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如何看待以色列官员称外星人真实存在? 第1页


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这个说法很难考证,但是总结一下可以看出高等级文明没必要接触人类 。






user avatar   davidtsang 网友的相关建议: 






1:4 我 观 看 , 见 狂 风 从 北 方 刮 来 , 随 着 有 一 朵 包 括 闪 烁 火 的 大 云 , 周 围 有 光 辉 。 从 其 中 的 火 内 发 出 好 像 光 耀 的 精 金 。
1:5 又 从 其 中 显 出 四 个 活 物 的 形 像 来 。 他 们 的 形 状 是 这 样 , 有 人 的 形 像 ,
1:6 各 有 四 个 脸 面 , 四 个 翅 膀 。
1:7 他 们 的 腿 是 直 的 , 脚 掌 好 像 牛 犊 之 蹄 , 都 灿 烂 如 光 明 的 铜 。
1:8 在 四 面 的 翅 膀 以 下 有 人 的 手 。 这 四 个 活 物 的 脸 和 翅 膀 乃 是 这 样 ,
1:9 翅 膀 彼 此 相 接 , 行 走 并 不 转 身 , 俱 各 直 往 前 行 。
1:10 至 于 脸 的 形 像 , 前 面 各 有 人 的 脸 , 右 面 各 有 狮 子 的 脸 , 左 面 各 有 牛 的 脸 , 后 面 各 有 鹰 的 脸 。
1:11 各 展 开 上 边 的 两 个 翅 膀 相 接 , 各 以 下 边 的 两 个 翅 膀 遮 体 。
1:12 他 们 俱 各 直 往 前 行 。 灵 往 哪 里 去 , 他 们 就 往 那 里 去 , 行 走 并 不 转 身 。
1:13 至 于 四 活 物 的 形 像 , 就 如 烧 着 火 炭 的 形 状 , 又 如 火 把 的 形 状 。 火 在 四 活 物 中 间 上 去 下 来 , 这 火 有 光 辉 , 从 火 中 发 出 闪 电 。
1:14 这 活 物 往 来 奔 走 , 好 像 电 光 一 闪 。
1:15 我 正 观 看 活 物 的 时 候 , 见 活 物 的 脸 旁 各 有 一 轮 在 地 上 。
1:16 轮 的 形 状 和 颜 色 ( 原 文 作 作 法 ) 好 像 水 苍 玉 。 四 轮 都 是 一 个 样 式 , 形 状 和 作 法 好 像 轮 中 套 轮 。
1:17 轮 行 走 的 时 候 , 向 四 方 都 能 直 行 , 并 不 掉 转 。
1:18 至 于 轮 辋 , 高 而 可 畏 。 四 个 轮 辋 周 围 满 有 眼 睛 。
1:19 活 物 行 走 , 轮 也 在 旁 边 行 走 。 活 物 从 地 上 升 , 轮 也 都 上 升 。
1:20 灵 往 哪 里 去 , 活 物 就 往 那 里 去 。 活 物 上 升 , 轮 也 在 活 物 旁 边 上 升 , 因 为 活 物 的 灵 在 轮 中 。
1:21 那 些 行 走 , 这 些 也 行 走 。 那 些 站 住 , 这 些 也 站 住 。 那 些 从 地 上 升 , 轮 也 在 旁 边 上 升 , 因 为 活 物 的 灵 在 轮 中 。
1:22 活 物 的 头 以 上 有 穹 苍 的 形 像 , 看 着 像 可 畏 的 水 晶 , 铺 张 在 活 物 的 头 以 上 。
1:23 穹 苍 以 下 , 活 物 的 翅 膀 直 张 , 彼 此 相 对 。 每 活 物 有 两 个 翅 膀 遮 体 。
1:24 活 物 行 走 的 时 候 , 我 听 见 翅 膀 的 响 声 , 像 大 水 的 声 音 , 像 全 能 者 的 声 音 , 也 像 军 队 哄 嚷 的 声 音 。 活 物 站 住 的 时 候 , 便 将 翅 膀 垂 下 。
1:25 在 他 们 头 以 上 的 穹 苍 之 上 有 声 音 。 他 们 站 住 的 时 候 , 便 将 翅 膀 垂 下 。
1:26 在 他 们 头 以 上 的 穹 苍 之 上 有 宝 座 的 形 像 , 仿 佛 蓝 宝 石 。 在 宝 座 形 像 以 上 有 仿 佛 人 的 形 状 。
1:27 我 见 从 他 腰 以 上 有 仿 佛 光 耀 的 精 金 , 周 围 都 有 火 的 形 状 , 又 见 从 他 腰 以 下 有 仿 佛 火 的 形 状 , 周 围 也 有 光 辉 。


user avatar   chen-gui-hui-64 网友的相关建议: 



回到“以色列前国防部空间安全首脑谈外星人”这个事件,英文新闻首发应该属于Jewish press.com于3天前的报道。有朋友问,Jewishpress消息可靠么?我大概翻了一下,已经有其他媒体跟进,虽然都不是“主流媒体”,这消息应该还是可靠的。我是指,以色列这位前空间安全主管确实发表了外星人存在的言论,但其内容之对否,还需要仔细斟酌。

正如评论中朋友指出,Haim Eshed所讲的全部故事,对于关注过这个领域的人而言,没有任何新意,甚至其知识有些过时和贫乏。特别是Haim Eshed的解读,在我看来存在一些问题,他强调银河邦联(或译银河联邦,银河联盟)阻止大规模揭露,因为人类还没准备好。这点有信息扭曲的嫌疑,虽然事主本人可能是赤子之心,只是无意间站在官方立场上为政府几十年的掩盖恶行洗地。读者在阅读此资料时,务必谨慎判断。


Haim Eshed曾是以色列国防部空间安全主管,参与多个以色列太空探索项目,再加上以色列这个国家的特殊地位,所以Haim的发声具备一定份量,至少可以和加拿大前国防部长的爆料媲美。


虽然Jewish press在5号发布新闻,其他媒体7号才跟进,但相关消息在四天前(4号)已经被Twitter零星报道,其原始采访还可追溯到11月底(the Shabbat edition of Yedioth Aharonoth)。

无论如何,既然Jewish press是首发新闻,我还是先以它的报道为准,介绍Haim Eshed的采访内容。

Former Head of Israel’s Space Program: The Aliens Asked Not To Be Revealed, Humanity Not Yet Ready


By David Israel

20 Kislev 5781 – December 5, 2020

Prof. Haim Eshed served from 1981 to 2010 as the head of Israel’s security space program and over the years received the Israel Security Award three times, twice for confidential technological inventions. So if he went nuts, and this possibility is always open, it had to have happened over the past decade. And the reason we think the good professor may have lost his marbles has to do with an interview he gave 7 Days, the Shabbat edition of Yedioth Aharonoth, Israel’s largest circulation for-pay newspaper, in which he says, “The aliens have asked not to announce that they are here, humanity is not ready yet.”

