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怎么看待韩国人在外网上说明制汉服抄袭的韩服? 第1页


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要是挑衅的韩国人发言太欠揍的话,还可以后面接上几句 listen to your ancestors, you pathetic creature 或者 read your history, oops sorry, they are written in Chinese, you can't understand. Hahahahaha 最后再加几个爆笑脸的Emoji, 大多数都可以被你给气个半死


Hanfu is not Hanbok

Based on the quotes from Korean Kings and authoritative historical documents. Korea Hanbok is the one that was influenced by China Hanfu, not the other way around. Claiming Hanfu's characteristics and styles belong to Hanbok only shows your ignorance. Hanbok shares similarities with Hanfu because ancient Korea adopted Chinese costumes and headgears. You can use them, but you don't have the right to distort history or claim these Hanfu features as Korean origin. Hanfu is for everyone, but Hanfu is Chinese

1.Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty Volume 36 고종실록 고종 36권 朝鮮王朝實錄 高宗 36卷: AD 1897

“我邦疆土, 係是漢、唐古地, 衣冠文物, 悉遵宋、明遺制, 接其統, 而襲其號, 無所不可"

“우리나라의 강토는 한(漢) 나라와 당(唐) 나라의 옛 땅에 붙어있고 의관(衣冠)과 문물(文物)은 다 송(宋) 나라나 명(明) 나라의 옛 제도를 따르고 있으니, 그 계통을 잇고 그 칭호를 그대로 쓴들 안 될 것이 없습니다”

“The territories of Korea used to be the ancient land of Han and Tang. Our costumes and relics conformed to Song. The kingdom system and structure adopted from Ming. It is rightful and legal to inherit the true name of Greater China and her culture - Joseon Gojong조선고종 高宗”

2.1 History of Goryeo 고려사권 137권 (高麗史 137卷): AD 1392


“부행홍무년호 습대명의복 금호복”(朝鲜读音翻译)

“Joseon Dynasty shall adopt the era name of Hongwu of Ming, wear Ming costumes and headgears, ban Hu Dress”

2.2 History of Goryeo 고려사권 137권 (高麗史 137卷): AD 1392


“병오 다시 홍무(洪武) 연호를 시행하였고, 명(明)의 의관을 이어 사용하였으며, 호복(胡服)을 금지하였다.”(朝鲜现代语翻译)

“Joseon Dynasty shall adopt the era name of Hongwu of Ming, wear Ming costumes and headgears, ban Hu Dress”

3. Taejo of Goryeos' Ten Rules 왕이 훈요10조를 내리다 高麗太祖 訓要十條: AD 943

"惟我東方, 舊慕唐風, 文物禮樂, 悉遵其制, 殊方異土, 人性各異, 不必苟同. 契丹是禽獸之國, 風俗不同, 言語亦異, 衣冠制度, 愼勿效焉"

“우리 동방(東方)은 옛날부터 중국의 풍속[唐風]을 흠모하여 문물(文物)과 예악(禮樂)이 다 그 제도를 따랐으나, 지역이 다르고 인성(人性)도 각기 다르므로 꼭 같게 할 필요는 없다. 거란(契丹)은 짐승과 같은 나라로 풍속이 같지 않고 말도 다르니 의관제도(衣冠制度)를 삼가 본받지 말라”

"We, the East admire the customs of the Tang Dynasty, learn her rite and music, adopt her system and style. People from far land are different from us in terms of humanity, do not try to make them look similar in a subservient manner. The nature of Khitan (契丹) is brutal and bestial, we do not share the same value or language with them, so do not follow their system of attire"

4.Samguk Sagi Volumn 5『삼국사기』권5 『三國史記』卷5 : AD 649

“(真德王) 三年,春正月,始服中朝衣冠”

“(진덕왕) 3년(649) 봄 정월에 비로소 중국의 의관(衣冠)을 착용하였다”

" In the third year of Jindeok, the first month of spring, people in Silla (South Korea) started to wear Chinese-style cloth and hats"

5.Samguk sagi 삼국사기 (三國史記. 新羅本紀) : AD 648


“춘추가 또한 장복(章服)을 고쳐서 중국의 제도에 따를 것을 청하자”

" Gim Chunchu 무열왕 asked the Emperor of Tang for permission to change the traditional cloth of Silla, the country shall follow the Chinese style "

