.

这里的City of the Pyramids指的就是Binah,所有8=3 master of temple所在的位置,他们成为了dust,位于金字塔这个tomb中,他们的名字是NEMO(拉丁语,no man),详见the Vision and the Voice

7. Now therefore that thou mayest achieve this ritual of the Holy Graal, do thou divest thyself of all thy goods.

这个就是圣杯的法则或者说仪式。如之前所说这是个很可怕的过程,甚至在我们成为7=4 exempt adept以前无法真正理解到底要面对什么,但这是spiritual attainment必不可少的过程。如下一句说到,

11. For if thou dost not this with thy will, then shall We do this despite thy will. So that thou attain to the Sacrament of the Graal in the Chapel of Abominations.


13. Yea! verily this is the Truth, this is the Truth, this is the Truth. Unto thee shall be granted joy and health and wealth and wisdom when thou art no longer thou.


17. And this is the wrath of God, that these things should be thus.

18. And this is the grace of God, that these things should be thus.

从这里也就衍生出了Thelema中说的Black Brother的真正含义,完全不同于通俗意义上的黑魔法师。他们都是已经成为了7=4 exempt adept,非常的强大,但当要放弃自己的一切甚至自我这个个体意识时退缩了,所以不愿意完成穿越abyss这个过程。也就是说,他们不愿意融入到宇宙意识中,而是把自己封闭起来,从而保留了所谓的自我。这里需要阅读《魔法理论与实践》这章提到的the Vision and the Voice 第12th aethyr的记录,里面的天使会对圣杯,圣人之血,black brothers进一步解释,这里就引用一小段和black brothers有关的

And this is the meaning of the Supper of the Passover, the spilling of the blood of the Lamb being a ritual of the Dark Brothers, for they have sealed up the Pylon with blood, lest the Angel of Death should enter therein. Thus do they shut themselves off from the company of the saints. Thus do they keep themselves from compassion and from understanding. Accurséd are they, for they shut up their blood in their heart.

They keep themselves from the kisses of my Mother Babylon, and in their lonely fortresses they pray to the false moon. And they bind themselves together with an oath, and with a great curse. And of their malice they conspire together, and they have power, and mastery, and in their cauldrons do they brew the harsh wine of delusion, mingled with the poison of their selfishness.

Thus they make war upon the Holy One, sending forth their delusion upon men, and upon everything that liveth. So that their false compassion is called compassion, and their false understanding is called understanding, for this is their most potent spell.

Yet of their own poison do they perish, and in their lonely fortresses shall they be eaten up by Time that hath cheated them to serve him, and by the mighty devil Choronzon, their master, whose name is the Second Death, for the blood that they have sprinkled on their Pylon, that is a bar against the Angel Death, is the key by which he entereth in.


最后要说的是,这个回答涉及到一些很深奥的概念,本意也只是为了圈内人的邀请做的一些说明。如果有人从没接触过这些,请不要看了之后认为最高的境界是抛弃一切自我消亡,并以此为消极厌世的借口和理由。如果走上这条道路,我很肯定这是与真正的灵性启蒙背道而驰的。与之相反,生活中的美好快乐才是值得我们追寻的。正如Thelema中的Gnostic Mass这个弥撒,饮入圣杯中的酒,也就是blood of God时所宣告的,In my mouth be the essence of the joy of the earth!



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