Haim Eshed教授从1981年至2010年担任以色列太空安全计划的负责人,多年来,曾三度获得以色列安全奖,两次是因为机密技术发明而获得的。 因此,如果他发疯了(这种可能性一直存在),那一定是过去十年才发生的。 我们认为这位好教授可能丢失理智的原因与他7天前的采访有关,它刊登于以色列发行量最大的付费报纸《Yedioth Aharonoth》(Shabbat版)。在采访中Haim说:“外星人要求不要公布他们的存在,人类还没有准备好。”

Prof. Eshed told Yedioth, among other things:


The UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet. Trump was on the verge of revealing, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying: Wait, let people calm down first. They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding.

UFO要求(政府)不要公布他们的存在,因为人类还没有准备好。 特朗普本来已经濒临揭露的边缘,但银河邦联中的外星人说:“等等,让人们先冷静一下。” 他们不想人类变得歇斯底里,他们首先希望我们学会理智和理解。

They have been waiting for humanity to evolve and reach a stage where we will generally understand what space and spaceships are. There’s an agreement between the US government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here. They, too, are researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers. There’s an underground base in the depths of Mars, where their representatives are, and also our American astronauts.

他们一直在等待人类发展并达到一个阶段,在那个阶段我们会普遍了解什么是太空和飞船。 美国政府与外国人之间达成了协议,他们与我们签订了在这里进行实验的合同。 他们也正在研究并试图理解宇宙的整体结构,他们希望我们作为协助者。 在火星深处有一个地下基地,他们的代表在那里,还有我们的美国宇航员。

If I had come up with what I’m saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized. Wherever I’ve gone with this in academia, they’ve said: the man has lost his mind. Today they’re already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. I’ve received my degrees and awards, I am respected in universities abroad, where the trend is also changing.

如果我在五年前说出今天这番话,那我应该已经在医院里了。 只要我在学术界谈这些内容,他们都会说:这个男人失去了理智。 但今天他们已经转变了态度。 我没有什么可失去的,我获得过学位和奖项,在国外大学中广受尊敬,那里人们的思想也在转变中。

To those of us who have grown up following the history-altering warp flight of Zefram Cochrane, which was witnessed by a Vulcan spaceship and soon enough began Earth’s acceptance into the more evolved planets of our galaxy, Prof. Eshed’s teachings are familiar, even trite, with one important proviso: we know Cochrane is a fictional character (born in 2013 or 2030, Star Trek is not a very organized universe). Eshed may not be distinguishing so good between reality and fiction.

我们这代人伴随科幻长大,了解Zefram Cochrane改变历史的曲率飞行,它被沃尔肯太空飞船见证,且很快整个地球人类接受一个概念,即我们银河系中存在更进化的行星(注:这是星际迷航情节,作者在拿科幻讽刺Eshed教授)。Eshed教授的宣称我们再熟悉不过,甚至已经过时了 ,它有一个附加条件不可忽略:我们知道Cochrane仅仅是一个虚构的人物(出生于2013年或2030年,《星际迷航》展示的不是一个逻辑严密的宇宙观)。 Eshed可能没有分清现实与虚幻的区别。

Eshed, 87, holds a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering from the Technion, a master’s degree in performance research, and a doctorate in aeronautical engineering. In 1965, he served in the technological unit of the IDF Intelligence Division in research and development positions. In 1969, he was sent by the IDF Military Intelligence to study for a doctorate in aeronautical engineering in the United States. When he returned, he was appointed head of the research and development department in the Intelligence Corps. He retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Following his military service, he was employed as a professor at the Technion’s Space Research Institute, and in 1981 established and became the first director of the Challenge Program, a unit of the Administration for Research, Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure (Mapat) in the Defense Ministry, which is responsible for satellite projects. He retired from the Defense Ministry in October 2011, having commanded the launching of 20 Israeli satellites.

Eshed,现年87岁,拥有Technion大学的电子工程学士学位,性能研究硕士学位和航空工程博士学位。 1965年,他在IDF情报部的技术部门担任研发职务。 1969年,他被IDF军事情报局派往美国攻读航空工程博士学位。 当他返回以色列后,被任命为情报机构研发部门的负责人, 他以中校军衔退休。 军事生涯结束后,Eshed被聘为Technion太空研究所的教授,并成为1981年成立之“The Challenge Program”的第一位主任,它是国防部“军事,技术和基础设施开发管理局”的一个部门,主要负责卫星项目。 他曾督导发射20枚以色列卫星,于2011年10月从国防部退休。

All of which does not mean that at age 87, Prof. Eshed can’t don a Hawaiian grass skirt and communicate with the Alien base in the depths of Mars. His new book, The Universe Beyond the Horizon – conversations with Professor Haim Eshed, as recorded by Hagar Yanai (published by Yedioth Aharonoth), is available in print at just NIS 68.6, with a kindle version for a laughable NIS 48. An ideal gift for Chanukah.

所有这些光辉履历,并不意味着Eshed教授在87岁高龄时就不能穿夏威夷草裙,无法与火星深处的外星人基地交流(注:这是讽刺Eshed出人意表,谈论外星人信息)。 他的新书《超越地平线的宇宙-与Haim Eshed教授的对话》由Hagar Yanai记录编写,Yedioth Aharonoth出版。其印刷版价格为NIS 68.6,Kindle电子版只需可笑的NIS 48,简直是理想的光明节礼物。

Jewish press新闻描述非常简略,而且通篇阴阳怪气,极尽讽刺之能事。毕竟,它算得上主流媒体,还是不敢轻越雷池。

有朋友向我提供了Reddit的链接,它应该是原采访摘要,被人从希伯来文翻译成英文。里面内容有些多,将近2.5万字符,有助于我们理解Haim Eshed的完整概念,但翻译工作量实在有点大,如果这个新闻能火起来,带动更多朋友关注这个领域的话,我会抽空努力翻完全文。


Part 1 of 4: old.reddit.com/r/ufo/co

Part 2 of 4: old.reddit.com/r/ufo/co

Part 3 of 4: old.reddit.com/r/ufo/co

Part 4 of 4: old.reddit.com/r/ufo/co

See also: "Haim Eshed" (#7) at old.reddit.com/r/HighSt

Source: old.reddit.com/r/HighSt


"A Big Picture View -- A Sweeping View Measured In Many Centuries -- Of The Impact Of The Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Phenomenon": old.reddit.com/r/411Exp

Part 1

Prof. Haim Eshed headed the Israeli space program and led the Ofek satellite launch project. But it was only after he left his official duties that he turned to what really interested him: aliens. In a new book, 'The Universe Beyond the Horizon', he claims that aliens from all over the universe are already walking among us, meetings of the third kind are just around the corner and the 'Galactic Federation' is delaying the publication of the information so as not to cause panic. Now he tells how the aliens prevented some nuclear holocausts, what's really going on at the mysterious farm in Utah and when we can jump in to visit black guys.