6. 삼국사기 제28권 백제본기 제6 三國史記 卷第二十八 百濟本紀 第六

“高句麗亦以高辛氏之後 姓高氏 古史曰 百濟與高句麗 同出扶餘 又云 秦漢亂離之時 中國人多竄海東 則三國祖先 豈其古聖人之苗裔耶”

“고구려는 역시 고신씨(高辛氏)3)의 후손이라 하여 고씨로 성을 삼았다고 한다. 의 기록에 보인다.] 고사(古史)에 이르기를 “백제와 고구려가 모두 부여에서 나왔다.”고 하며, 또 “진, 한의 난리 때 중국 사람이 해동으로 많이 왔다.”고도 한다. 그렇다면 삼국의 조상들은 어찌 옛 성인의 후예가 아니겠는가?”

“Goguryeo is descendants of Gaoyang Clan, so the surname Gao is adopted. The ancient book recorded: “Baekje and Goguryeo. They all came from Buyeo." It is also said that“a lot of Chinese people came to Haedong during the riots of Qin and Han." Then, how could the ancestors of the Three Kingdoms not descendants of the Chinese ancient saints?”


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图片发不了的情况,让其Youtube 上搜索 “강석준”便可


Lol, according to Korean history, Mongolia, East Russia, China, Iran, Vietnam, Japan, Laos, Thailand, etc were all used to be Korean territories. There are two good alternative words to describe Korean. One is "shameless cultural thief" another is "History Inventor"




Paocai and Sichuan Spicy Cabbage are not Kimchi

Based on the historical evidence and the origin of napa cabbage (Chinese cabbage), Kimchi is clearly influenced by China

1.Napa cabbage (Chinese Cabbage) 배추 is a type of Chinese cabbage originating near the Beijing region of China

2. Original version of Kimchi is based on radish. Chinese spread napa cabbage to Korea and taught Korean how to ferment napa cabbage-based (Chinese cabbage-based) kimchi

3.Paocai and Sichuan Spicy Cabbage are registered in UNESCO

4.China has a record of making fermented and pickle napa cabbage at least 3100 years ago. The earliest record of fermented vegetables in Korea is only 1500 years ago

5.Chinese spread fermented vegetable technique to Korea during its three kingdom era. China wasn't the first country that discovered the fermenting technique, but China was the one that taught Korean how to make pickle and fermented vegetable

6. China has been developing napa cabbage (Chinese cabbage) for thousands of years, there are hundreds of different styles or seasonings. Adding chili is something very common

7. Korea used to be a vassal of China. Chinese taught Korean a lot of things including language, customs, food, and music. Korean history and relics are all recorded in Chinese, Korean cannot read or understand their history today. That is why most Korean mistakenly claimed Chinese culture as their property

8.Saying Sichuan Spicy cabbage is Kimchi is like Americans claiming they invented pizza and chips. You give birth to your parents or your parents give birth to you?

关于食物的题外话,其实泡菜以外还有个地方需要值得警惕,那就是韩国对于饺子的剽窃,现实和电视剧中都已经发生了,比如今年韩国人就会以Mandu和Korean dinner, Korean food等tag标签来剽窃中国饺子。新出的某个叫做《女神降临》的韩剧更是直接把包饺子,中国龙,中国凤等元素潜移默化的盗窃为韩国元素


第一部分是韩国普通民众的露乳装韩服,当时中国服饰只有韩国贵族和上层才有资格穿。古代韩国缺乏染料技术,9成以上的朝鲜人都以白衣为主。还专门称呼自己为“白衣民族”朝鲜/韩语:백의민족,当时韩国美术“颜色匮乏”,洋溢着一种“悲痛美”。回复拿 백의민족 问韩国人为什么称呼自己白衣民族,现在反倒不穿古代为荣的白衣了也有很好的效果。




  1. 高句丽创立者高朱蒙是中国高阳氏的后人,这个朝鲜正史的三国遗事有记载,顺便可以反问下为啥韩国人认中国人当祖宗
  2. 朝鲜人认认高句丽还好,韩国人一帮新罗人后裔认高句丽为祖宗是逗人笑吗?
  3. 随便上张汉朝+高句丽的地图,直截了当的指出高句丽是源自中国汉朝文明
  4. 指出高句丽的三足金乌,女娲,伏羲,青龙朱雀白虎玄武,四象图皆为中国文化,明显就是中国的分支
  5. 指出高句丽的王城遗迹位于中国吉林省,目前已经被世界遗产组织收录




