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有哪些让人相见恨晚的 MATLAB 命令? 第1页


user avatar   leng-zhe 网友的相关建议: 












mathworks 有一个fig函数(不是系统自带的,是别人编写的),可以很容易地调整字体、尺寸以及绘图是否有边框等等,不必画出来再自己手动调整。这对于写论文的人来说会很方便。



善用eval,可以让你的程序的灵活度大大加强。尤其是在变量名的问题上。当然,这可能会对代码维护和调试带来麻烦。很多情况可以用其他方法代替。 @王备 指出了一个链接,值得一读Alternatives to the eval Function







surf、mesh都很漂亮,不过surf之后记得用shading interp,看起来更漂亮。









       function h = fig(varargin) % FIG - Creates a figure with a desired size, no white-space, and several other options. % %       All Matlab figure options are accepted.  %       FIG-specific options of the form FIG('PropertyName',propertyvalue,...)  %       can be used to modify the default behavior, as follows: % %       -'units'    : preferred unit for the width and height of the figure  %                      e.g. 'inches', 'centimeters', 'pixels', 'points', 'characters', 'normalized'  %                      Default is 'centimeters' % %       -'width'    : width of the figure in units defined by 'units' %                      Default is 14 centimeters %                      Note: For IEEE journals, one column wide standard is %                      8.5cm (3.5in), and two-column width standard is 17cm (7 1/16 in) % %       -'height'   : height of the figure in units defined by 'units' %                      Specifying only one dimension sets the other dimension %                      to preserve the figure's default aspect ratio.  % %       -'font'     : The font name for all the texts on the figure, including labels, title, legend, colorbar, etc. %                      Default is 'Times New Roman'  % %       -'fontsize' : The font size for all the texts on the figure, including labels, title, legend, colorbar, etc. %                      Default is 14pt %        %       -'border'   : Thin white border around the figure (compatible with export_fig -nocrop)  %                      'on', 'off' %                      Default is 'off'  % %   FIG(H) makes H the current figure.  %   If figure H does not exist, and H is an integer, a new figure is created with %   handle H. % %   FIG(H,...) applies the properties to the figure H. % %   H = FIG(...) returns the handle to the figure created by FIG. % % % Example 1: %   fig % % Example 2: %   h=fig('units','inches','width',7,'height',2,'font','Helvetica','fontsize',16) % % % Copyright  ?2012 Reza Shirvany,  matlab.sciences@neverbox.com  % Source:   http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/30736 % Updated:   05/14/2012 % Version:   1.6.5  % %Revised by Zhe Leng 2012 Jul 10th, add set(H, 'PaperPositionMode', %'auto'); for consistency in the saved images files.        % default arguments width=14; font='Times New Roman'; fontsize=14;  units='centimeters'; bgcolor='w'; sborder='off'; flag=''; Pindex=[];  %%%%%%%%%%% process optional arguments optargin = size(varargin,2); if optargin>0  % check if a handle is passed in if isscalar(varargin{1}) && isnumeric(varargin{1})     flag=[flag '1'];     i=2;      if ishghandle(varargin{1})==1         flag=[flag 'i'];     end else     i=1; end  % get the property values while (i <= optargin)     if (strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'border'))         if (i >= optargin)             error('Property value required for: %s', num2str(varargin{i}));         else             sborder = varargin{i+1};flag=[flag 'b'];             i = i + 2;         end     elseif (strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'width'))         if (i >= optargin)             error('Property value required for: %s', num2str(varargin{i}));         else             width = varargin{i+1};flag=[flag 'w'];             i = i + 2;         end     elseif (strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'height'))         if (i >= optargin)             error('Property value required for: %s', num2str(varargin{i}));         else             height = varargin{i+1};flag=[flag 'h'];             i = i + 2;         end     elseif (strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'font'))         if (i >= optargin)             error('Property value required for: %s', num2str(varargin{i}));         else             font = varargin{i+1};flag=[flag 'f'];             i = i + 2;         end     elseif (strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'fontsize'))         if (i >= optargin)             error('Property value required for: %s', num2str(varargin{i}));         else            fontsize = varargin{i+1};flag=[flag 's'];             i = i + 2;         end     elseif (strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'units'))         if (i >= optargin)             error('Property value required for: %s', num2str(varargin{i}));         else             units = varargin{i+1};flag=[flag 'u'];             i = i + 2;         end     elseif (strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'color'))         if (i >= optargin)             error('Property value required for: %s', num2str(varargin{i}));         else             bgcolor = varargin{i+1};flag=[flag 'c'];             i = i + 2;         end     else         %other figure properties         if (i >= optargin)             error('A property value is missing.');         else         Pindex = [Pindex i i+1];         i = i + 2;         end     end  end  end  % We use try/catch to handle errors try  % creat a figure with a given (or new) handle if length(strfind(flag,'1'))==1     s=varargin{1};     if ishandle(s)==1     set(0, 'CurrentFigure', s);     else          figure(s);     end else     s=figure; end  flag=[flag 's'];  % set other figure properties if ~isempty(Pindex)     set(s,varargin{Pindex}); end  % set the background color set(s, 'color',bgcolor);  % set the font and font size set(s, 'DefaultTextFontSize', fontsize);  set(s, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', fontsize);  set(s, 'DefaultAxesFontName', font); set(s, 'DefaultTextFontName', font);  %%%%%%%%%%% set the figure size % set the root unit old_units=get(0,'Units'); set(0,'Units',units);  % get the screen size scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');  % set the root unit to its default value set(0,'Units',old_units);  % set the figure unit set(s,'Units',units);  set(s, 'PaperPositionMode', 'auto');  % get the figure's position pos = get(s, 'Position'); old_pos=pos; aspectRatio = pos(3)/pos(4);  % set the width and height of the figure if length(strfind(flag,'w'))==1 && length(strfind(flag,'h'))==1      pos(3)=width;     pos(4)=height; elseif isempty(strfind(flag,'h'))     pos(3)=width;     pos(4) = width/aspectRatio; elseif isempty(strfind(flag,'w')) && length(strfind(flag,'h'))==1     pos(4)=height;     pos(3)=height*aspectRatio;  end  % make sure the figure stays in the middle of the screen diff=old_pos-pos;   if diff(3)<0  pos(1)=old_pos(1)+diff(3)/2;      if pos(1)<0          pos(1)=0;      end  end  if diff(4)<0  pos(2)=old_pos(2)+diff(4);     if pos(2)<0          pos(2)=0;      end  end   % warning if the given width (or height) is greater than the screen size if pos(3)>scrsz(3) warning(['Maximum width (screen width) is reached! width=' num2str(scrsz(3)) ' ' units]); end  if pos(4)>scrsz(4) warning(['Maximum height (screen height) is reached! height=' num2str(scrsz(4)) ' ' units]); end  % apply the width, height, and position to the figure set(s, 'Position', pos); if strcmpi(sborder, 'off')     set(s,'DefaultAxesLooseInset',[0,0,0,0]); end        % handle errors catch ME     if isempty(strfind(flag,'i')) && ~isempty(strfind(flag,'s'))     close(s);     end    error(ME.message) end  s=figure(s); % return handle if caller requested it.   if (nargout > 0)         h =s;   end % % That's all folks! % %flag/1iwhfsucsb      