Haim Eshed教授领导过以色列航天计划,并曾负责Ofek卫星发射项目。 但是直到他卸任后,才把精力花在感兴趣的外星人信息上。 在新书《超越地平线的宇宙》中,他声称来自宇宙各地的外星人已经行走在我们人类中间,第三类接触即将到来,“银河联盟”推迟了信息的公布,以免引起恐慌。 现在,他谈论外星人如何阻止核毁灭,犹他州神秘农场的真实情况以及何时可以进入那里找到外星人(注:black guys这里指称不明,可能指黑衣人或外星人)

It was a great start to the week. really. On Sunday I left Prof. Haim Eshed's house in an uplifted mood: sometime soon, for sure, we will contact aliens, they will teach us everything they know, science will leap a thousand light years ahead, we can start traveling time-space and jump with the kids to the end In the cluster of Pleiades, 444 light-years away from the solar system - much better than Holon Park - and perhaps even the solution to the Bnei Gantz riddle will be found.

这真是一周生活的良好开端。 我情绪高昂地离开Haim Eshed教授的家,(因为知道):不久之后,可以肯定的是,我们将联系外星人,他们将教给我们所知道的一切,科学将飞跃前进一千光年,我们可以开始时空旅行, 带着孩子们跳到昴宿星团的远端,它距离太阳系444光年。那里比Holon Park更好,也许还可以找到解决Bnei Gantz谜题的方法。

This is the good news.

There is also great news, but let's wait a bit. patience. We have been waiting for thousands of years for a third type of encounter - and this encounter is just around the corner, Prof. Eshed believes that it will happen in his lifetime, and the man is 81 years old - so you will agree to wait until the middle of this article with the excellent news. Hint? This is eternal life, but not in this body - sorry, Neta Alhamister and Aviv Alush; Not in this body. Details later on.


更好的还在后头,但让我们稍等等,忍耐一下。 几千年来我们一直在等待着第三类接触,这种机遇即将来临,Eshed教授相信它将在有生之年发生,而他已经81岁。因此您该会很期待看到文中的好消息。 需要一点提示? 生命是永恒的,但不是指我们的肉体–很抱歉,内塔·阿尔哈米斯特(Neta Alhamister)和艾维夫·阿卢什(Aviv Alush); 我们这个肉身终要消亡。 这点稍后会详细介绍。

I would not bother with the spontaneous burst of joy - what about a burst of joy and Sunday - nor would I stand in my tiny home garden that night and stare at the sky In eager anticipation of I-do-not-know-what - if it were not for Prof. Haim Eshed. Not everyone.

我不是自得其乐的人,如果不是因为Haim Eshed教授,我不会在星期天里瞎开心,然后晚上站在我的后院小花园里凝视天空,急切想要探求“神秘的未知”。 大家应该也是如此吧。(注:这段话还挺难翻译的,我只好根据自己的理解天马行空了,大概应该也不会错得太离谱)

Prof. Eshed is one of the most respected and sharp astronauts in Israel, who headed the Israel Space Agency's Administration at the Ministry of Defense and was directly responsible for planning and developing Israel's satellite program and launching the first satellite, Ofek 1, in 1988, with the specially developed Shavit launcher. Later he was also involved in the invention and development of Israeli drones and drones. And the rest is history, a secret rifle.

Eshed教授是以色列最受尊敬且最聪明的宇航员之一,他是以色列国防部航天局行政部门的负责人,直接负责筹备和开发以色列的卫星计划,并于1988年发射了第一颗卫星Ofek 1, 使用专门开发的Shavit发射器。 后来,他还参与了以色列无人机的发明和优化。 之后就是历史性的贡献,他发明了一种秘密步枪。

What about a pilot, a senior aeronautical researcher and technologist, who won the Israel Security Award and the Chief of Staff's Award, and the aliens? Cascade is by no means a geek from the comic book store that tells you about the flying saucer that landed in his yard yesterday at noon just as he was feeding the cats. No; Eshed is perhaps the most senior responsible adult in Israel in the - let’s say - industry flying things at jet speed for purposes for which silence is preferable.

Eshed可是获得以色列安全奖和参谋长特别奖的飞行员,也是一名高级航空研究人员和技术人员,如果他突然谈论外星人,人们该怎么想? Eshed绝不是漫画书店里的怪胎,会喋喋不休地告诉你昨天中午他喂猫时,有飞碟在院子里降落。不是, Eshed绝对不是这种人,他也许算得上是以色列工业界最负责任的成年人,他习惯于在天上驾着飞机翱翔,更喜欢沉默做事。

But in the last decade, he admits, the aliens have been constantly employing him, and in the last two years the business has already become inflationary; With about 6,000 reports last year of UFOs observed in the West, and with the documentation of the celestial object "Umuamua" in Hawaii - about which Prof. Abraham Leib, head of the Department of Astronomy at Harvard, stated that it was a UFO - Eshed can no longer resist. "Even Harry Reid, the former majority leader in the U.S. Senate, has now given an interview and said: 'Click on the government to publish the evidence it has accumulated over the years. Enough is enough.'

但他承认,在过去的十年中,外国人信息一直困扰着他,而最近的两年里,信息井喷式涌现。 就在去年,西方世界录得大约6,000次UFO报告,夏威夷天文学家观测到名为“ Umuamua”的天体进入太阳系---哈佛大学天文学系主任亚伯拉罕·雷布(Abraham Leib)教授坚持说它其实是UFO。Eshed觉得自己不该再沉默: “就连美国参议院前多数党领袖哈里·里德(Harry Reid)现在也接受了采访,并表示:要逼政府发布多年来收集到的(外星人)证据,信息被掩埋够久,该是公布的时候了。”

Until recently, Eshed actually managed to hold back, but then Trump officially set up the "space arm," and the press was told that the Pentagon's "task force for unidentified aerial phenomena" would begin publishing its findings to the public every six months. At the same time, American billionaire Robert Bigelow's Utah cattle farm "Skinwalker" - a place formerly suspected of being a favorite airport by aliens - has documented several things that no amount of popcorn in the world will be enough to watch.

