Van Halen 是吉他英雄樂隊承前啟後的那一支,從他們以後的硬搖/流金樂隊的吉他手也開始頻繁出個人專輯了~~
嚴格說來,Van Halen 跟金屬的關係不是很大,他們玩的是搖滾,而且是很流行很Teenage的那種搖滾,特別熱血少年范兒的,這在後來八十年代那幫吃喝嫖賭的流金樂隊裡顯得很鶴立雞群,很乾淨,所以這也是為什麼Gary Cherone 能成為Van Halen 的第三任主唱,因為Extreme 這個樂隊也是如出一轍的乾淨~~
Edward Van Halen 華麗的點弦技巧給全世界的吉他手開啟了一片新天地,可以這麼說,Edward Van Halen 和Joe Satriani 這兩個1957年出生的老傢伙就是自八十年代以來電吉他音樂形態的奠基者,我們聽到的以電吉他為主的電聲樂隊流行音樂都是他倆(無意間)確立的方向,Edward Van Halen 常用的吉他solo段落轉調的手法讓他比其他吉他手的音樂更有逼格,他使用的Peavey5150電子管音箱也成為了一代名器~~
但我對David Lee Roth 的雜耍舞台風格和老男孩嗓音並不感冒,儘管我是從《1984》開始入坑的,但那時候Edward Van Halen 已經迷戀鍵盤音色到無可救藥,這時候日後共同開創了Van Halen 輝煌歲月的主唱兼吉他手Sammy Hagar 加入,給樂隊帶來了迷人的煙酒嗓音,還把Edward Van Halen 從吉他手這個位置解放出來,可以在現場演出中盡情過鍵盤癮了,Van Halen 最好的歌幾乎都是出自這十年(1985-1995),Sammy Hagar 在隊時期的作品有一種此前所不具備的人情味,從“Why Can't This Be Love”、“Love Walks In”、“When It's Love”、“Can't Stop Lovin' You”、“Not Enough”這些歌曲中就能感受到那種情感湧動,這在David Lee Roth 時期完全聽不到的,Sammy Hagar 曾經還是個拳擊手,他硬朗的舞台風格和利落的動作跟David Lee Roth 的搔首弄姿不同,這讓Van Halen 的少年力達到了頂峰~~
我到現在都不知道這個天作之合為什麼會選擇分道揚鑣,1998年Gary Cherone 短暫接棒了一張名為《III》的專輯,它既不像Van Halen 也不像Extreme,Van Halen 就此沉寂,直到2012年出了一張不疼不癢的《A Different Kind of Truth》,David Lee Roth 回歸,現場演出再也聽不到Sammy Hagar 時期的金曲,這對於一個十分依賴主唱聲音的樂隊來說是個太大的打擊,黑豹樂隊在竇唯走之後是什麼情況你們後來也都看到了,據說千禧年之後Edward Van Halen 飽受股骨頭壞死的困擾,那些年一直在治病,萬幸的是病治好了~~
只要這幫老傢伙們還健健康康活著,我就很滿足了,去年的科幻電影《頭號玩家》開場使用了Van Halen 的“Jump”,在影院裡我都哭出來了,那是屬於我們美好的八十年代的印記~~
World turns black and white
Pictures in an empty room
Your love starts fallin down
Better change your tune
yeah, Reach for the golden ring
Reach for the sky
Baby just spread your wings
We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb
We'll get higher and higher leave it all behind
Run, run, run, away
Like a train runnin off the track
The truth gets left behind
And falls between the cracks
Standing on the broken dreams
But never losing sight
You'll just Spread your wings
We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb
We'll get higher and higher leave it all behind
So baby dry your eyes, save all the tears you've cried
Ohh that's what dreams are made of
Cause we belong in a world that must be strong
Ohh that's what dreams are made of
Yeah, We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb
higher and higher leave it all behind
Oh, We'll get Higher and higher who knows what we'll find
So baby dry your eyes, save all the tears you've cried
Ohh that's what dreams are made of
Oh Baby, we belong in a world that must be strong
Ohh that's what dreams are made of
And in the end on dreams we will depend
Cause that's what love is made of