user avatar   zhen-tan-83 网友的相关建议: 
  • 1.对两路信号作图时,可用 linkaxes 同步x轴,以便之后手动放大同步查看局部细节,例如:
       ax(1) = subplot(2,1,1) plot(time,signal1) ax(2) = subplot(2,1,2) plot(time,signal2)    linkaxes (ax,'x')      

当然你也可以同步y轴:linkaxes (ax,'y') ,甚至两轴都同步:linkaxes (ax,'xy') 。

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  • 2. 相信很多人都知道hold on指令能用于作重叠的曲线图,但当两曲线值域相差太大时,以至于不能更好地展示彼此的细节,可考虑用如下方法(MATLAB 2016a 开始支持,低版本的用plotyy):
       plot(time,signal1) yyaxis right      % 用右边的y轴展示 plot(time,signal2)     


  • 3.很多人提到多行注释 ctrl + R 。但其缺点是不能折叠。利用如下格式,可使注释后的内容折叠起来。
                %{          可折叠的注释区域          %}            

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  • 4. 获取当前路径:path = pwd; 。获取当前路径所有文件及文件夹的名字:names = ls ;其实要想具体一点,用dir代替ls会更好:files = dir;

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  • 5. 用 deal() 让初始化更简洁。


       % 假如要初始化A,B,C和D为3*4阶矩阵,平常我们会用如下代码 A = zeros(3,4); B = zeros(3,4); C = zeros(3,4); D = zeros(3,4);  % 利用deal()改造后,简洁相当多 [A,B,C,D] = deal(zeros(3,4));     


       % 如以下例子 A = zeros(3,4); B = []; C = ones(2); D = cell(2);  % 可以用deal()改造,只是长一点 [A,B,C,D] = deal(zeros(3,4),[],ones(2),cell(2));     


       % 正常方法初始化3行,两个field的结构体数组: inl = {0, 0, 0};  % 必须得元胞数组,有些麻烦 s = struct('f1',inl,'f2',inl);  % 用deal改进 [s(1:3).f1,s(1:3).f2] = deal(0);  % 如果内容不一样,就每个field分开来 [s(1:3).f1] = deal(0); [s(1:3).f2] = deal(zeros(3));  % 把3改成任意行数n     

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  • 6. 大家觉不觉得每次用plot作图返回的窗口都好小,每次都要手动按右上角的框框放大,贼烦~以下命令实现自动放大
       % 以下代码实现自动放大 fig = figure; fig.Position = get(0,'ScreenSize');  % fig.Position这种操作好像MATLAB 2012还是2013之后才有的,忘记了,低版本用set吧 % % % % 我是分界线 % % % % plot(1:10)  % 随便做个图查看效果 zoom on  % 顺手加个放大,省得点工具栏     

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  • 7. 这个可能很多人知道,但是真的很好用。用‘end’检索最后一位元素
       % 正常方法获取向量V最后一位元素 N = length(V); last = V(N);  % 用end的话方便很多 last = V(end);  % 还可以这样 test1 = V(end-1);   % 倒数第二个 test2  = V(1:end/2);  % 获取一半(奇数长度会有警告)     


  • 8. 前面有人说过 dbstop if error。如果再配合两把宝剑,会更好用:dbup 和 dbdown。




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