实际上,直到最近Eshed都成功地保持着沉默。但随后特朗普正式成立了“太空军”,而新闻界被告知,五角大楼的“未知空中现象调查小组”将开始每六个月向公众公布其发现。 同时,美国亿万富翁罗伯·比格洛(Robert Bigelow)的犹他州牧场“ Skinwalker”(曾被怀疑是外星人最喜欢的降落地点)已经记录下几件怪事。真是好剧连连,让世人眼花缭乱。

"Abnormal phenomena have now been documented on this farm," an enthusiastic cascade. "A team of NASA scientists and MIT graduates brought all the possible devices there - cameras, spectrometers, spectrographs, gamma-ray, X-ray, UV, IR, all the fields, and see things I, who have been researching for ten years , I was left with my mouth open. Not just me. I spoke with Prof. Itzik Ben-Israel (the current chairman of the Space Agency) who always grinned a little, and he was also moved. "

Eshed激动地说道:“现在已经在这个农场上记录下异常现象。一个由NASA科学家和MIT毕业生组成的团队,将所有可能的设备带到了那里,包括照相机,光谱仪,光学测量仪,伽马射线,X射线,紫外,红外等装备,几乎覆盖了全部的频谱,然后终于找到了证据。这可是我研究十年的东西啊 ,看到后整个人呆住了。不仅仅是我而已,我还和伊齐克·本·以色列教授(现任航天局主席)谈论此事,他总是那副微笑的表情,但听后也被深深触动。

What did they see there?

"Do you know the term portal in this context? So you see a name that appears UFO - you shoot it in the whole spectrum of cameras, you see the radiation at all frequencies, it goes on!"



It can not be some familiar aerial vehicle?

"No! It shows clear signs of UFOs: insane accelerations, lack of gravity, 90-degree changes of direction at tremendous speeds, deformation. And all the scientists there are in complete shock. "



And what does the UFO do?

"You see the radiation bounce, and you see how a transformative body comes, a light comes out of it at a frequency you can't see with the naked eye - in fact you see nothing when you look normally - but in cameras, at high frequencies, you see that body perform." Mutilation Carnage - draws blood from the cattle on the ground in front of your eyes. "


“您会看到辐射状态改变,然后变出某种形状,光以某种频率从中透出,这些肉眼是无法看到的,实际上,如果你用眼睛盯着看,什么也看不到。但在高频相机镜头下, 你看得到它的形态。然后牛只解体事件开始发生,它就在你眼前,从地面上的牛身上抽血。 ”

What exactly did they see?

"Something like a cloud like that. Like drawing a ghost to children. It's an undefined, amorphous cloud, and the rays emanate from it, and you see the cow twitching. And when it's over everyone runs to the field to see, and there's nothing there, no blood - but the cow's body has a cut "It's like a laser. They took out her organs and drew blood! If they told me that, I would say, 'Sorry, this is a show. But MIT professors and leading researchers have seen and confirmed it, and everyone's shocked. So listen, you have to at least check."


“像云一样的东西,就好像我们给孩子画鬼魂的形状。它是一种不确定的,无定形的云,从那里发出光线,你会看到奶牛在抽搐。当一切结束时,每个人都跑到田野去看, 那里什么都没有,没有血液-但是奶牛的身体被切开了,就像激光一样。 它们拿走牛的器官,抽干血液! 如果普通人告诉我这事,我会不相信地说:对不起,这是一场表演而已。 但那些可是麻省理工学院的教授和著名研究人员啊,他们都已经亲眼看到并证实了这一点,所有人都为之震惊。 因此,听着,我们至少得认真看待它吧。”

[注:科学家在skinwalker牧场的最新研究,我在另一个回答稍微提及,里面有一个小视频,虽然没有这个描述精彩,却也值得一看。我另外收集了几个与Skinwalker 牧场有关的视频,放在文章最后。





Why does Robert Bigelow himself not tell about it?

"He received huge funding from NASA as part of programs that my friends from there are just mumbling about under his nose, and he pledged in writing that everything goes to the Pentagon and is housed there. It annoys him that the Ministry of Defense is not willing to take anything out. "

罗伯特·比格洛(Robert Bigelow)本人为什么不透露这件事?


Well, we'll have to stop here for a moment, because we're just getting started and later Prof. Eshed may say even more far-reaching things, so it's worth mentioning here and now about, let's say, his connection speed at his age; Well, it's absolute.

In fact, Cascade looks much younger and more energetic than his age. His study is laden with books, letters of appreciation and especially countless folders in which he carefully stores yak

Every single article on his business - including, in the last decade, aliens. And he talks about the subject with the same gleam in his eyes with which Richard Dreyfus runs through Spielberg's 'third-type encounters'. In fact, Eshed is currently a kind of Israeli Dreyfus traveling against the direction of traffic on the way to an encounter he knows is about to take place at the foot of a mountain whose shape he unknowingly sculpted in his pile of mashed potatoes.


实际上,Eshed看上去比他的年龄年轻得多,而且精力充沛。 他的书房里装满了书和感谢信,尤其是无数的文件夹,他在其中小心存放着大量信息。

里面有着与他业务相关的每一篇文章---包括过去十年收集的外星人信息。 当Eshed谈论外星人话题时,就好象演员Richard Dreyfus在导演斯皮尔伯格(Spielberg)的电影“第三类接触”中表现的那样,眼神发亮而态度执着。 实际上,Eshed目前就是以色列的Dreyfus,他逆流而动,追求自己认为即将来临的事件。他已来到真相之峰(指电影里的Devil's tower,魔鬼峰,见下图)的山脚下,不知不觉中用土豆泥堆出了它的形状。

The amounts of material and information that Eshed has accumulated on the subject, along with his almost childlike enthusiasm, often cause him to zigzag between different matters and issues in a pattern quite similar to that of an average UFO: rapid changes of direction, far-reaching accelerations, a form that takes time to stabilize.

His determination — even when it goes against what seems reasonable logic or to the perceptions of the "mainstream academy," as he calls it — accumulates throughout the conversation and becomes, at some point, compelling. His new book, "The Universe Beyond the Horizon" (published by Yedioth Ahronoth), co-authored by author Hagar Yanai and serves as a kind of biography that tells the story of his life, devotes all his last and extensive part to Yopology - the study of aliens The materials are serious and authoritative, and do not include explicit references to Alef or Mork from Ork Star. You quickly read these pages in the book and find yourself mumbling at the end, against your good judgment: heck, they're here.

Eshed教授在外星人主题上积累了大量材料和信息,他的热情简直像个孩子,经常使他的思维在不同的事例和主题之间跳跃前进,其运动方式与UFO颇为相似:方向变化迅速, 加速能力无可匹敌,且需要时间才能稳定下来。

在对话中,他的决心不断积累,并在某些时候变得令人信服,即使它与“合理的逻辑”背道而驰,或者与他所谓“主流科学界”的看法不尽相同。 他的新书《超越地平线的宇宙》(由Yedioth Ahronoth出版),与作家哈加尔·亚奈(Hagar Yanai)合著,是一部讲述他一生的传记文,描述他把人生最后的大部分精力都献给了外星人研究。这些材料是严肃而权威的,没有包括Ork 星球里Alef或Mork的话语(注:这是作者幽默的表达,意思是书中内容很严肃,不是在写科幻小说)。 如果您快速阅读这本书的相关章节,将会发现自己在末尾处喃喃自语,因为它违反了您的常识判断:”哎呀,难道外星人真的已经来到这里?”

