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在潜艇中生活是怎样一种体验? 第1页


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《深海利剑》哈哈,瞥了两眼剧情,太特么装逼啦!不过看着有人认真看的样子,嗯~压抑不住的暗爽呢 下面是原答案





空气很差, 潜艇是个大铁壳,很有限的两三个出风口,出海的话还必须都关着,里面柴油机若干,液压装置若干,电机若干,轴承若干,水路油路无数,基本想想你家汽车把发动机舱和驾驶室打通,那个温度湿度加空气质量,艇上待两个小时出去的话身上就有一股味的,是所有军舰几乎共有的一股味道,工资有一项是有害气体补助,我们有名目繁多的各种拿命换的补助。还有几十个人在一个封闭空间里吃喝拉撒,那个酸爽!





















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Quora 上的答案,美帝洛杉矶级攻击核潜艇上的声纳操作员答复的,懒得翻译,讲几个重点好了





Steve Jacobs

, Submarine Sonar Technician - STS1(SS)


Cramped, sometimes boring, hard work, fun, rewarding, scary, aggravating and totally worth it.

I was part of the original crew for two 688 class attack boats (USS Baton Rouge and USS San Francisco) and I was there when the boats first went to sea and made their initial dives. When I was first assigned to the Baton Rouge, my life consisted of learning everything I could about the boat and all of its systems so I could earn my "dolphins" and be a real member of the crew.

That was in addition to learning my job in Sonar, field days, getting sleep here and there, standing topside watches when in port and Sonar watches at sea.

Once you earn your dolphins, your life gets a bit easier. After you stand your regular watch at sea, you take care of any tasks, like doing regular maintenance on equipment, then you're free to read, watch movies, or sleep. We had regular drills that trained us how to react to pretty much any emergency and since it was during the Cold War, did 'interesting things' that we still keep secret to this day.

Watch rotations at sea usually followed a "6 hour on, 12 hour off" schedule, so you quickly lost track of whether it was day or night and the only way to tell was by the meal being served (if it's breakfast, it must be morning). If your watch station was shorthanded, you got to stand what was known as "port and starboard" which is 6 on and 6 off.

Since there were usually more bodies than racks (bunks), three junior members of the crew were assigned to two bunks, so when one guy's getting up to go on watch, someone else jumps into the still-warm bunk, hence the name "hot racking". We would sometimes install temporary bunks in the torpedo room to expand available bunks, but you'd have to learn to deal with the constant light and noise of the people around you and most people learn how to fall asleep anytime and anywhere.

Life on nuclear subs was significantly easier than the diesel boat sailors had it. Since we had virtually unlimited power, we could purify enough water every day so everyone could shower and wash their clothes, plus some of that water was split into hydrogen and O2 using electrolysis. We kept the O2, but discharged the H overboard. We also had the ability to scrub CO, CO2 and any hydrogen that may have come from the batteries (yes, we have batteries in case the reactor shuts down while we're submerged).

The ability to stay submerged for very long periods of time means that you may be underwater for weeks or even months on end. After a while, being cooped up inside a steel tube with a hundred or so stinky, crusty sailors makes you kind of antsy, so we work off our anxiety to get back home by acting up and pranking one another. "Half-way Night" is a hallowed tradition in the submarine force where we officially get to go a little more nuts than usual.

"Periscope Liberty" is sometimes your only chance to see the open skies and catch a glimpse of the outside world. As a Sonar Supervisor, I could wander out to control while we were at periscope depth and look out one of the scopes while we were copying our radio traffic.

One thing that you notice when you get back home is that the outside world smells funny. Being cooped up for long periods of time with sweat, foot stench, amine (used in the CO2 scrubbers), diesel fuel and stale farts skews your senses and it takes a little while for things to smell right again. A submarine has an odor that no crew member will ever forget.

One thing about being a qualified crew member is that you have utter trust in your shipmates and know that they've got your back and will rise to the challenge if 'bad stuff happens'. Although I only spent 6 years in the Navy, I'm proud to have served on attack subs, probably one of the most challenging environments ever.

Because we've shared in the challenges of submarine life, the camaraderie of a submarine crew is amazing. Many of us are still in touch with our shipmates and nearly all boats have regular reunions where we fall back into our friendships as if we'd never been separated.

One benefit that's stayed with me my entire life is that I can learn nearly anything I put my mind to and completely excel at it. Your entire existence on boats is learning how to learn and to never fail at anything you take on.


Allen Inks

, 8 years US Navy, with 4 years aboard USS Ethan Allen (SSBN-608 (B)) EM-1(SS)





Different at different times. I served on Ethan Allen, a missile submarine, where mostly we went out from Guam and got "lost" somewhere in the north Pacific (I never tried to learn precisely, but it was cold enough to require several blankets to sleep). I worked in the engineering spaces (mostly) and standing watch in the lower level Aux 2 feedwater station, watching gauges that never moved much, with no one else around, and loud pumps going so you had to wear hearing protection, and couldn't hold a real conversation with any roving watches that happened by.... that was B.O.R.I.N.G. usually. On the other hand, being in Maneuvering (Engine Room Control Room) during drills and starting up and shutting down generators, or answering BACK EMERGENCY s on the throttle panel (which had valve operating wheels linked by articulating shafts to the forward and reverse throttle valves on the Maine Engine Turbines) was exciting as heck. But those exciting moments were the exception rather than the rule. After I got out of the Navy, I was a Nuclear Supervising Operator (Control Room Operator/ Senior Reactor Operator) at Detroit Edison's Enrico Fermi 2 Nuclear plant. I found the environment to be similar to normal patrol operations - mostly nothing happening but watching and taking logs, in an industrial environment but remaining conscious that you have some pretty awesome responsibilities. The difference was that instead of a 10 mile commute back to my wife, I had a 100 foot commute back to the mess decks for some food and a movie or some maintenance work when I was on submarines.

It was intersting to watch what some guys did to cope with boredom. One guy was into Korean martial arts, and had a bag of rice that he stabbed his hand into for hours to develop muscles and callouses. There were a lot of exercisers, and a lot of readers. One guy tried to poop in long strand looping around the bottom of the toilet bowl, and kept a log book of the length of each bowel movement - I think he cross-referenced to his diet... but mostly I try not to think about it at all.

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