OK 这下百度win11到win99吧的吧主们即将步入win9吧吧主的后尘。
他们说 Internet explorer 是最后一款IE浏览器,然后就有了Spartan计划和Windows Edge
Windows 11宣传片已经出来了,大伙儿知道微软是个什么嘴脸了吧。美国人都是骗子。
Windows X 旨在充分激发 所有厂商硬件 中蕴藏的强大能力,为你打造一个完全整合的系统,让一切都配合得天衣无缝。再配合 DirectX 12*(高达70%的性能提升和50%的功耗降低),令非凡性能全力迸发。它还支持 Continuum 特性,为 2in1s 设备上响应灵敏的 多点触控屏 和 电磁压感笔提供支持,让手势控制,自然书写流畅自然。Windows X 与的硬件的完美合作,能自动下载驱动和更新,让整个系统在巅峰性能。先进的 节能技术 为你带来更长的电池使用时间。另外,Windows 10 专为绚丽的超高分辨率显示屏而设计,其中包括高分辨率的 Full-HD,2k,3k,4k 甚至 8k 显示屏,令你在屏幕上所见的一切叹为观止。
为了打造新一代的Windows X,我们从头开始构建每一点每一滴的使用体验,这意味着深入到用户界面的每一层面,并且专注于大大小小的所有细节。小到每一个像素的位置,大到系统级的架构与应用,5000万行代码,上万个小时的精雕细琢,都是为了让真正强大的东西变得简单易用。我们做了一些明显的改变,比如我们带回了你所熟悉的开始菜单,也带来的全新的通知中心和个人语音助理Cortana。同时,也进行了众多微妙的改进,让你的体验更上一层楼。
构建于坚如磐石的 Windows NT内核 之上,使用众多业界领先技术的Windows X ,旨在连接从小巧的 树莓派到庞大的数据中心 ;从随处可见的手机电脑 到 汇集尖端科技的 Hololens 在内的一切设备。为了将优秀的 Windows X 体验带到所有设备上,我们的工程师们夜以继日,倾尽心血打造了 Windows X for Phone,并让它与 Windows X共享同一个内核与平台。它们甚至能够共同运行专为 Windows X 打造的 Universal Apps 。这一切,带来的不仅仅是轻松畅快的体验,还能助你更多非凡。在通用的 Windows Store 里,你可以找到一切你想要的,不仅仅是应用,游戏,音乐,甚至还有电视节目和电影。对一切情况充满信心,对一切任务应对自如,这,就是Windows X。
Windows 365
Windows 365,Windows when and where you need it.
Install Windows 365 on your PC or Mac, on tablets or 2 in 1s, and smartphones for when you're on the go, and on the web and cloud with Windows Server for everywhere in between.
From home to business, from desktop to web and the devices in between, Windows delivers the platform to get work done.
Windows X 10.1
Windows X 10.2
Windows X 10.3
Windows X 10.4
Windows X 10.5
Windows X 10.6
Windows X 10.7
Windows X 10.8
Windows X 10.9
Windows X 10.10
Redesigned interface. Completely new. Completely Windows.
With Windows X, we set out to elevate the experience of using anything running Windows. To do that, we looked at the entire system and refined it app by app. Feature by feature. Pixel by pixel. And we built great new capabilities into the interface that put need-to-know information at your fingertips. The result is that your Windows has a fresh new look, with all the power and simplicity you know and love.
Continuum. Windows for PCs and smartphones are connected like never before.
Use Windows on a PC, 2in1, tablet and smartphone and you can do incredible things. Use them together, and you can do so much more. Because now Windows enable brilliant new features that feel magical and yet make perfect sense. Make and receive phone calls without picking up your phone. Start an email, edit a document, or surf the web on one device and pick up where you left off on another. Even activate your hotspot on your Windows Phone without ever taking your Windows phone from your pocket or bag.
Even better apps. Do everyday things in extraordinary ways.
One of the best things about Windows is that it comes loaded with state-of-the-art, beautifully designed Universal Apps you’ll love to use every day. In Windows X, those apps give you new ways to do some of the things you do most. The apps you use to surf the web, read your mail, send messages, and organize your files and content have a simpler, more elegant look, and we’ve enhanced them with powerful new features.