Part 2

"If I had come up with what I tell you today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized," Eshed knows. "Everywhere I went until today in academia with it, they threw me out. Even though I was a star in other fields, when I got there they said: The guy went crazy. Today they already speak differently, today they say 'interesting' - but changing a paradigm in science is harder than changing a paradigm in Rabbi Kniewski. "

Eshed知道:“如果我在五年前说出今天这番话,那我应该已经在医院里了。 只要我在学术界谈这些内容,他们都会把我扔出来,并说:'这个人完全疯了',哪怕我在其他学术领域算得上一个明星。 但今天他们已经转变了态度,他们会说:'这些信息很有趣'。然而,让科学界改变思维框架,可比让Rabbi Kniewski改变教条困难多了。(注:Rabbi Kniewski是以色列宗教人物)

Are you not risking academically when you are interviewed on the subject now?

"I have nothing to lose today. I have received my degrees and awards, I am honored at universities abroad, and even there the trend is changing and willing to talk about it, even if in many places still say: Listen, make sure the elephant in the room stays in the room, and do not quote us."




Where do you say such things?

"American presidents also testified to that. Truman admitted to seeing a whole bunch of aliens over Washington. Nixon, who was a friend of comedian Jackie Gleason and knew he was crazy about UFOs, told him, 'I'm going to make your life's dream come true,' and took him to base. White-Patterson and showed him the bodies of aliens. Gleason went into depression from that. Eisenhower's granddaughter testifies that her grandfather signed an agreement with the aliens, that they would have a secret landing base here in Area 51 in Nevada, that they could come into contact with a limited number of people, conduct experiments, and that the condition was that they provide us with technologies. For the object to disengage from gravity - R.S.) ".


“美国总统也对此作过证明。杜鲁门承认在华盛顿看到一大堆外星人。尼克松是喜剧演员Jackie Gleason的朋友,尼克松知道Jackie对UFO很着迷,所以告诉他,'我要让你美梦成真',然后带他去White-Patterson基地(注:传说中美军储存飞碟与外星人尸体的地方),并给他看了外星人的尸体。看完后,Jackie就抑郁了。 艾森豪威尔总统的孙女曾作证说,他的祖父与外星人签了一份协议。让外星人在内华达州第51区拥有一个秘密降落基地,可以与有限的人类接触并进行实验,其条件是外星人为我们提供技术,比如教我们如何使物体摆脱重力。

And we got these technologies?

"Yes. We have anti-gravity and other things."

So why are they hiding from us and how can governments and armies in the world be able to cooperate in concealment of this magnitude?

"Not all the governments of the world. There is a group of partners - the Americans, the Russians, the Japanese, the English and the Chinese - all coordinated at a level where it is still forbidden to publish, and those who asked not to publish are them."





Who are they?

"The Galactic Federation."

Is there such a thing?

"It exists. I wrote about it even though it was perceived as a conspiracy theory, but lately former senior generals are also saying to publish, and Trump was on the verge of finding out, and some mainstream professors are also saying: Guys, tell. But the aliens in the federation say: Wait, let's "First calm down, do not post yet because you will see what is happening to you. You are still fighting each other, you will destroy yourself."




“它的确存在。我曾写过银河邦联的内容,虽然被认为是一种阴谋论。但最近一段时间以来,前军方高级将领也说要应该公开相关信息,特朗普几乎都要把盖子揭开了,甚至一些主流教授也在说:'伙计们,快让公众知道吧。'但是,银河邦联中的外星人却说:'等一下,让你们先冷静一下,不要这么快公开,因为您会看到不愿发生的事。 你们人类仍在互相打斗,公开后你们将摧毁自己。'”




Why not come and talk to us directly?

"Because it will create panic and collapse humanity. What will happen? The markets will collapse, there will be nothing to eat, people will become cannibals, hospitals will be shut down, all dark passions will come out, it may be the end - and they are not interested in it. On the contrary, they follow all the time. - And there are a lot of reports about it - after the nuclear events in the world, they monitor all the stations and nuclear weapons bases - I'm willing to give you all the things written - and there were already things they prevented.Know that it's not just luck that the Russians in the Pigs did not use nuclear weapons "The Americans. Someone neutralized it. Without them, I have no doubt that humanity would have already destroyed itself. They want to say to humanity: Children, calm down."


“因为这样将制造恐慌并使人类崩溃。都将会发生什么呢?市场将崩溃,大家没有饭吃,人类沦落为食人族,医院被关闭,所有人性黑暗面会释放出来,结局可能如此悲惨。与之相反,他们一直默默关注我们,已经有很多报道确认此事。人类核爆后,他们监视着所有核电站和核武器基地。我可以为你提供所有书面证据。他们已经阻止了很多事件。你要知道,猪湾事件中,苏联人没有使用核武器,这不仅仅只是运气。(注,这里原文说的有点不清楚,不知是否真的指发生于古巴的猪湾入侵事件)是外星人解除了核武器。 如果没有他们,毫无疑问人类已经毁灭了自己。 他们想对人类说:孩子们,冷静点。”

Why not make contact when they say goodbye and say explicitly?

The UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet. There will be a great rampage of everyone, and what the Inquisition did to guys like Galileo and Copernicus will return. They want to make us sane first and understand. They waited until today for humanity to evolve and reach a point where we would even understand what space and a spacecraft are - think, in World War I we did not even have planes - and they do not want mass hysteria here, with the best example being what happened in 1938, with a sketch. Orson Welles' World War I, and the police collapsed and everything exploded in the streets. And what they say is: first of all, let's stand, that the stock markets will not fall, that there will be no rampage, that humanity will calm down a little. "


UFO要求不要被公开,因为人类还没有准备好。如果它发生的话,每个人都陷入疯狂,宗教裁判所对伽利略和哥白尼这样的人所做之一切也将重现。 他们想让我们先学会理智与理解。 他们一直等到今天,人类持续进化,终于能够理解太空和航天器是什么东西。你想想,在第一次世界大战中我们甚至没有飞机。而且他们不愿地球人类歇斯底里,举一个最好的例子,那是1938年发生的事情,可当作类比。 奥森·威尔斯(Orson Welles)主演的“第一次世界大战”里,警察崩溃了,大街上所有东西乱糟糟。 他们想说的是:首先,我们得站稳了,股市不会下跌,人们不会疯狂,人类需要学会平静下来。 ”

Are we in communication with them regarding the date of publication?

"There is an agreement between the U.S. government and aliens - I can not prove it, I understand it sounds like a conspiracy theory - but the understanding is that the Galactic Federation has nine elements of advanced aliens of various kinds, who have signed a contract with us to do experiments here."

What interest do they have in us?

