There are a lot of unanswered questions at the end of Avengers: Endgame. Hopefully we answer them in Spider-Man: Far From Home. The world is looking for the next Iron Man and Peter has to decide if he's ready to step up and be more than a neighborhood hero. In Homecoming Peter said to Tony "I wanted to be like you" and Tony said "I wanted you to be better." I want people to wonder what that would look like.And this time,Peter has a cool older brother and a new mean step dad.
漫威如果这么做就是玩火。很简单,蜘蛛侠不是alpha male. 而且演员的体型和脸型决定了无论怎么编剧都造不出alpha male的形象。
当然,漫威现在如日中天可以任性。但一旦DC步入正轨便可以选择两位alpha males 痛击蜘蛛侠。