Goguryeo 高句麗 civilization is based on the Han dynasty. The country uses Chinese characters, conforms to Chinese custom, and wears Chinese clothes. The founder of Goguryeo is the offspring of the Yello Emperor of China. The Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Goguryeo is located in Jilin, China

Today, Goguryeo is shared by three countries, China (65%), North Korea (25%), and Russia (10%). Goguryeo enslaved Silla, the ancestor of South Korea. Claiming Goguryeo is a 100% South Korean unique culture is like calling the enemy of your ancestor as your daddy





WTF,Dunhuang is located in China Gansu. You little piece of sh**, son of bit*, fuc* cultural theif. Stealing Ancient Chinese relics and paints to fake your pathetic history and culture? What a kunt.



Okay, so Silla farmer would travel thousands of kilometres to China to graze cattle? Please use your insufficient brain cells to thinks whether it is possible or not, thanks.


PS: 很多人有说雅集图,但其实网上传的那个是朝鲜的雅集图对联,模仿宋代的,所以画风很中国。但你要说的中国的吗?那倒不至于。说模仿中国雅集图倒是可以。林逋那些人我查了查实在找不到,当然也可能是我错了,欢迎之后纠正


Apart from that, do you South Korean even realize that South Korea was initially founded in China Shanghai? Ever wondering how come South Korean Flag has the Chinese Taichi symbol on it? Because the flag design was designed by the Chinese. In April 1882, Chinese delegate Ma Chien-Chung promoted the use of the Yin-Yang spiral in red and blue and eight combinations of the Yi-ching and imposed his views to the Korean delegate Kim Hong-Jip

第八部分,韩国人经常以“东洋风” Oriental Style 的名义到处偷窃中国和日本的服饰和文化,遇到可以回击下面这个图片


  1. 《续资治通鉴》:后亦多畜高丽美人,大臣有权者,辄以此遗之,京师达官贵人,必得高丽女然后为名家。自至正以来,宫中给事使令,大半高丽女,以故四方衣服、靴帽、器物,皆仿高丽,举世若狂。

2. 《张光弼诗集》卷三《宫中词》:宫衣新尚高丽样,方领过腰半臂载,连夜内家争借看,为曾着过御前来。"

3. 《菽园杂记》:“马尾裙始于朝鲜国,流入京师……于是无贵无贱,服者日盛。至成化末年,朝臣多服之者矣。阁老万公安冬夏不脱……。大臣不服者惟黎吏侍淳一人而已。此服妖也,弘治初始有禁例。”




1.先贴第一段我上面收集的过的那些韩国国王语录和正规历史文献,接着把《菽园杂记》翻译过来《Shu Yuan's Note》, 《张光弼诗集》=《Zhang Guang Bi's Poem 》

2. 然后反向质问,强调清楚关系,专门指出中国的例证来自朝鲜国王和权威历史文献,而韩国人那几个所谓例证不过是杂记和莫名的诗集,权重完全不一样

Lol, I am using quotes from your Ancient Kings and authoritative Korean historical documents, Samguk Sagi 삼국사기 三國史記 for example, as reference. Look at you, you need to rely on notes from some random poets. Hahahaha, what a poor cultural thief, it seems like you are unable to find better evidence. If you can't show me authoritative historical like Samguk Sagi 삼국사기 then shut the f**k up.

3. 第三段就是逼问,强行拉其进入我的话语圈里,建议使用强势的语句,比如我就会用 steal, copy这种词语,如果平心气和说古代韩国被中国影响什么的,韩国人会偷换概念,用一些无足轻重的东西试图曲解为韩国影响了中国。但你用steal,copy这种强势词语,韩国人一听会反倒会回答,不不不,我们的历史文献说的是合理引进学习中国文化,才不是偷和抄袭呢。

Answer my questions, you little cultural thief, why did Korean Kings order the kingdom to steal and copy Chinese culture, clothes, customs, system, language, and characters. Your historical documents clearly recorded how they plagiarized Chinese culture step by step. Pathetic country, pathetic people.