"There are all the resources here. There is water here in quantities that are nowhere else, there is all kinds of vegetation, all kinds of animals, the ocean."





But as intelligence developed from us, what are we useful to them?

"We are their petri dish. They too are researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers. To this day the petri dish has not been stabilized - but it is estimated that we are reaching this stage: religion accepts their existence - the Vatican has already announced it wants to baptize them; The UN has appointed an ambassador for foreign affairs (Mollan Othman - R.S.);

And brings us closer to them. "


“我们是他们的培养皿。他们也正在研究并试图理解宇宙的整体结构,他们希望我们对此有所帮助。直到今天,我们这个人类培养皿都还没有达成稳定,但是据估计,我们已经到了这个阶段 :宗教接受他们的存在-梵蒂冈宣布要为他们施洗;联合国已任命星际外交事务大使(Mollan Othman-RS);


使我们的发展更接近他们。 ”


Come on, in the present age there is no way such a thing would have been kept secret.

"How many years have you kept the fact that the Earth is not the center of the universe a secret? 1,500 years. Or the 'Manhattan Plan' (US atomic bomb project) - do you know how many people worked there? 150,000 people. How many knew what it was? .


“你想想,我们曾把“地球不是宇宙中心”的秘密保守了多少年?1,500年。另一个例子是“曼哈顿计划”(美国原子弹计划)–你知道多少人参与其中吗?150,000人。 那么,究竟有几个人知道他们在研究什么?

Why, will they kill him?

"Yes. Killed a lot along the way. Everyone who opened their mouths."




You understand that the discussion with Cascade slides almost at any given time into the expected pattern in which you try to stop the flow of a person's speech with a story that requires at least some degree of skepticism. In front of all your "yes, but" there are ten more seeming proofs in the form of articles, quotes, opinions and gut feelings that feel solid. It's still a fascinating discussion, mainly because it's a cascade - one who's fully aware of the conspiratorial ringing, coming from the overlap, of the whole business, and yet he insists there are things - probably flying - in the body.

读者需要明白,与Eshed教授的讨论几乎在任何时刻都会滑入一种预定模式,在这种模式下,你总是试图提出一些质疑,以阻止对方滔滔不绝的演讲。 但在你提出“可是”一词之前,也了解到那里似乎已经存在十几种证据,包括文章,引用,观点,甚至直觉,让你内心觉得对方所说的是事实。这仍然是一个有趣的讨论,主要是因为你的谈话对象段位很高,他对阴谋论有完全的了解,甚至其工作内容与之相重叠,即便如此,他依然坚持相信不可思议之事,比如天上飞着UFO和外星人。(最后一句话意译,可能不准确)

Throughout most of his years, Eshed actually clung to the here and now. The new book tells the story of a child who immigrated with his parents from Istanbul in the difficult 1940s to the border between the Mugrabi neighborhood and Tikva in Tel Aviv, categorized in elementary school as a stereotypical and hopeless product of the neighborhood, paved for a vocational school and accepted, still without a matriculation certificate. In the Faculty of Building and then in Electrical Engineering. The sequel already included a doctorate in aeronautical engineering, development of technological infrastructure and weapons for the intelligence division, and a professional look, when following the peace agreement with Egypt and the halting of the possibility of freely photographing what was happening in Sinai, Eshed came up with the unlikely idea of ​​launching a satellite. Opposition was sweeping, but nine years and about $ 200 million later, Ofek 1 was launched, making Israel the seventh country in the world with the ability to develop and launch satellites.

在他的大部分人生里,Eshed实际上一直专注于现实生活。他的新书讲述了一个孩子的故事,这个孩子(即Eshed自己)在1940年代的艰难时期,从伊斯坦布尔移民到穆加比(Mugrabi)街区和特拉维夫(Tel Aviv)的提克瓦(Tikva)之间的边界,在小学时被归类为该街区没有前途且令人绝望的孩子, 并接受了职业学校的录取,却连入学证书都没有。 之后到建筑学院学习,接着攻读电机工程,而后获得航空工程学博士学位,参与情报部门的技术类基础设施和武器开发。Eshed真正塑造出自己的专业形象,和以色列与埃及达成的和平协议有关,协议终止自由拍摄西奈发生的事情。于是Eshed提出发射卫星的想法,在当时被人认为绝无可能。 所有人都不看好,但九年后,通过耗资约2亿美元,Ofek 1发射升空,使以色列成为世界上第七个拥有研发和发射卫星能力的国家。

Eshed spent the next 29 years in Israel's security space program, and after his official retirement he continued to develop a science curriculum for middle schools - including the actual launch of tiny box satellites by students.


Then, roughly, the aliens began to enter into the routine of his peaceful life, or as he immediately clarifies at the beginning of the conversation: "Space for me is an obsession. When an ordinary person looks at the sky at night he sees darkness and some stars. "Stars that form, things that accumulate - listen, space is Times Square on July 4. Space is a carnival."


Part 3

Cascade believes wholeheartedly in bringing the alien, though he personally admits he has never seen an UFO. ".

How many life forms are there in space?

"There are thousands of stars with conditions similar enough to ours, and serious scientists have identified and documented dozens of life forms - even though the mainstream does not accept it. The closest to us are what we call the 'grays', which are gray creatures with large eyes with them".




Where are they geographically close to us?

"Suppose some of them came from the Pleiades, planets that have living conditions we know about - we can't get there, but they can get to us because they are much more advanced."

Where else in the neighborhood is there life?

"There is an underground base in the depths of Mars, and there are their representatives and also our American astronauts."

How do we know that?

"Do you want articles? There are. But science, until now, does not want to hear."







What do their aircraft look like?

"The large spacecraft is almost the size of a small town. Small spacecraft emerge from it - most of them robotic, manned by intelligent robots. At first they will send such robots, primitive to them, or a message we will have to decipher."

To reach us they need to move at least at the speed of light. What is their propulsion method - rocket? Nuclear?

"No. They have a method of producing a bubble that neutralizes time-space, and the tool does not move - space moves, and this is consistent with general relativity. Take for example an ant that wants to reach from one page to the other. Now let's say I folded the page in two - it moves to the other side "In a second. That's how you fold time-space as well."


“大型航天器几乎相当于一个小镇的面积,里面带着小型飞行器-它们是机器,大多是由智能机器人操纵。首先,他们会送来这些机器作为先导信息,等着我们破译它。 ”

为了抵达这里,他们至少需要以光速移动。 他们的推进方式是什么?火箭? 核燃料?

“不。他们有一种产生气泡能量场的方法,该气泡可以抵消时空限制,飞行器本身不动-只是时空在移动,这与广义相对论是一致的。例如,一只蚂蚁想要从页面一角到达另一角, 我们可以把页面折叠,它就可以一秒内完成。 时空折叠的原理与之相同。”

What do they use to move time-space?

