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我们现在知道的古希腊文化和遗迹有多少是真的? 第1页


user avatar   gao-wu-fan-44 网友的相关建议: 
For side by side with the policy of clearance and excavation went a sporadic programme of reconstruction of the fifth-century monuments. The most extreme example was the little temple of Victory (Athena Nike), built between 427 and 423 BC, on a parapet high up on the right of the entrance to the Acropolis. This had been completely dismantled by the Turks in 1686 to build defences against the invading forces of the Holy League. It was put together again from scratch immediately after the War of Independence, as the very first major restoration project of the new state. It was taken apart and reassembled again in the 1930s, and is now undergoing its third total reconstruction.In what sense it is the same building as that erected 2,500 years ago is very hard to say.
因为在清理和挖掘计划的同时,还有一项零星的重建(前?)五世纪遗迹的计划。最极端的例子是小胜利神庙(雅典娜·奈姬),建于公元前427年至423年之间,位于卫城入口右侧的高墙上。 1686年,土耳其人为了修建防御工事以应对神圣联盟的入侵而将其完全拆除。独立战争结束后,作为新国家的第一个重大修复项目,它立即从零开始重新组装起来。它在20世纪30年代被拆散并重新组装,现在正在进行第三次全面重建。很难讲它在多大程度上与2500年前建造的那座建筑是同一座。
Mary Beard, "The Parthenon", 2004



顺便,Temple of Athena Nike和Parthenon Temple不是同一座神庙,既然这本书题目是The Parthenon,为什么不接着往下引用关于帕特农神庙的内容呢?





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