  • 《续资治通鉴》:后亦多畜高丽美人,大臣有权者,辄以此遗之,京师达官贵人,必得高丽女然后为名家。自至正以来,宫中给事使令,大半高丽女,以故四方衣服、靴帽、器物,皆仿高丽,举世若狂。


  1. 他的第一段指出“多畜高丽美人”中的"多"“畜”和“高丽美人”点明这段是关于高丽作为元朝附属国向宗主国上贡高丽女性作为性奴,如同畜生一般被元朝有权者享用,那些所谓衣服是作为cosplay性爱的用具,和时尚文化没啥关系。最后反问韩国人怎么连上供自己国家女性作为性奴这种屈辱不堪的历史都拿来作为例证,丢人现眼,难道是想念当日本慰安妇的日子不成?
  2. 他的第二段主要是阐述资治通鉴有294卷,有些是基于流言蜚语,没有参考性,接着反手给出朝鲜王朝太祖李成桂那段著名的“袭大明衣冠”的言论,说类似国王的语录才是可靠证据。
  3. 他的第三段则是说《续资治通鉴》是关于元朝的描述,当时以蒙古服饰为主,和他讲的明朝服饰关系不大。而明朝击败元朝后很快遗弃这些蒙元服饰,明太祖亲自下令恢复唐,宋,汉等时期的服装。后高丽一直作为元朝的附属国,衣物礼仪都大量遵循蒙古,所以明太祖一直以蛮夷称呼。直到李成桂击败后高丽建立了朝鲜王朝,得到明太祖允许引进明朝服饰和儒学才重新获得文明。这才是为何朝鲜服饰像大明的由来,而不是所谓朝鲜影响了大明文化和服饰。李成桂要是听到韩国人这么说一定会在他的坟里rolling


Lol,according to Yi Seong-gye's 이성계 famous quotes: "復行洪武年號,襲大明衣冠,禁胡服" Translation: Joseon Dynasty shall adopt the era name of Hongwu of Ming, wear Ming costumes and headgears, ban Hu Dress.

It seems like your dear King doesn't agree with what you said. Yi Seong-gye 이성계 is rolling in his grave Hahaha


Hahahaha, pathetic, so pathetic, do you have any ideas of what this paragraph is about? See this part? “多畜高丽美人“, "多” means many, “畜“ means livestock 高丽美人 means Goryeo beauties. Can you see the connection now? Many Goryeo beauties as livestock. Goryeo was a vassal of Yuan, and Goryeo King export hundreds of Goryeo beauties to please Yuan nobles periodically. “有权者” means people who have power, which represents Yuan nobles. These Yuan nobles used Korean women as livestock for fun. To put that simply, those exported Goryeo beauties were used as sex pets. It seems like you Korean really miss the days of being Japanese comfort women.

And these nobles really like the way Goryeo dresses on Goryeo woman body + tributary artifacts from Goryeo. Well, these Yuan nobles want some Goryeo cloth imitation, but it is not really associated with fashion and culture, it is more like…..cosplay sex. Proud of your sex slave history?

By the way, Zizhi Tongjian (资治通鉴) contains 294 volumes in total, some parts are based on street gossips, in actual Chinese history, they are only references, not evidence. Do you know what does evidence means? Here is what Yi Seong-gye 이성계, the founder of Joseon Dynasty said: 復行洪武年號,襲大明衣冠,禁胡服. It basically means Korea will ban barbarian costumes and start to wear China Ming clothes and headgears because they are more civilised.

Apart from that, this is not even related to my discussion. Because this statement is about Later Yuan. During the Yuan dynasty, the cloth was primarily based on Mongolian style cloth. After Ming defeated Yuan, the first emperor of Ming, Zhuyuan Zhang soon made an order to restore Hanfu, and Ming-style Hanfu was derived from the Tang, Song, Han, and other dynasties of China.

Guess what, Later Goryeo used to be a vassal of Yuan, its costume style was heavily influenced by Mongolia. Because of this, the Ming emperor only used the word "夷" to call Korea until AD 1392 after Yi Seong-gye 이성계 defeated Later Goryeo and found Joseon Dynasty.

Yi Seong-gye soon visited Ming and asked for recognition from the Ming emperor to help him gain legitimacy. Two kingdom names were also offered, one is 朝鲜,another is 和寧. In exchange, Joseon Dynasty became a vassal of Ming, and Yi seong-gye imported Confucian ideology, Ming costume, and culture to the country. This is the full story of how Korea adopted Chinese costumes and why do they look alike, not the other way around. Can you see that? Yi seong-gye was rolling in his grave when you ignorant Korean tried to invent history, hahahaha.




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