"It's a bit of a complex physics; propulsion is based on dark energy - 25 percent of the universe is dark matter - which allows time-space to be distorted and reach other galaxies in no time. You can create a tiny black hole - that's what Switzerland's particle accelerator does. "It's technologies that sound like science fiction but are out of the question."



And what will happen when they come to us?

"Humanity will connect to the fabric of the universe, and once we connect, our science will leap in thousands of years, we will be capable of anti-gravity, we will be able to move between star systems, religion will lose the control it has today - aliens do not believe in religion, they believe in deciphering the fabric of the universe. "He's math."




Say, why are they always described as relatively short creatures, with long necks and big heads? This is exactly the way the immediate human imagination will see them.

"No. They have all kinds of shapes - they are a function of the star around which they cluster, and some of them can make shape changes."

那么,为什么他们总是被描述为相对矮小的生物,有着长长的脖子,大大的头颅? 这似乎是人类想象力创造出来的形象。


Is it biologically reasonable?

"Yes. Here is an example that you will understand immediately" - Cascade points to the heavy wooden table between us. "It's a table, yes? It's made of atoms. And if the nucleus of the atom is here on the table - do you know where its electron is? Maybe in Rosh Pina, maybe in the middle of nothing. It's quantum theory; the material is empty."


“是的。你可以参考这个示例来理解”-Eshed指着我们之间沉重的木桌。 “这是一张桌子,对吧?它由原子组成。如果我们把原子的原子核放在桌上,您知道原子的电子在哪里吗?也许在Rosh Pina,甚至存在于虚空。这是量子理论; 物质在本质上空无一物。”


But you and I do not know how to turn this table into something else now.

"But we too are energy. Even when we die we do not die, because we are made of molecules and atoms, and we move to another energy. You connect back to the cosmic fabric, to the web, to the connection of consciousnesses. You are consciousness."

She's going to die with me, isn 't she?

"No, forget it. The consciousnesses will not die. All that......Accumulated is added. It goes to the same network - and everything you have gained in your life, the personality, the total of what you have gone through, it accumulates. Stephen Hawking also realized that our consciousness adds to the fabric of the universe. We are building blocks. Step in the way. "


“本质上来说我们也是能量。即使我们肉体死亡,精神不会死去,我们的肉体由分子和原子组成的,肉体死亡后,我们会转变为另一种能量形式,你我将会回到宇宙的构造网络中,那是意识的连接。 记住,你是意识。”


“不会,忘记这个概念。意识不会消失,所有这些……经验会累加起来,然后进入同一个意识网络-包括你在生命中获得的一切经历,体验与个性,它们都将聚集一处形成意识。斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)也意识到我们的意识可与宇宙结构相连接。我们就像一块宇宙的积木。”

Biologists will tell you nonsense, it's all chemical and electrical activity in the brain.

"Bring me proof. Do you know that this is the biggest debate in science - consciousness? They have not summed it up, and there are phenomena that cannot be explained by electrical activity in the brain."



I admit that by this point in the discussion I had already moved all my chips to Cascade's side. I'm with him in this gamble. I'm ready and willing, when the day comes, to reconnect my mind to the general fabric - save me a spot next to Jerry Seinfeld's Consciousness - and I'm anxiously awaiting, along with Eshed, the official announcement of continued engagement with the aliens - it's likely to come through, at least A special announcement by the Prime Minister that Eshed believes that Netanyahu is not in the know. "Most countries are isolated from it," he says. and better this way.

我承认,讨论到这个程度后,我已经将所有筹码都移到了Eshed的一边。 在这场赌博中,我与他同坐一条船。 我已经准备好并愿意,在死亡到来时,将我的意识与宇宙结构相连接,最好在Jerry Seinfeld的意识旁边给我留一个位置。我也准备和Eshed一起等待政府的正式公告,说它们将与外星人继续合作下去。这很可能会实现,比如作为一项总理特别宣告。但Eshed认为内塔尼亚胡并不知道详情。 他说:“大多数国家都被隔离在信息之外。” 而且他认为,这其实是更好的处理方式。

It's too easy - certainly as the last paragraph suggests - to dismiss most of this conversation as somewhat delusional, but Eshed is still the one who has accumulated reliable and impressive enough mileage in his life. From service with the rookie Netanyahu ("I can tell you things that will bring you down") to conversations with Elon Musk ("He's a genius. Sit with him you might feel a little like me - he's a little crazy like that, but he lives things, and his girlfriend, 'SpiceX ', Connected to the issue of aliens ") - Eshed made sure to stay, specifically in his business, with two feet on the ground. "I'm not a space scientist, I'm a space technologist," he explains.

(如最后那段文字所暗示的那样)这个对话的大部分内容很容易被人视作某种妄想,但Eshed并非泛泛之辈,他在一生中完成很多成就,也积累了可靠的信用。 从服务于菜鸟内塔尼亚胡(“我可以告诉你一些让你失望的事情”)到与埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的对话(“他是个天才。坐在他旁边,你可能会觉得他像我-有点疯狂,但是他以自己的方式生活,而他的女友'SpiceX'则与外星人问题息息相关”),Eshed确保自己脚踏实地,特别是在处理业务的时候。 他解释说:“我不是太空科学家,而是太空技术专家。”

Not that he would not pay any amount to go on an out-of-atmosphere expedition. In fact, he says, he was among the candidates to be the first Israeli astronaut, but Ilan Ramon was finally chosen, "and he was supposed to replace me after his return as head of the security space program, and allow me to return to academia."

并不是说他不愿意花费精力进行外空探险。 Eshed说,实际上,他是以色列首位宇航员的候选人之一,但伊兰·拉蒙(Ilan Ramon)最终被选中。“本来按计划Ramon(从STS-107 Columbia项目)回到地球后,将代替我成为太空安全主管(但最后因事故丧生),这样我可以回到学术界。“

Part 4 (last one)

In retrospect you're probably glad you did not fly.

"No, I'm very disappointed. Listen, humanity will not survive here, and if someone does not take care of the environment I will give us less than 50 years. Humanity will die - I hope they (cascade pointing to the ceiling), will not let that happen. Space is our longing To know where we came from and where we are going. ”


“不,我其实很失望。 听着,人类将无法在这里生存,如果有人不照顾环境,留给我们的时间不会超过50年。 人类将会灭绝-我希望他们(他指向天花板)不会让这种事情发生。 太空是我们向往的地方,只有去到那里,我们才知道自己从哪来,到哪去。 ”

But in space tourism you are simply raised to a height of a hundred kilometers and then you return. What else is there to do there?

"Your consciousness changes. If you go out into space you come back different. Your picture is different. Ask any astronaut who has been there."

但是在太空旅游中,您只是将自己提升到一百公里的高度,然后返回而已。 在那里,还有什么可以做的?


(注:宇航员在太空中,可能发生一种意识转变。比如登月宇航员Edgar Mitchell描述,当他在月球上回望地球,产生万物一体的感觉,犹如个人意识提升进入宇宙意识,有一个专有名词“overview effect”,即是描述此现象。Edgar Mitchell回到地球后,成为UFO领域的先驱)

Are you jealous of Eitan Steve?

"He's a wonderful guy, and what happened was that they took and soiled it in a bibistic way. He came up with it and said, 'I want it and I'm willing to pay. There were already five American billionaires before him who went out. So they came and caught him hitchhiking, and the Minister of Science. "He just wanted to have the experience. My heart ached."

您是否会嫉妒Eitan Steve?

“他是一位很棒的人,但他们把太空旅行的动机玷污了。Eitan想出了一个办法,说:'我想要去太空,我愿意付钱。' 在他之前已经有五位美国亿万富翁也有这个打算,Eitan算是搭了便车,和科学部长一起。他只不过是想获得特殊体验。 这点让我很心痛。”

(注:Eitan Steve将于2021年自费太空旅行,进入国际空间站)

Is space tourism at all a scientific matter?

"No, it will end up as a hobby for the rich. What is really interesting is asteroid mining - they have expensive materials in huge quantities, gold and platinum that have already sunk to the center of the globe and the asteroids are still on the surface. You don't have to land on them, you can just reach and anchor next to them. "And cut what you want. And Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are already planning it. It will be a new gold rush."


“不,这最后会变成富人的一种癖好。真正有趣的是对小行星(太空陨石)的开采,那里拥有大量昂贵的材料。在地球上,黄金和铂金已经沉在地底,而小行星的表面就有这些资源。你不必在上面着陆,只需靠近它,并锚在旁边,然后采走你想要的东西。 Elon Musk和Jeff Bezos已经在计划这么做。 这将是新的淘金热。”

What else will happen in the next decade?

"I estimate that quantum computers will reach a level that transcends human capacity in terms of consciousness. It will be superconscious, they will be smarter than us and much more significant than it is now. And the capacity of the computer will advance human consciousness - "


“我估计量子计算机将在意识层面超越人类的水平。它将是超意识的,比我们更聪明,比它现在表现的更加重要。计算机的能力将促进人类意识的提升- ”


At the moment, things seem to be going in the opposite direction, with the polarizing social networks and everything.

"It's momentary. It's like a petri dish that has problems that need to be neutralized. Science needs to be given a chance to work. Today the only thing that keeps us sane is science."




He himself continues to research, advise and work with the Science Center in Herzliya, which transfers the science program to middle schools in six centers in the periphery. His eldest daughter is back in repentance ("in the middle of her doctorate," he sadly announces), the middle son is a startupist, and the youngest daughter, now 39, works in Philadelphia as a capital market analyst.

Eshed本人继续在Herzliya的科学中心进行研究,工作并提供建议,该单位将科学项目带入周边六个中心区的中学。 他的长女back in repentance (他悲哀地宣布:“发生在攻读博士学位的时候”),排行第二的儿子是位创业者,而最小的女儿现年39岁,在费城工作,担任资本市场分析师。

(注:back in repentance不知是不是指过世了?很抱歉,这个词翻了很多词典,可是不知该在这里如何翻译,所以只好留成英文。repentance原意是反悔或悔改,有些宗教上的含义)

This state of affairs has left Eshed, along the corona, devoid of grandchildren visits, and is not accustomed to this kind of disconnect. Married for the third time (the children from his first wife), Eshed finds himself, more than once, misses, but he believes that here too, science is on the way to salvation.

Eshed已经远离官方事务,再加上新近的疫情,孙辈们无法探访,他很不习惯这种孤立状态。 Eshed共有三次婚姻(孩子都是第一任妻子所生),他发现自己不止一次陷于思念的情绪中,但他也相信科学正在救赎之路上。

"Quantum theory says you can be here and there, and you know what Einstein said about quantum theory? Which is the dumbest thing that can happen, but it works," he says. "And that also means we can maneuver in space-time, and while I sit with you here, I can also sit with my daughter in Philadelphia. The granddaughters keep asking where Grandpa is, and that will allow us to be there, really there, not with alternate reality helmets. And you can Embrace your daughter even if she's in another country. Prof. Michio Kaku (Japanese-American physicist, one of the founders of string theory) said: 'We will be able to jump 400 years forward like a frog.' Think about what has only happened in the last 50 years: how many years has there been an Internet? Cellular? Now think in terms of a 400-year leap. "

Eshed说:“量子理论认为你可以既在这里,也在那里,而你知道爱因斯坦对量子理论的看法吗?他认为这是绝无可能的愚蠢理论,但是现在它被证明是可行的。这也意味着我们可以操控时空,当我和你一起坐在这里的时候,我也可以和我的女儿一起坐在费城。外孙女们一直在问姥爷在哪儿,(操控时空)将使我们能够去她们那里,真的在那里 ,而不是带虚拟现实头盔。即使女儿在另一个国家,你也可以拥抱它。日裔物理学家Michio Kaku教授(弦理论的创始人之一)说:'我们将可以向前跃进400年,像青蛙那样。'想一想在最近的50年里都发生了什么:互联网已经存在多少年了?移动电话?现在再想一下400年后的技术飞跃。”

Skinwalker Ranch(UFO牧场)视频:

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第三就是,什么样的家庭支撑的起上门女婿,上门女婿目的性非常强,图的就是一个留后,生下来的小孩比你要重要多了,而且很多时候都是相亲介绍这种,少有自由恋爱,门当户对更不可能,基本上就是女方家里比男方要有钱的多,但你觉得这种女性回找个很差的男人结婚?至少各方面要说的过去。反过来说的过去的男生去做上门女婿基本上也就是图安逸,可如果10年20后很难讲这种没有多少感情基础,为了后代的婚姻会怎么样,女性离婚法律是有保障的,但上门女婿这种有什么保障,十有八九都是净身出户,因为女方的财产肯定属于女方家长的,支配权肯定也是家长手里。现在离婚率快40%了 你有把握赌一把吗



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我凭什么尊重这种狗屁规则?凭什么比我毕业早五年的同事明明没有我优秀,却买到了一座我现在需要三倍价格才能买得起的房子?凭什么那些终日游手好闲、无所事事的深圳农民什么都不做,一天收的房租比我这个勤劳好学的优秀工程师几个月还要多?凭什么那些房东打打麻将,一年房价上涨的好处比我一辈子勤勤恳恳工作还要多?我现在没有钱、没有女朋友、没有时间,很快连青春和希望都没有了,在这种情况下,你还让尊重市场经济和私人产权?凭什么?QNMD,该死的市场经济和私人产权!都去死! ”
























































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  如何评价 2020 年 5 月 13 号发生在巴西的 UFO 事件?从视频条件看是真的吗? 


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